Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • Krissy_b777
    Some people go to the gym to actually meet people of the opposite sex. It is a social thing for some people. Me on the other hand, I am coming from work, so I am still looking good and changing into my work-out clothes. I do kinda have a complex with wrinkled clothing, so I must admit I do knock the wrinkles out of my shirt or gym pants long or short. When I'm at home exercising or running, all that matters is that my jiggly parts are! I do purchase nice sweats or shirts to work-out in just as a treat to myself sometimes and to show off my weight loss. I think it is all about what makes you feel good and motivated.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    What is it with all these threads lately? Why do you think that anybody really cares what you're wearing or what you look like. If you were in my gym, other than giving you a brief smile if I saw you, you wouldn't register AT ALL. Maybe that's what bothers you?

    You sound very smug and dismissive of other women so I guess if they're dismissive of you, what goes around comes around.

    Really, get over yourself - wear what you want, do what you want, anybody who takes any notice of that is shallow and anybody who thinks that stuff like this matter is just as shallow. Sorry, but these threads are just too much.

    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!
    Boom that didnt take very long lol
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I also would never spend money on "workout clothes". I just wear old clothes that I wouldn't wear on a normal day anymore, so they get put to use and don't just get thrown out. I'd rather spend my money on other more important things, like the clothes I wear OUTSIDE of the gym.

    Honestly, I spend good money on work out clothes for many reasons other than the aesthetic. First, working out (particularly running) is my hobby, so why wouldn't I spend money on my hobby? Additionally, the quality. I can tell you 5 minutes into a run if I'm wearing cheaper old clothes that aren't specifically for running, and I'm chafing and uncomfortable. There is a lot to be said about really good quality athletic clothing that wicks moisture away from the body and allows for cooling of the body while working out intensely. I only run in good quality running clothing. I will hit the weights in an old t-shirt and some workout shorts (I have like a ridiculous amount of brightly colored Nike running shorts), but when it comes to my running, I spend the money because it's worth it to me.

    That's totally fine that YOU don't want to spend money on athletic clothing, but that clothing is made specifically for exercise, and that's why I wear it as opposed to whatever old stuff I've got laying around. It's nobody's business but mine how I choose to spend my money, and it doesn't matter to me how you choose to spend yours.

    ^ This for me also. I totally love my moisture wicking clothes!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    its all about being petty, really. Workout in whatever you feel comfortable in, makeup and all. If they pay that much attention to you, they aren't working themselves out nearly enough. At least you're freaking working out.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Dress for success! Personally, i wear loose clothing because that is more comfortable for me. Also I sweat a lot so I see no need to "get ready" for the gym.

    What I do have a problem with is when people, especially women look onto my machine to see how many calories I burn or how fast I'm going and then snicker with their friends. Like why do you care?!?! You are laughing at me for going slower (and struggling with it), when my resistance is at 20 and yours is on 0. I've burned 220cals in 15mins and it took you an hr to burn about 300? Really?!

    Lol sorry, but this really gets on my nerves! (sorry again, I know this wasn't the topic).
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I usually try and wear matching clothes that don't look like I rolled out of bed but I'm not where I want to be body wise to wear really cute outfits. I usually wear a tank top, running capris or pants, and or a t-shirt. I do wear things that are somewhat form fitting because it makes me feel better than looking frumpy. But I try not to pay attention to what others wear. Only thing that annoys me is people wearing jean. I just can't see how that would be comfortable but to each their own.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Well, if I bought something at LULU I sure as hell am not going to run 8 miles in it. Target workout clothes are just fine by me as long as they wick. I also don't wear a speck of make up or put my hair up in ponytail because it's too short. I never got those who wear make up to the gym?
  • leopardvice
    i dont have any beef with anyone who wants to dress up or dress down to go to the gym. ill go either way depending on my mood or where ive come from but i must say to the original poster... BARF!! whats your beef?
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I'm there for me. Not to impress someone or see who has the better ponytail or shoes. I don't need to be "Workout Barbie" in my pink Nikes to feel good that I'm doing something to stay fit and active. Really...why bother. I way I'm looking like a fitness princess when I leave! Besides, sloppy to me means that someone showed up to the gym with dinner on their shirt. Don't judge, it's not attractive.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    by the same token a lot of women think that wearing makeup or dressing in a flattering fashion is silly in general.

    me personally, i haven't left the house without full makeup since i was 12 and never will. you would never catch me anywhere outside of the apartment or the gym in workout/yoga clothes of any kind. even just to go to the bodega under my apartment for bottle of milk. period. ever.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I look cute sometimes and at other times I don't care.

    Enough already with this. Who the *kitten* cares.

    Seriously... I mean if you're going to wear heels to the gym, I'm going to look and wonder but I don't care.

    I DON'T CARE!!!!! :explode:
  • kellyhass
    kellyhass Posts: 19 Member
    Feel the same!
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    I have seen women in tons of makeup at the gym. I think that's ridiculous.

    That being said, we should wear what makes us feel comfortable. A lot of people feel very self-conscious about going to the gym, so purposely wear larger, baggy clothes. To each her own.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    As long as I am moving my keister, that's all that matters to me.
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    What's YOUR beef? You're the one suggesting that people don't look as good as you do at the gym (hence the title of your thread).

    I don't care what anyone else looks like at the gym. I look about the same as I do in life when I go to the gym. I have a lot of black capris and grey t's and tanks. They are all fitted and and flattering, I can't imagine working out in huge t-shirts or baggy sweats -- that just seems uncomfortable. I do see some girls getting all dolled up -- makeup included -- at the gym and sometimes I wonder why. I mean, if you're getting a good workout, your clothes are going to be drenched and your makeup smeared anyway. But really, I couldn't care less what anyone else looks like. I go to the gym to work out, it's not a fashion show and I'm not there to critique anyone else's attire.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    OMG!! Sloppy women, high maintenance women, women who wear makeup, women who don't.......who cares people?!?! I'm happy for you either way. I'm there to work out and worry about myself. We are adults - we are not in highschool anymore!! Must we be so catty?? Do the guys have conversations about this? No! So why do we??
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I dont really pay any attention to what other people are wearing at the gym,but I can only hope that something im doing or wearing is ruining someones day and forcing them to type out their frustrations on some message board somewhere:laugh:

    What DieVixen said . . .

    Dressing up to go to the gym does seem a tad silly in my opinion, but I don't give a damn SO LONG as I am not the one expected to do that.
    I am a fan of the "just woke up look", at least on me. It's not attractive, but it amuses me to see how pissed off I look. Also, I like just rolling out of bed and going out. So long as I've already showered and applied deodorant. :smile:
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    I try to wear clean work out clothes at least and make my hair look decent but I don't have any cute workout gear. I never really thought about it. And when I am at the gym I'm always just so happy to see lots of people there, thinking everyone in that place is trying their best to be healthy. I always want to scream GREAT JOB FOR COMING TODAY EVERYONE! that being said.. since I had my daughter I can't get back to the gym so I walk around the park or put in a dvd. I miss people watching though.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    They are putting extra effort into their appearance because they know I'm going to be there ;]
  • abbybean11
    abbybean11 Posts: 122 Member
    nobody should care what anyone else is doing/looks like in the gym. if you wanna dress up, fine - if you wanna roll out of bed - fine. whatever.