Asians trying to lose weight



  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for bumping this.

    I don't really have much to contribute beyond what's already been covered, except - is there a group for us on MFP yet?
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Hi All,

    Are there any other Asians out there trying to lose weight? What are your goals for weight and sizes?
    Doesn't it SUCK being the chubby Asian in the group? Growing up, all my friends were consistently 105lbs!! I was at least 30 lbs heavier than that in high school!! I've also got a larger frame that most Asians...I wear 27" waist jeans and will probably never fit into anything smaller thanks to my wide hips...but I suppose curves come with their benefits too :)

    I think my ultimate goal weight is 115 but I'd be happy between 115-120 at 5'2 1/2 :)
    at 125 lbs, I can STILL only fit into size XXXL when I go back to China. "Miss, I'm not sure we carry your size..."

    Mom was constantly on me to lose weight and catch a man...haha !

    Now that I've got one she doesn't want me to get too skinny because it's not good for bearing male grandchildren...

    I can so totally relate to your experience! Before I joined MFP, I weighed 126 lbs. Friends and colleagues here told me repeatedly that I was so tiny, and they were stunned when I told them if I was still living back home, I'd be considered "pudgy". :noway:

    I'm 5'1" and my weight then was putting unnecessary pressure on my bad knee so I knew I had to do something. I reached my goal weight of 112 earlier this month but it's since dropped to 110, partly because of a GI bug and partly because I've been lifting weights in addition to being on a higher-protein-lower-carb food plan.

    I now tell people here that my current weight is the average for females back home. LOL.
  • daovang
    daovang Posts: 4
    The worst thing about being asian and being overweight is eating all that rice. I grew up eating rice like if it was breathing air. It just comes naturally now with everything i eat from eating it with eggs, hotdogs, sausages, any thing.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I guess I'm lucky that my grandmas don't (usually) call me fat, but they DO like to make comments when I lose weight. Like "ohhhh you look so good! Keep it up! Don't go back to what you were doing before!" :ohwell:
    or they compare me and my sister to our cousins, and the skinny ones get compared to my sister, and me? I get compared to my 6' 220lbs body builder cousin. :grumble:
  • Hopelessbird
    I am an "Americanized" asian - asian face but American size. I have bigger frame, hands, shoes (size 9 American), boobs, hips and bootay. I have been one of the tallest person in my family since I was 11 years old.

    Some cannot tell I am asian, I have been mistaken as Indian, Filipino, Mexican and Brazilian. I look like a generic brown person.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I am an "Americanized" asian - asian face but American size. I have bigger frame, hands, shoes (size 9 American), boobs, hips and bootay. I have been one of the tallest person in my family since I was 11 years old.

    Some cannot tell I am asian, I have been mistaken as Indian, Filipino, Mexican and Brazilian. I look like a generic brown person.

    actually you look asian to me. entirely. and I wear a size 9.5 shoe. Just sayin.

    also all you tiny asian girls who are just not as tiny as some OTHER tiny asian girls are giving me a complex. Haha. I'm 5'6" 165 and my GOAL is like, 155. I'm heavy like a heavy heavy thing. (I mean actual weight heavy)

    I actually like it. weighing more = more maintenance calories for me. I'd be miserable eating like a 100 lb person.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    The thing with Asians is that they are so concerning with weight and being skinny. I think a lot Asians in Asia are skinny fat. When I was younger, it did bother me that I have to wear M when I shop oversea. Now that I am older, I don't care as much since I've realized that their standards have nothing to do with health and fitness.

    ETA: I felt like I was the larger Asian girls growing up, and I was the same weight as I am in. Some of it is just insecurity.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member

    I think most Asian guys are too skinny. It's nice to know that you're representing solid muscular Asian guys :)

    What is your preference for Asian girls bodies? I don't feel like Asian guys are attracted to me (body AND personality). My mom once told me that an Asian guy would ever chose not since junior high anyways. When I use to go out with my friends, the dainty/delicate ones were always chosen first. I feel like most Asian guys don't even really like curves. I'm glad I'm in America where there are men who type a more voluptuous body type...I'd be single forever in China!!


    Thank you for the thread. All my life I struggled with being the 'chubby' one. Hence, the reason that I was in every sport manageable growing up. Being on the swim team didn't help my self confidence or lack of. Imagine being the chubby asian kid in speedos?
    And families can be sooo cruel. After trying to lose some weight, my mother would hug me and say, "Still too fat" Ugh!

    I'm half Japanese/half caucasian. (not sure what the other half is, adoption) I have always been attracted to asian women regardless of body type. I felt the other way that asian women weren't attracted to me because I was fat.

