20 th July new group



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Had a problem with some (okay many) Oreos last night. I did two Walk Away the Pounds 5 Mile DVDs to do some damage control. I didn't do any challenges.

    Other than that, had a great day.
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    This is gonna be a hard week again... I"m going to have to get up early to get to the gym tomorrow and thursday or to exercise at all... tomorrow I work from 8-5, class from 6-10..thursday is the same schedule... Friday i'll be able to get to the gym after work.. I work 7-3, class 6-10...so hopefully i'll be able to lose something friday..
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member

    Just want to say once again how glad I am that I found MFP...keeps me inspired! I think I'm addicted..LOL

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  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    It is hard to fit an exercise time, richelle! When you find the time you are exhausted. I am back at work and need to get back into working out. I have been doing a lot of cleaning at work. It keeps me busy but it is not enough to count as a workout!:tongue: I will work out tomorrow, Friday and Saturday...richelle you can work out on Friday and Sat. too!:wink: Don't give up! Don't get yourself too tired...your days are really long.
    Spiragirl71, you rock!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    Even though I haven't lost much. I feel already a lot better. The exercises do me a lot of good.
    I really want to see a difference on the scale soon but tonight i want to do measurements, I think that there is a change.

    Have a good day everyone!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Richelle-that is one crazy schedule this week!! Kudos for getting up early to goto the gym!

    Rsabey- How is your neck feeling? That Shred DVD is tough!! You did better than I did with level 1!!

    Chrissey-I love MFP! There is always something new for me to learn on here.

    Patty-How did your measurements go? I'm glad you feel better since you started this thread.

    Eava-What kind of workout did you do today?

    Last night I did a Turbo Jam 20 minute workout. When I ordered the Shred DVD, I also ordered one called 10 Minute Solution: Dance It Off & Tone It Up. I did that one last night too. It was 30 minutes of cardio and 20 of toning bands. It was so much fun. I'm very clumsy and uncoordinated. I was giggling the entire way through it. It did keep me in the cardio zone the entire time though. The video is broken up into 10 minute workouts so it went by very fast. You can also mix and match them or only do one. I did the whole DVD just to check it out since I was trying to work out an hour anyway. At one point my husband came downstairs and was dancing behind me during one segment that I was backwards and stepping all over myself. I said "I've never done this one before". He laughs and said "I can tell!". It was fun though. I worked up a sweat though and burned a lot of calories.

    Today is my rest day. I am going to try to take a walk at lunch. My new food addiction of the week is eggplant. I bought some on Saturday and have had them every day.

    Have a great day!
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning Girlfriends,
    Ive been doing good on the food choices.
    Spiralgirl.....I could never eat just one oreo. Thats why there are none in the house. Good for you stopping before the bag was gone. I am a sugar addict and once I get started its all over. I find it best to keep south beach bars in the house. They satisfy my craving.
    richelle...college and work is a crazy schedule. Fit in what you can and dont worry about the rest.
    rsabey....remember to ice right after your injury ....then later heat. Hope you are feeling better.
    Hello to you to Chrissey.

    Have any of you watched "Dance your *kitten* off" on the Oxygen channel? Its very entertaining and shows you that even being heavy you can accomplish cance moves. I love that show.
    Good day to all
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have a had a rough couple of days working 12 hours each day, this of course led to old habits and not working out and I am up over a pound this week all ready. So, today I got up early, ate a good breakfast and packed my gym bag so I can no near work instead of going home first so there are no excuses. Glad to read everyone is having a good week.
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good for you angela, .....getting back on track is the best thing to do....we are all not perfect and slip up now and then. WE are not quitters!!!!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Okay, I didn't rest today. I will tomorrow. Got in a 2 mile walk at lunch. Did 50 minutes of cardio (same stuff as yesterday) and then I did 40 minutes of sculpting. Tomorrow resting for sure.

    I caught a couple of episodes of Dance Your *kitten* Off one weekend. It was a much better show than I expected it to be. I haven't seen it since then though.

