Mega Millions...What would you do with the money??



  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    Wow, although y'all are saying a lot, it's small change compared to how much you'd make!

    Think of it this way, at least in CO, the current amount you'd get for the lump sum (after taxes) is around $328 million.

    If you gave 10 people 1% of that, each of them would get $3.3 million and you'd still have almost $300 million!

    Also, taxes are paid by the giver, not the recipient, so YOU would pay taxes on that $3.3 million, not them....assuming you bought a house or college, those are also considered taxable, btw. So even if you did pay taxes for all of them, you'd still be up to around $34-35 million spent total.

    That would mean you'd have $293 million left. If you are currently 35 and live another 60 years (totally doable), you could spend around $94,000 a week for the rest of your life!

    Personally, I don't think most people even understand these numbers - and of course the math above doesn't factor in how much you'd make investing it (and even at a conservative 5% - with paying 15% taxes on those investments - you'd still make $25,000 per week on the bulk of your money, so really you'd be making around $120,000 a week for the rest of your life!

    I'd travel, buy tailor made clothes, help others, and invest wisely.

    ...aweeesome! thanks for breaking it down sesame street style!
  • JenSmith1104
    I'd quit my job and focus solely on my college classes. I'd pay off my current student loans and credit card. My hubby hates his job, so he could quit his too and focus on school (he is starting this fall). We'd travel and help our mothers with bills. I'd set up a trust for my nephew. I'd relax!

    I'd also pay quite a few people in my dept to quit, just because I could.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Sell everything I own and travel with nothing but a change of underwear and a toothbrush.
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I would give ALOT to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to find a cure, so I can have my son healthy for years and years! That is worth all the money in the world to me!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I would give ALOT to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to find a cure, so I can have my son healthy for years and years! That is worth all the money in the world to me!

    That is very sweet!!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Pay off house and cars.
    Pay off daughter's house and cars.
    Help out some family.

    How much we talking? Can I go on?

    Buy a cabin in TN hills for hubby.
    Buy a house on the shores of Lake Superior or Maine or Nova Scotia (the further north the better, the more remote the better)
    Buy a house on the gulf shores of southern Florida. (And I would keep my current house.)

    Travel Travel Travel - See Machu Picchu, French Polysneia, Hawaii, Medjugorje....
    Give to charities.
    Give to my Alma Mater HS
    Give to select churches.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    First I would have to go in hiding LOL as a I pay off everything (yes I will owe NO ONE!).
    I will set up bank accounts for a specific amount of a one time deposit to family and friends. After which they will not have to ask for a certain amount or extra after that day.
    My church would have their new building.
    I would invest and have property in beautiful places.
    My kids will be hooked up but not spoiled and still know the value of earning something.
    I will have a hairstylist, nanny that teaches the kids at least 3 languages, a home gym, and a daily house cleaner (sounds boogie but wouldn't you? LOL)
    I will host a MFP cruise WOOT WOOT!
    Lastly, but honestly I would still work part-time out of my home running a non-profit organization for education & health, travel and host free clinics for education and health, and offer some scholarships.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    1) Allow my parents and hubby's parents to retire early AND comfortably
    2) Pay off the mortgage and sock a ton away for our own retirement
    3) Contribute to our business we're trying to get started
    4) Quit day jobs to focus on our new business, start a family, and feed my itch to constantly be in the kitchen
    5) Donate
    6) Redevelop part of the college town we live in - I want to put in a community garden, farm to table restaurant, juice bar, and an area like Ann Arbor's Kerrytown Market & Shops.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't think any of us really understand what would happen. I think it wouldn't be as glamourous as it seems, and I think your friends would suck, for the most part. Things would get weird fast. They start asking for loans, and things like that. They expect you to pay for everything. I don't know. I've made up a pretty simple story that I would use for everyone that didn't know. I know they publish your name and all that, but I don't think any of my friends or family follow that stuff and would not be aware that I won. So, I'd quit my job, but I'd tell them a story as to why, "Just pursuing a different path living on savings". Eventually, I would make up that something I am working on is doing really well, and I'm making lots of money. I'd just make up some BS about it. And, I'd just run with it like that, so that people wouldn't know it was just found money. I really think people will look at you differently if you walk around telling everyone you won the lotto.
  • dwtimeoutt
    dwtimeoutt Posts: 107 Member
    I would help my family and friends. Buy myself a Prius. Send my husband around the world starting with a trip to Italy. I would donate to several charities and become more hands of with some of them. I'd love to provide shoes and pajama's for children in need. I would buy food and give it away randomly to people who visit food shelves after they get their monthy alotted amount of food. I would retire all of my family who were over 50 and give the rest a moderate allowance until they turn 50. I would set up a fund for women who have grandchildren in other states and provide them with paid transportation to go visit their grandchildren once a year in style.
  • sweetmspea
    Pay bills and help friends and family members.
  • jennylsapia
    jennylsapia Posts: 236 Member
    THATS EASY!!! LOL first of all I would call my family and close friends and give each one a million. Then off to the harley shop to buy 2 touring bikes for me and my neighbor then to the RV lot to buy a very large toy hauler for my hunnie and my neighbors wife. Then find a really good contractor to enlarge my home and completely remodel my home while we are on the road....then hit the road!! See all of america and then jump a plan to Europe. Once we get back from about 6 month of traveling I will make sure that my built in swimming pool is done. Then hire a maid, a pool boy and a personal trainer. Then kick back for about 6 more months of relaxing. Then back to work at CASA and make some serious changes to the system....people listen to money!!! LOL
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I was just listening to the news about this and thinking. .. I'd give everyone on my friends list $100K / 1/2 would def go to orphans / of course help family out and I would buy a house on the beach and enjoy life!!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Give maximum gift allowance to each family member.
    Get new cars! Boy do we both need a new car and so does our daughter.

