Don't let exercise trick you into overeating



  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I don't agree with you, many people on this site, have been here for quite some time, not everyone is a newbie, still stuck, still on a plateau. The only attempt i'm making is to inform people, they can choose to do what they want with the info, and how or if they want to add it to their lifestyle.

    We'll agree to disagree then.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I don't agree with you, many people on this site, have been here for quite some time, not everyone is a newbie, still stuck, still on a plateau. The only attempt i'm making is to inform people, they can choose to do what they want with the info, and how or if they want to add it to their lifestyle.

    I get what your saying but not everyone will- People like to think that as long as they exercise they can do what they want--

    But hopefully they know that if they stop working out then weight can creep back on because they didn't change their eating habits too--

    To each is own- You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

    People are going to do as they please regardless what you say- If they are content where they are nobody can make them see it a different way..

    I don't find anything you say mean I think we are all adults here and people really need to suck things up and stop being so sensitive instead of reporting they need to come right out and say something rather than telling on people--
  • cellorocker
    I hear this quite often on this site..."you earned it", so eat it, and don't feel bad about it. The initial bell in my head goes "WHAT!?" now i'm not a doctor. I am a certified personal trainer and i'm a certified fitness instructor as well as owning my own studio and practicing Yoga for about 16 years. I do not understand the mentality of working your *kitten* off, in the gym as well as nutrionally then "rewarding" yourself with **** food. I don't get it? is it me, but why is that a good reason? It sounds totally counterproductive. First off exercise alone doesn't melt pounds. At the very best it can maintain your weight loss that you will lose through HEALTHY eating. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't exercise, the magical combination is exercise and calorie control. When you exercise you stimulate your appetite which in return can trigger psychological hunger in I EARNED that piece of cake, or I have exercised for 2 hours I earned those chicken wings. Exercising your body and your self control over food choices is wonderful for your health, providing that you don't give in to the urge to compensate all your hard work for calories burned. I'm not saying that the odd treat is going to destroy all your hard work, that's plain untrue, but consistently believing that you can have that treat cause your earned it, is a frighteneing way of thinking, and in the end will sabotage your goals. I would love to hear other opinions on the subject....please if you disagree with me tell me so! :wink: because for every pro "why I should have that treat" I have a con for ya :laugh: My last say on this subject, is eat the piece of (insert crap here) food. Because you want it, no guilt or explanatin attached. If you wouldn't have eaten before, but now that you've burned calories you think it's ok....why? Do you see the problem here?

    I do this every once in awhile, though. If I'm craving something- and ONLY if I'm craving it, do I eat. But in the end, I exercise it off. This is something you couldn't do everyday, obviously, because then you just think you can eat all the crap you want, and then when you're done exercising, you're screwed over.
    My mindset when I did this a year and a half ago was "I can eat whatever crap I want, as long as I'm at 1200 calories." I never even exercised. And then when I stopped, I gained back 30 pounds (and I only lost 20 :sad:).
    Now I realize it's about eating clean. But you can't avoid all treats. It's impossible in our society.
    But if you're going to eat, you might as well try to work it off. =/