    I've attempted to find balance between workouts, eating, and everything else, but still I "feel" that I have to lose another 10 lbs.
  • Hopelessbird

    I'm half Japanese/half caucasian. (not sure what the other half is, adoption) I have always been attracted to asian women regardless of body type. I felt the other way that asian women weren't attracted to me because I was fat.

    I am part islander; part? - grampa Keith was a rolling stone. I think his name was Keith. I can't really tell if asian guys are attracted to me or any guy at all. If they do not specifically tell me, I assume friend zone. I can't read flirtations. There is a higher percentage of sweet gingers that are into me (maybe it is just Boston demographics).
  • enchantedbunny
    It still gets under my skin when my relatives make offhanded comments about my appearance. Because they're family, it feels worse than the hushed comments I heard while walking down the streets in Vietnam (I don't look very Vietnamese at all, so the locals were always talking about me behind my back or even right in front of me). In a way I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way, but at the same time, I'm sad to hear that others are going through the same thing because I know how it can really eat at you. I've found this blog to be helpful in my journey:
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I'm as non-asian as they come, but I had to jump in here. My dutch grandmothers always used to great me with either "Hello my favourite grand child, are you trying a new diet soon? Your legs look so big!" or "Tsk Tsk, lay off the boeter coek. Those hips...." So I think there are some cross cultural similarities here! Just wanted to jump in :)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I am half asian. I feel like i giant because i'm 5'7. I can barely fit into most asian brands because my bust and hips are too big.

    When i was younger even, and an american size 00 i wasn't considered "small" at least in comparison to my tiny asian counter parts.

    Its pretty much sucks. I am glad i've started to lose weight again. I'll never be 00 tiny ever again, but i'd prefer to be a more acceptable weight.
  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    When I go home and visit, it's like "Spot the American" game...
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I have been the 'fat one' in my 'full on chinese' family all my life! my sisters were shorter and more petite than me always!!! now that we're aging (gracefully or not) the roles are reversed! LOL!!!

    at 5'2" you can be the weight you want to be, just be careful and not let it be 'skinny fat' without muscle. you look very healthy from what I can see in your photo.

    Moms, especially chinese ones!!! can be pushy and not very nice when it comes to their daughters' looks. We are a reflection of them.

    oh, and I have 6 sisters... and lots of cousins that I was compared to in my youth... I'm 47 now... :) and I'm better for it!!!

    you do realize that clothes made in china are really small.... even their xxxxxxL is small!!! Taiwan too!!! lol!!!

    be good to yourself, because if you're not, who will be?

    chinese name... Chun Schwei Syan the narcissus flower... :) named wrong too... jill and the flower are supposed to be dainty... NOT!!!!! lol!!!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    My family is really good at not commenting on weight. My mom had never said anything to any of us, neither had my grandma or aunts. My husband's family constantly talks about weight at get together, although I had never been on the receiving end. It was ME, who thought I was bigger than the other Asian girls. My little sister was always the skinny one since she is 5'7". In the end, we have to do what makes us happy because people will always have something to say.
  • sonnguyen10123
    hey guys. im 15, im only 5'5 and weighing at 150. im on the point of healthy and overweight. ha. well im not very concered with my weight. but i am trying to lose it and gain muscle.

    Asian food has a lot of fat. so it sucks for me.
  • skphi1
    skphi1 Posts: 12
    I am Asian and I can relate to your frustration. I was FAT all my childhood. Growing up, I was called 'fatty' at school. I do not remember how heavy I was. I knew my waist was 30inches when I was a teenager. I couldn't buy any clothes, they had to be made to order. I always envy the jeans which I can never get. I am 50 now and weigh 125lb 5' 4" which I try to maintain for many years. I now live in Australia which make me feel like I am underweight. When I go to Thailand or Malaysia, I still have to buy XL clothing. I do not care about fitting into their 'norms' anymore. The irony is that all my childhood friends who called me fatty are now overweight or obese with medical issues. Always remember that a healthy lifestyle will set you up for lifelong healthy body.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Non-Asian here with a question.
    How come all the Japanese people I work with sit at their desks all day eating candy bars and manage to stay thin?
    This isn't a generalization, its what I have seen in my 25+ years working with Japanese people.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Well, im SOUTH Asian, so i still fit in this category....i hope!

    I dread going home to see my folks.... the first thing they notice is if i have lost weight or gained and they happily point out if i have gained any!!!

    then i have my skinny cousins who parade about in their skinny tops and make it so obvious that i am the whale in the group...LOL
    well, on top of that ....the aunts try to force feed all of us..:sick: