Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    I dont care as long as you take off your f***** perfume!!!!
    Ha oops! I always do a body spray before I head to my work out! lol I don't think anyone can smell it 70 minutes later. But it's noted! :smile:
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    There is a difference between girls looking like they are ready to go to a club, and just dressing so you don't look like a slob. But I also get the impression that if someone is that focused on how they look and need to look a certain way in order to feel better about themselves at the gym, then maybe they are there for the wrong reasons, and maybe they are just looking for attention.

    I wouldn't show up to the gym in a stained shirt and unwashed hair, but I also wouldn't purposely put on new makeup and spend an hour on my hair before going to the gym. I go because I want to work out, I don't really care what I look like while doing it. If I cared, I wouldn't be working out in a public place. I also wouldn't want other girls giving me dirty looks because I'm not wearing brand name work out clothes or shoes. Labels and brands don't make you better than anybody else.

    You're right, they don't make you better than anybody else. But they don't make you worse than anybody else either. I think the OP was just trying to state that just because a woman is put together and has her makeup on and a cute matchy matchy outfit, doesn't mean they aren't there to work hard too. I work just as hard as a woman wearing mismatched work out clothes with no makeup on. I just prefer to be put together all the time, but I really don't care how anybody else dresses at the gym---we're all there for the same reason (well, most of us)!

    So you are suggesting that people who aren't wearing makeup or "cute" outfits, aren't "put together". Wearing makeup doesn't make you "put together" any more than anybody else.
    I also never said that wearing a matching outfit makes you worse than anybody else. But getting all "dressed/made up" to go the gym is just screaming "look at me".
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I like leggings, a sports bra, a t-shirt, and my hair in a high and tight bun with my hair completely off my face with pins. I wear mismatched socks, and my shoes probably need to be replaced. I don't wear any make-up at all.

    I am not there to look cute. I am there for myself.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I understand, I like to look at least half decent when I go as well, especially since all the sweating makes me look 10x worse!

    I think, from what I've gathered from previous topics though, that the issue other women have is with the women who dress up for the gym like it's a night out (top showing cleavage, full face of make up, hair done perfect, perfume, and not wanting to sweat much if at all!)

    Myself personally, I don't care either way, come to the gym however you want to come to the gym, it doesn't effect my workout.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I keep to myself at home
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    Whatever works for you! Get IN. Work OUT. Get OUT.

    On a basic note of female decency-
    I would hope that we could all band together and STOP judging each other. Just Be.
    And, alternatively, I would hope that we could all STOP considering what other people think of us. Just Be You.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I also would never spend money on "workout clothes". I just wear old clothes that I wouldn't wear on a normal day anymore, so they get put to use and don't just get thrown out. I'd rather spend my money on other more important things, like the clothes I wear OUTSIDE of the gym.

    Honestly, I spend good money on work out clothes for many reasons other than the aesthetic. First, working out (particularly running) is my hobby, so why wouldn't I spend money on my hobby? Additionally, the quality. I can tell you 5 minutes into a run if I'm wearing cheaper old clothes that aren't specifically for running, and I'm chafing and uncomfortable. There is a lot to be said about really good quality athletic clothing that wicks moisture away from the body and allows for cooling of the body while working out intensely. I only run in good quality running clothing. I will hit the weights in an old t-shirt and some workout shorts (I have like a ridiculous amount of brightly colored Nike running shorts), but when it comes to my running, I spend the money because it's worth it to me.

    That's totally fine that YOU don't want to spend money on athletic clothing, but that clothing is made specifically for exercise, and that's why I wear it as opposed to whatever old stuff I've got laying around. It's nobody's business but mine how I choose to spend my money, and it doesn't matter to me how you choose to spend yours.

    We are talking about people who are just going to the gym to work out, and feel the need to buy all of these matching "cute" outfits so they "look good" when they are at the gym. I totally understand your reasoning for wanting quality clothes to wear while running. My point is that it is a foolish waste of money and energy to purposely buy matching "outfits" to wear to go to the gym for no reason other than "looking cute".
  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    i do like to wear nice clothes but i'm there to sweat, and sweat i do!
    i don't care if i'm red faced and dripping at the end of my workout- in fact i love it

    there are alot of girls at my gym who look at me strangely when they have finished their 10 reps of 2kg bicep curls for their workout and they are not even breathing heavy.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I personally dont see the point in using make up at the gym. There is something between looking "sloppy" and "made up". i don't get why i would waste my make up when i sweat (and shower) it off anyway after training. i dont care much what other people look like the gym but if some chick shows up with 4 layers of make up on her face i might wonder what she came to the gym for, fashion shows usually happen elsewhere.

