Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    One of the reasons why I left the gym..way,way,way,way too many people too concerned about how they look and getting out of shape if other people couldn't care less about how they look.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Gimme a chick that looks homeless and can put up 325. I don't care if she's wearing a burlap sack or the latest Athena tank top, how many pull-ups can she crank out?

    "Is that girl with you?"
    "Which one? Tinkerbelle, or the railroad hobo that just crushed your PR?"
  • mandie0378
    mandie0378 Posts: 73 Member
    I dont really pay any attention to what other people are wearing at the gym,but I can only hope that something im doing or wearing is ruining someones day and forcing them to type out their frustraions on some message board somewhere:laugh:

  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    This is going right on my "Things I do not give a f#$k about list" I suggest you do the same.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I'm sloppy at the gym. but I don't really care what anyone else is dressed in so fancy yourself up as much as you want. :indifferent:
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    *Facepalm*...I feel really stupid now that I have read through this whole thread. :embarassed:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but I like to look and feel good when I am at the gym. I LOVE how I feel in a new nike/LuLu outfit. I love hot pink running tops and cute yoga pants. I love feeling my high ponytail swoosh around when I am on a long run. I like having my cheeks flushed and my lashes dark.

    Why is it that this is hated & looked down upon by other woman? Woman who care about thier appearance at the gym are apparently silly in alot of other womans minds?

    Well, I for one am not a fan of the "roll out of bed look" at 5:00 pm - so, I guess we will all have to agree to disagree.

    But honestly, what really is your beef?

    are you for REAL????
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    "Is that girl with you?"
    "Which one? Tinkerbelle, or the railroad hobo that just crushed your PR?"

    Love this.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    What's YOUR beef? You're the one suggesting that people don't look as good as you do at the gym (hence the title of your thread).

    I don't care what anyone else looks like at the gym. I look about the same as I do in life when I go to the gym. I have a lot of black capris and grey t's and tanks. They are all fitted and and flattering, I can't imagine working out in huge t-shirts or baggy sweats -- that just seems uncomfortable. I do see some girls getting all dolled up -- makeup included -- at the gym and sometimes I wonder why. I mean, if you're getting a good workout, your clothes are going to be drenched and your makeup smeared anyway. But really, I couldn't care less what anyone else looks like. I go to the gym to work out, it's not a fashion show and I'm not there to critique anyone else's attire.

    I think OP started this thread based on another thread from earlier. It didn't seem to me that she felt she was better than anyone else, just wondering why people wanted to give people who do wear makeup and dress up a hard time... or that was my take.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    What is it with all these threads lately? Why do you think that anybody really cares what you're wearing or what you look like. If you were in my gym, other than giving you a brief smile if I saw you, you wouldn't register AT ALL. Maybe that's what bothers you?

    You sound very smug and dismissive of other women so I guess if they're dismissive of you, what goes around comes around.

    Really, get over yourself - wear what you want, do what you want, anybody who takes any notice of that is shallow and anybody who thinks that stuff like this matter is just as shallow. Sorry, but these threads are just too much.

    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

    Haha I thought it was about weight lifting form too!
    One day I would like to see a thread posted by guys on what other guys wear to the gym..only going to happen if they are discussing the pros and cons of body armour and sweat wicking.
    I embrace that at the gym its about being an athlete, sport is about achieving your personal best not about looking like a stepford wife. Wear cute clothes/don't wear cute clothes. If I am giving you envious looks at the gym its because your lifting more than me.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    *Facepalm*...I feel really stupid now that I have read through this whole thread. :embarassed:

    Seriously, me too.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    In Texas we’re not allowed to leave the house without our hair fixed and make-up on.

    I like my yoga pants.
    I like my side pony.
    I like my red lipstick.

    I also like to see men come behind me and lower the weights. ;)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I think we have pretty much all learned today in all the women-bashing-women posts that no matter what you do, who you are, or how you look: women will find any excuse to talk *kitten* about other women.

    It's just the way it is.

    Btw, I love my super cute Lulu and Nike outfits, and I feel naked without mascara :) And I work my *kitten* off while wearing that super cute gear!

    This :flowerforyou:
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I work out at home in my underwear... I think that might be frowned upon at the gym...

    Also this^

    I look really gross when I'm not wearing clothes, and my workouts can be bit on the ancient Greek side. :laugh:
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Do you work hard? Do you break a sweat? If you do then I have no beef with you! I look on and wish I could wear those nice things, though I hate the swisshing ponytail! It just annoys me! :) I just have a problem with those people who use the gym as a fashion show and turn up have a go an some equipment very half hartedly before chatting up the trainers and going off!!

    If you look great working out then good for you!! I can't wait till I do as well!!
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    What is it with all these threads lately? Why do you think that anybody really cares what you're wearing or what you look like. If you were in my gym, other than giving you a brief smile if I saw you, you wouldn't register AT ALL. Maybe that's what bothers you?

    You sound very smug and dismissive of other women so I guess if they're dismissive of you, what goes around comes around.

    Really, get over yourself - wear what you want, do what you want, anybody who takes any notice of that is shallow and anybody who thinks that stuff like this matter is just as shallow. Sorry, but these threads are just too much.

    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Who cares what people wear to the gym! If cute or sexy workout clothes do you good that's great! Not everyone can wear cute or sexy workout clothes like me. :(. I am wearing hubby's clothes when I workout. Most important thing is wearing the appropriate clothes and shoes for your workout. And feeling great when you are done. Workout clothes are expensive anyway, so if you want to look your best, sweat your *kitten* off and go clothes shopping and buy cute or sexy outfits as award for your self and show off your new body and cute or sexy outfit and celebrate!!! But hey that's me. I actually don't care what other people are wearing or what they are doing when they workout. As long as there *kitten* crack isn't showing during a workout then everything is good. Guys might enjoy that. lol
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I am at my absolute WORST at the gym. Generally speaking I am POURING buckets of sweat, lifting heavy stuff and making crazy faces, and just generally not giving a flying *kitten*. I don't "look down" on anyone that needs to get gussied up to go to the gym but for me there's no point. 20 minutes into my workout I will have wiped the make-up off my face and onto my shirt and I will have racoon eyes/streaks that extend to my jaw. For me, it's dumb. I go there to do work. It's like putting on cute clothes and make-up to do heavy yard work or work on my car- I'm just gonna jack it up so why bother.

    I guess what I'm getting at is, FOR ME, the point of going to the gym isn't to look good while I'm there but to look good when I'm NOT there...

    Do whatcha gon' do- if it makes you feel like you're doin' work to get all pretty before you sweat (or don't sweat- however you do) knock yourself out. I'll be the sweaty red faced broad lifting heavy **** in the corner looking all crazy in her black tank, black shorts and colorful socks...

  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I think OP is a troll.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have an issue with hot pink anything because it offends my eyes. Bleurgh.

    I like having functional exercise clothes that fit. Mostly in black. Can't go wrong with black. I can't exercise with my hair in a ponytail because it's far too long, I have to have it in a plait Lara Croft style.

    It sounds like the only judging going on is from the OP complaining about people not making an effort when they go to the gym, but I don't really understand the point in making an effort when you are going to get sweaty anyway.