MFP Runner's Club



  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Welcome aolson, we have several marathoners here to help. Yes, it is tiring but it is SOOO worth it. Hang in there. Is it a fun one you are doing? Just curious.

    I am running the Munich Marathon on Oct 11th. Would anyone like join me in Germany this fall?

    Yep, that would be a fun one! I will be in Europe in September and again in late October so I have been looking at the Marathon calendar over there. Munich should be great, but.... ya know.... be careful about that whole Octoberfest thing!!.... make sure it's gatorade at those aid stations :drinker: :drinker:

    Heck with Gatorade :drinker: -- that's why I'm thinking about doing a 10k on Halloween -- it's sponsored by Blue Moon Beer -- and then the Shamrock Marathon is sponsored by Yuengling -- do you see a trend here!!! :drinker:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Woohooo -- just checked and my Garmin is "OUT FOR DELIVERY"! Should be waiting for me when I get home. Oh how I love new toys! I was going to take tomorrow off -- but NOW I will probably have to go out for a short test run!

    I'm jealous! I am saving up for one--hopefully this fall. I'm sure you mentioned it previously on a post, but I am not caught up on the last couple of weeks, so I'll ask--how are your Asics working out for you?

    Thanks for asking Jodi -- I am loving my Asics. not sure how long they'll last -- I'll keep you posted. but so far no blisers and no pain so I'm thinking they are keepers!!!

    As for the Garmin -- it is quite possibly smarter than I am!!! I am still trying to figure it out. I was going to take a day off today but had to test it out. I think I did about 3 miles -- but all the while pressing buttons:bigsmile: hopefully by my next run I'll actually get some data that doesn't include me driving my kids to daycare!!!
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I'm training with a local running club with the thoughts of doing a Marathon in December. Two weeks ago we did a 13 mile run. With a couple of miles left to go my legs started to really hurt. They weren't cramping...I don't know what it was. And they hurt for about an hour after the run...but then they were fine.

    Anyhow we are doing a 15 miler this weekend and I'd like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how to do this run without my legs hurting so much. I'm new to running so I still have a lot to learn - any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Jtinx -- I'm no expert by any stretch (so hopefully some of the more seasoned runners will reply) -- but I did read that you need to take some breaks along the way. That you get lactic acid build-up and by taking some walk breaks it makes it better. I did 14 or so last weekend and we stopped several times -- just for a small break -- and it helped a ton -- no cramping or leg aches. Hope that helps. If I find the article on Runner's World I'll post it.

    good luck on your long run!!!
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Jtinx -- I'm no expert by any stretch (so hopefully some of the more seasoned runners will reply) -- but I did read that you need to take some breaks along the way. That you get lactic acid build-up and by taking some walk breaks it makes it better. I did 14 or so last weekend and we stopped several times -- just for a small break -- and it helped a ton -- no cramping or leg aches. Hope that helps. If I find the article on Runner's World I'll post it.

    good luck on your long run!!!
    Thank you...I was taking walk breaks though. I was running a 3:1 run/walk ratio. That's why I'm kind of confused as to what was going on.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    kelynn~ if I send you a running partner, could you send some cooler weather?:tongue:

    Yes!! I can do that!! :bigsmile: It's in the 80's here- will that work for you? It's been very humid, but we haven't had a day over 90 since April (when I actually was on a cruise in the Caribbean). :noway:
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning! Got in a fast (for me) 4 miles this morning. I actually ran the 2 middle miles at a 9 minute mile pace. I love running at the track! Between the new surface and my new shoes, it is downright springy!

    Julie--glad your new shoes are working out. Mine usually last a good 4 months depending on the surface I run on, but I imagine your weekly mileage is more than mine. Good luck with that Garmin!

    The countdown begins--2 weeks until I get to escape the TX heat and hit the pavement in Colorado for a month! The altitude will probably kill my lungs, but, oh!, the cooler/humidity free air is going to be glorious!

    Awesome day to all!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    A 10K sponsored by Blue Moon??? That my beer of choice :drinker: :drinker: I love that beer!

    Where is it??

    jabdye-liking where you are going with this whole run=drinking beer!

    Rest Day for me!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    gustergirl -- it's in Va. Beach on Halloween!!! What better way to end a race then a cold beer!

    It's the Blue Moon Wicked 10k -- -- check it out -- that's not too far from PA :)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Welcome aolson, we have several marathoners here to help. Yes, it is tiring but it is SOOO worth it. Hang in there. Is it a fun one you are doing? Just curious.

    I am running the Munich Marathon on Oct 11th. Would anyone like join me in Germany this fall?

    Yep, that would be a fun one! I will be in Europe in September and again in late October so I have been looking at the Marathon calendar over there. Munich should be great, but.... ya know.... be careful about that whole Octoberfest thing!!.... make sure it's gatorade at those aid stations :drinker: :drinker:

    Heck with Gatorade :drinker: -- that's why I'm thinking about doing a 10k on Halloween -- it's sponsored by Blue Moon Beer -- and then the Shamrock Marathon is sponsored by Yuengling -- do you see a trend here!!! :drinker:

    Blue Moon and Yuengling? Only my two favorite beers. :laugh: And where are they again?
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    gustergirl -- it's in Va. Beach on Halloween!!! What better way to end a race then a cold beer!