    The makeup thing needs some different perspective - as someone who went all through high school and my early 20's with bad acne, I found that I felt better about myself to wear makeup EVERYWHERE (including the gym). It isn't always to impress people, it's for our own self confidence a lot of the time. I've since grown out of the acne, but I do have some small scars from where it used to be, and while I don't wear much, if any, to the gym (just a little powder if anything) anymore, I get's hard for people with perfect/good/normal skin to understand....but it REALLY isn't all about impressing others for all of us. Some, maybe...but they are the exception to the rule. I say as long as they are following the gym etiquette, then it shouldn't bother anyone. I go to the gym, I sweat, I lift weights, I work hard...and always have - makeup or no makeup, cute outfit or no cute outfit (however I do like the cute outfits, hehe)

    there is a difference between wearing some makeup to cover up scars, etc.. we're talking about full out makeup.. like eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, etc, etc... just "over-done" for the gym.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I dont really pay any attention to what other people are wearing at the gym,but I can only hope that something im doing or wearing is ruining someones day and forcing them to type out their frustraions on some message board somewhere:laugh:

    ^ This. Totally.

    I initially thought the OP was a joke. No lie. I thought to myself, "She can't be serious about dark eyelashes and 'cute outfits'. Not if she's there to work out".

    So, now that I've had time to adsorb the fact that you WERE serious, let me ask you you prance around your house looking cute and made up all the time? If the answer is yes, then clearly you're not comfortable in your own skin and my advice would be to talk to someone. If the answer is no, you should ask yourself, "Why, then, do I feel the need to do it when I know others will see me.". IMHO, either way there's a deeper seeded issue.

    Having said all that, if it makes you feel better about yourself, then just friggin' do it. We should all do what makes us feel best. Don't you worry about anyone but you!! :)
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    I like cute workout clothes, however they do not like me. I think you should wear what you are comfortable in. Whether its your husbands baggy t-shirt and some baggy sweats or a sports bra and yoga pants, who f*cking cares.

    I own cute workout clothes...I just can't fit In them anymore! I'm def the big shirt & workout skirt girl! I don't have a prob w/ the" together girls" ,as we say in the South, however.......I do have a prob w/ the chick that works out in my gym and wears a sweater set and pearls! Seriously! She stays on the same ski machine for an hour...never looks sweaty and has a great bod! Just don't get it.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    Because the people who are dressing like that are typically not doing **** for a workout.

  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I've been drawing on my eyebrows since high school. I plucked em' out back then... and the things never grew back; go figure. I like how they look drawn on anyways. HOWEVER, after 15 minutes in the sweaty room that our gym does Zumba in... I have no eyebrows. I wear clothes that are close fitting - cuz we move around a lot, so I wouldn't consider my look to be "sloppy"... But I still have no eyebrows.

    Some chicks go to get checked out, so they dress really cutesie. Some chicks go to sweat their eyebrows off...

    If you're really working your a** off; you're gonna end up sweaty and flustered anyways. I'm more impressed when I walk by a chick that's shirt is drenched with sweat than I am with someone that was able to keep her hair cute.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I really don't care what anyone one has on. For me I have one pair of sweats ad 3 sweatshirts/tees I wear , all grey. Not fancy, not new but all within my budget. Now that the sweats are getting a tad big I will take a tuck in them and they will serve me for long time. If you are looking to see what others have on you are not concentrating on your workout hard enough.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Women working out hard = hot.
    Women working out at an intensity dictated by their makeup = not hot.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member


  • I work out in leggings, and a t shirt. I usually come after work, or in the middle of my day so I'll have at least my eyebrows filled in, and mascara. I leave the gym a sweaty mess and looking terrible, so I don't really try showing up and looking good.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I honestly don't notice other people. For me, I'd love to look cute working out, but that's physically impossible at this point. First off, I'm too big still to be "cute" doing anything that causes my fat to jiggle. Secondly, I do not perspire - I sweat. Buckets. If I wear makeup, it's an even uglier sight than if I went without it.

    Personally, I think you should do what works for you. For me, I want to work out to look good later - I can't think about how good I look while working out because it would just depress me and I would quit before I began. So I don't! LOL

  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    I could give 2 sh*ts about what I look like when I go to the gym...I honestly couldnt care less about what anyone thinks I look like either.. I am there for ME.. I am there to work out and sweat not to impress people...:yawn:
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Because the people who are dressing like that are typically not doing **** for a workout.

    this is so true!