    Set up a trust for the Grandkids to pay for college etc. Definitely set up a few scholarships at my old HS and college for the next generation.

    Buy a vacation house on the beach that's big enough for friends and family to visit.

    After that I have no clue! I know I could hire a personal trainer and a personal chef if I want. Work out on the beach at my new beach home! LOL Once I lose more weight, a nice shopping trip with a personal shopper for some new clothes!!!!

    Mostly I think about my family. It would be nice to take them on trips, pay for education, make sure they have a retirement fund later on in life! No way could I spend all of the winnings in my life time (well I could but that would be really silly) and that kind of money is meant to make the lives of your kids and grandkids better too.. Maybe some nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews too!
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I'd buy a mansion with a big *kitten* pool, dump all my monies in and swim laps in it ala Scrooge McDuck.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    First thing I'd do after claiming would be to disappear. Change my name, phone number, pack up and move. I'd get in contact with the people who deserve it maybe a month after and explain why.

    First thing to get paid off would be my credit card (ALL $700 of it. xD)
    Then I'd pay off my mom's house and buy her a second house some place nice.
    I'd pay for the rest of my best friend's university and living costs until she decides she's done and is ready to start her career(professional student, that one.)
    I'd pay off my 'spare parents' (my other best friend's parents) mortgage and buy them a second house and some property out of the city.
    I'd head down south to see a few friends and a particularly special guy.
    Pay for special guy to go back to school, regardless of whether it works out between us or not.
    $75k for my sister's schooling. She better pick something good with open doors like that!
    Some property for a bug out location in the middle of nowhere. You never know.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I love the idea of helping two-income families or SAHMs who struggle! I've watched my best friend struggle to balance school, parenthood, and work just to have an unexpected expense derail everything. I would make sure she and her family were set; her son would definitely be taking karate lessons and not have to worry about paying for college :)
    Also, it warms my heart to see all of the animal lovers on here! I have one specific local organization in mind that would receive a huge chunk of's a low-cost spay and neuter outfit that does adoptions as well. Great people!
    After years of helping my sister and me, my grandmother is struggling. That would end, and fast. She's in her eighties and doesn't need to deal with financial stress.
    There are some people I work with who would definitely benefit; one woman has a son bent on going to medical school, and her kids are the first in her family to even go to college. Others would receive something tailored to them: car, house, education funds.
    And I think I would continue to work. I'd definitely finish my education or become a lifelong student.
    Finally, I would SO do the Random Acts of Kindness thing mentioned earlier. There's no better feeling in the world!
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    open a soup kitchen for the needy, pay off some of my closest freinds' mortgages and take a nice trip to Europe with my wife and kids.
  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Hire a accountant, pay off bills, have a family meeting and give everyone there share, and every amount will be different.
    Put money away for my kids and my grandson, give to my church.

    Take a nice vacation with my kids!
    Come home; look for a house to buy, that has a mother in law suite for my mom or a area of the house she can live and still be independent.
    Take care of my husbands mom; and his grandmother.

    Then follow my passion to start a transitional living home for women and children that need a fresh start ~
    Then sit back and enjoy life and travel; and really spoil my husband he works so hard.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    pay off my house, and remodel it with a dream kitchen and wicked craft cave in the basement, and give it to my best friend that's at my house watching my kids. I'd pay off my parents' and brothers' and sister's houses (I'm # 5 of 6) and then give each of them at least 100k to do some home stuff - fix up or remodel, or whatever. I'd pay off my parents house, and my mom's always wanted to do an Alaskan cruise, so I'd take the whole family after paying whatever debts off that we all have.. pay off our church's new addition, and put a sweet nursery in it - since the one had a pipe blow in it - and still isn't repaired.
    then I'd buy a house on the hill in our town.- a big one with security gates and stuff, and then a house on the OR coast - around Seaside- maybe in Astoria- keep it in WA state! ;) and travel in a sweet new RV with my kids & hubby - and maybe our cats - we have 3... so our