    It's the Blue Moon Wicked 10k -- -- check it out -- that's not too far from PA :)

    I have a daughter that lives close to VA beach....I would love to go up and visit her and maybe check this out. I don't know if I'd be ready for a 10k by then though. I'm allergic to beer so that wouldn't be much of an incentive for me :happy:

    Planning on running 5k tonight - my usual run at a normal pace. I am still a little sore from my tempo run the other day so I think I might take it a little easy tonight.

    I am so ready for new shoes. I just have to work my husband up to the idea lol. He thinks I have a shoe problem. Ok, I have to admit that I just bought 6 pairs of shoes (work shoes - I work in suits so I wear heels) for $30...but it was only $30! I mean really....I need different colors and styles for work :happy: But running shoes are different! He used to be a runner so I'm sure that I won't have to convince him too much.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Today was a 12 miler for me. My training partner and I started extra early (pounding pavement at 5:30am) but still didn't beat the heat, by 7:30 it was already scorching hot into the high 80s. Nonetheless, it was a great run; no aches or pains and my legs are still feeling great. I need to continue to work on the nutrition and hydration aspects of long runs, because beyond mile 8 I found myself struggling to keep pace and felt drained of energy.

    Thanks for all the positive comments!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Well I have a concert to go to Halloween night so thats out BUT I really like the Shamrock Marathon so maybe that needs to be a MFP Runners Club event! There is even a half marathon so if needed we can do that!! :laugh: Lets get a plan going!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    going down with a knee injury from playing basketball = borderline stupidity
    sitting out almost 4 weeks recovering = fits of boredom and pent up energy
    making my triumphant return during the dog days of summer in St. Louis = hey, where did all the oxygen go? no really, i can't breathe...uh oh...slowly...falling...oh man, that curb is going to hurt...
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Well I have a concert to go to Halloween night so thats out BUT I really like the Shamrock Marathon so maybe that needs to be a MFP Runners Club event! There is even a half marathon so if needed we can do that!! :laugh: Lets get a plan going!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    That sounds like a really good idea :bigsmile: Not to mention the fact that it's early in the year so I could say I did it before 30 :laugh:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    going down with a knee injury from playing basketball = borderline stupidity
    sitting out almost 4 weeks recovering = fits of boredom and pent up energy
    making my triumphant return during the dog days of summer in St. Louis = hey, where did all the oxygen go? no really, i can't breathe...uh oh...slowly...falling...oh man, that curb is going to hurt...

    LMAO!!! :laugh: I know what you mean about the oxygen. I feel like I've been running on the surface of the sun between the heat and humidity! AND it's going to keep going up!!! Yikes!:noway:

  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    I actually ran my 3 miles today but I cheated a little. I stopped by my running partner's house to check on her cats and I decided to use her treadmill. I've only run on a treadmill like twice before. I prefer to run outside but it was better than running at 3:30pm in the high humidity. I even made it through without my ipod. I kind of forgot to charge it and didn't realize it until I tried to turn it on.:blushing:
    I think I'll take advantage of her treadmill Fri as well because the temperature/humidity is only going to get worse. Which got me thinking about the winter.I tried last year to run outside throughout the winter but didn't stick with it. Below zero temps kind of turn me into a ninny. I was thinking about getting a treamill for the winter months. Does anyone else use a treadmill to run on and how does that affect your running once you move outside? Any suggestions for the winter? I know it's a little early to be thinking about winter considering it's in the 90's but I'd really hate to lose my momentum. I'd like to have a gameplan figured out before it hits. Thanks.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Does anyone else use a treadmill to run on and how does that affect your running once you move outside? Any suggestions for the winter? I know it's a little early to be thinking about winter considering it's in the 90's but I'd really hate to lose my momentum. I'd like to have a gameplan figured out before it hits. Thanks.

    I was wondering the same thing! :flowerforyou:
  • going down with a knee injury from playing basketball = borderline stupidity
    sitting out almost 4 weeks recovering = fits of boredom and pent up energy
    making my triumphant return during the dog days of summer in St. Louis = hey, where did all the oxygen go? no really, i can't breathe...uh oh...slowly...falling...oh man, that curb is going to hurt...

    I know exactly how you feel! I had surgery a little over 3 weeks ago. I tried to run for the first time since then on Tues. I could NOT breathe! Im gonna try again today though!:smile:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning runners.

    I did 3 miles this morning with my running group. I had someone run with me today and she paced me. We shaved 3 minutes off my time fro Tuesday. WOO HOO! 3 miles 32 minutes. Ok, I know that is not great but I am slowly working back to that 9-10 minute mile easy pace. I am gonna take it easy the next couple of days because I don't want to aggrevate my leg. I think I will stick to the 3 miles for a couple of weeks then move onto the 3.5 mile and go from there. I also did PT last night and the physical therapist said that if I am running with no pain then next week can be my last visit. My leg hurt a little today after the run but I went home and iced it and took some ibuprofen. Hence the taking it easy part. Don't want to over do it in just a week.

    But speaking of over doing it. :laugh: One of my running partners found this and we are thinking of signing up. It looks like fun.
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