eating breakfast?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am not a morning person. I'm rarely hungry when I first get up and on work days I sleep as late as possible without actually being late to work. I have a glass of soy milk and that often keeps me going until lunch. If I get hungry before lunch, I have a snack. Usually a low sodium V8, piece of fruit, or maybe a granola bar. I have always eaten more in the evenings than in the mornings, which seems to make sense since I sit at a desk all day and I'm busy in the evenings (exercise, housework, etc.)
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    hardboiled egg and a banana
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat a Special K bar when I get to work. I'm not hungry until then. It holds me over until I have fruit as a snack later in the morning.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    My breakfast varies, so that I don't get bored. I eat between 8:30 and 9:00 when I get to work.
    I always have a yogurt. Low fat, no sugar added.
    Then I will have 100% whole grain quaker oatmeal. I just bring a packet or two to work and make it here.
    And mid morning I will have an apple.

    Or, I will have scrambled eggs or egg whites and a yogurt and then apple mid-morning.
    If I'm in a hurry in the morning, I grab a couple eggs and bring them to work. I will mix them in a bowl and pop them in the microwave at work to scramble them.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am seldom up early enough to consider it breakfast, but I tend to have a small banana with a tbsp of peanut butter, and 100g of cottage cheese. I really, really want to be able to have oatmeal but oats seem to cause me the most terrible bloat and gas, really annoying. And I cannot risk keeping most other cereals in the kitchen as I have a tendency to stuff several bowls down before bed if they are there.
  • One of the very few things I have changed in my diet is that I now eat breakfast. I have a package of Quaker oats oatmeal. I cant say I am in love with it but it is growing on me, and gives me what I need to get through the morning without going to the store and buying a bag of something for an energy boost.
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    Hum, I have my breakfast around lunchtime usually! And it's something meaty mmm

    that sounds like lunch...

    Wellll then I guess I dont eat breakfast :p

    I don't want to preach (but I'm going to ;))

    EAT BREAKFAST!!! you're starving yourself of nutrients

    I do eventually get it all in, just later in the day :)
  • i have a microwaveable soup mug that I put in 1/2 cup egg whites, and then some veg.. either sweet peppers or asparagus. Then i microwave when i get to work and eat while i'm sorting through emails. Makes a great eggwhite omelette in a mug... that and a LIberte Greek 0% yogurt.
  • Brevans04
    Brevans04 Posts: 18
    My son gets up at 5:00am and I have always eaten breakfast if I dont then I feel like crap when I try to go to the gym later in the day. At 5 I have a low fat yogurt and a cup of coffee (which is good for your metabolism), then when he gets back up for the day at 8:30/9:00 I have an english muffin with a laughing cow cream cheese spread, and if Im starving jimmy dean turkey sausage, then Im normally not hungry until 12:00. I stop eating for the day at 5:00/6:00.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Hum, I have my breakfast around lunchtime usually! And it's something meaty mmm

    that sounds like lunch...

    Wellll then I guess I dont eat breakfast :p

    I don't want to preach (but I'm going to ;))

    EAT BREAKFAST!!! you're starving yourself of nutrients

    I do eventually get it all in, just later in the day :)

    do a little research on the topic 'why breakfast is so important,' on google or the like. you will see about 10,000 medically founded articles on it.
    it's not that you don't get the calories, it's WHEN you get the calories in the case of breakfast. it supplies energy that has been lost because of the lapse between your last meal (hence the term 'break fast,' you're breaking the fast)

    anyway, maybe you'll take the advice, maybe you won't.
  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    My two favorite breakfasts:

    1] Poached egg (1-2), english muffin w/ butter, applesauce. (approx. 300cals)
    2] Toasted slender roll (those skinny bun things) with peanut butter and banana (approx. 290cals)
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    Turkey Bacon and 2 small butter milk pancakes, Total of about 280 calories
  • StephL0711
    StephL0711 Posts: 141 Member
  • Turkey Bacon and 2 small butter milk pancakes, Total of about 280 calories
    Turkey Bacon is alright...but lets get some whole grains in there.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I start with like a teaspoon of peanut (or almond) butter, whether I want it or not when I wake up. First thing - within the first 20 minutes. That reminds my body that food is a good thing, and it almost always makes me eat breakfast!
  • Leonzu
    Leonzu Posts: 10 Member
    I have fruit salad and a coffee first thing.
    Around 10am I'll have a bowl of porridge with banana OR Bran Flakes.
  • GBird72
    GBird72 Posts: 3 Member
    I have steel cut oats, eggs, whole wheat toast, yogurt, walnuts with a chopped apple and oranges. I may not have all of them the same day but that is a routine. I am retired and have plenty of time to prepare.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I have pondered this question.. I love breakfast as I wake up hungry..BUT I have noticed if I wait until later to eat I personally don't get as hungry all day. I really think it has to do with your sleep patterns and habits.What if you worked third shift or have a sleeping disorder..they try to put you into a pattern that is normal but we all aren't normal. I have to know later in the day I will eat, so My much cherished big breakfast routine when I am on a diet has to slow down or I add too many calories through the day. Drinking water first thing gets the ole' organs functioning and while on a diet, I say listen to your body, it will tell you when its time to eat you just have to not gorge it all at once because you skipped a meal. I understand people that are proned to gain weight have to eat or their body goes into starvation mode and hordes fat.. makes sense but its hard to eat when you are not hungry..perhaps just a piece of rice toast or something small just to say you did it no matter what the time of day, :wink:
  • Megz1217
    Megz1217 Posts: 1 Member
    I like to sleep as late as possible, and I'm not a breakfast person, but find that by the time I get to work, I'm hungry.

    I usually take 1 cup of Honey Nut Cheerios to work with me, and then keep milk in the fridge, so I eat that around 730-8am.

    Then around 930-10am I have a yogourt, either a 0% Fat or Greek depending on what I have in the fridge.

    On the weekends, when I'm home and have a little more time, I usually have a an egg, fried in a little butter, on a piece of whole wheat toast with a slice of cheese.

    I'm a tea drinker, so I have a tea with a little milk, no sugar, and when that's done, water!

    I also keep a box of Quaker Instant Oatmeal at work for those mornings I'm running really late and don't have a chance to grab Cheerios.