    Learned my lesson on the Oreos. Bought them for the "kids" because they were on sale. Yeah...that didn't work out very well. :grumble:

    Good night!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Lets talk about evening snacks
    What is it you girls eat
    If I know i will be alone I make my self a small platter with
    cauliflower, carrot, cucumber, cherry tomato
    in the center i put a small bowl with yoghurt, raw garlic a bit of salt and pepper
    low in callorie and nice to nibble on

    Can you share with me your evening snacks!!!

  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    well, i have to say I did not get up early enough to go to the gym... i'm glad i didn't either. Work was ridiculous today.. I got my exercise in while working. my housekeepers basically didn't do well at all today so i had to pick up their slack when they skipped out because they had appointments and people to take to practice "scheduled".. they of course tell me this at the last minute...needless to say i was RUNNING down halls to get rooms finished while people are trying to check in. My boss' actually had to finish checking rooms because I left work at 5, ran home to shower, then got to class by 6.. The only reason i like doing housekeeping is that I get a great workout :D tomorrow i'm not incharge of housekeeping, i'm just cleaning rooms, so another fabulous workout there.. so hopefully i won't be rushing home to shower then rush to class, like today.
  • dawnndamen
    Just wanted to check in and say hi to everyone! Keep up the good work!!!

    :flowerforyou: to all of us!!
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Great question Patty

    I am also interested in the answers..I crave salt...and I LOVE chips and I know I can't have those...so I usually have popcorn...It always seems I have in the 2-300 range of calories left at the end of the day so it allows me 1/2 to 1 whole bag...sometimes I will have tostitos bite size chips and a few tablespoons of salsa...

    Richelle..I did housekeeping for years at a hospital...very physical job...it is a great workout...but exhausing...

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  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi everyone i got in a very good workout yesterday 66 mins on treadmill and a 55 min dvd plus i had to cut the grass,
    at night i'v trying to just eat fruit or yogurt something low cal.or sugar free pudding.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Patty- I don't usually snack in the evenings. I get home around 5pm and dinner is ready by 6. I wait an hour then workout and tend to kids and chores. I'm not usually hungry after that.

    I do take all of my vitamins and suppliments at night. Sometimes it upsets my stomach. Then I'll have a slice of whole grain bread or some crackers to absorb some of the yuck.
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Since I have been dieting.....I only have a sugar free pudding for a late nite snack and if crave something sweet I have a cup if tea as I like it with splenda. Either ice tea or hot tea ...both work for my sweet craving.
    It is best for me not to eat too late.
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Learned my lesson on the Oreos. Bought them for the "kids" because they were on sale. Yeah...that didn't work out very well. :grumble:

    Don't be too hard on yourself...I love Oreo's and fortunately when I do buy them I only buy the small 4 packs of them or else I would eat an entire bag of them...I get the kids to give me just one and then run quick or Mommy is gonna eat them all on you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: They think it's a fun game little do they no:wink:

  • txjenn1
    txjenn1 Posts: 24
    I hope everyone is having a great week. It's hot here - too bad the weight you sweat off comes right back! lol

    Patty - I am like Chrissey, I love salty snacks so I usually snack on popcorn in the evening, you can get the 100 calorie packs. I am also a peanut butter addict so sometimes I just have a tablespoon of peanut butter if I'm craving something sweet.

    Angl - I love Dance Your *kitten* Off. It looks like it's a fun show to be on. Right now I'm not sure who I'm rooting for to win because I like all of the them.

    If anyone is in need of a good workout, my house needs cleaning! Come on over! :laugh:
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    well did 6.5 hours of housekeeping then did a half hour of stationary bike and calisthenics after work... did my weigh in today for tomorrow as tomorrow is gonna be jammed packed.. I'm down to 186! I lost 2 lbs!!

    ps... LOVE Dance your *kitten* off.... right now i'm really rooting for Reuben and Pinky, reuben is doing awesome and Pinky just as such a drive that i love!