How much are you deadlifting?



  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I literally just started so I'm only lifting 23kg (about 46lb) but hey it's a start!

  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I love stiff legged deadlifts! My last workout I did a measly 60# - I will bump up to 65 my next workout. I'm afraid to find my one rep max... I need to be able to walk! I usually do the traditional 3 x 8-12 reps. I did drop sets this week which were killers!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I don't know my 1RM, but I'm 24/F/143 lbs and my working sets are 120 currently with 3 sets of 8. I'm planning on starting Stronglifts 5x5 soon.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    172lbs.... I lift my dead body up outta bed in the morning,


    Sorry, just had to be silly ;)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm 5'5", 140lbs. I usually do sets with 70lb, but I feel like I could go much heavier. I have a really hard time keeping a good grip on the 70lb bar and I'm usually only stopping because I feel like I'm going to accidentally drop it!

    Google switched grip, and do it. You won't drop it that way.
  • princesspita
    princesspita Posts: 28 Member
    Female, 5'3", 133lbs...oh and almost 37 years old.

    DL 220x6

    1RM DL 255lbs
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Started dl at 25 lowly pounds and now I can do 150lbs as my max, which is almost 1.5x body weight. 5'4" 110 pounds here.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    female, 5'4", weight 115. I deadlift 135lbs (1 plate) for a set of 5. Due to surgery I can't lift weights for like, a year though :(
  • ericm4
    ericm4 Posts: 4
    5'6, 156lbs, Deadlift - 270
  • I'm female,33 yo, 5"2 and weigh 150 lbs. I have been working out for a few weeks and am deadlifting 80 lbs. I will be increasing that weight in the next few weeks as I am becoming more comfortable with my form.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    110 lbs, 5'ft. Max Deadlift 185. Working 5x5, I think it was 150 last time I did it.

    I always use a mixed grip.
  • Karstenf
    Karstenf Posts: 85 Member
    I wouldn't recommend trying to make a big jump in weight. Even if your form is good, you can hurt yourself that way. Just add 5-10 pounds a week until you figure out what weight challenges you.

    ^^^This is great advice. I am 6'1", 228 lbs, deadlift 285. I started lifting a year and a half ago. I was 268 lbs. and could only deadlift 95. I started adding 5 lbs every week until I got to 205. Now I add 10-15 lbs every other week. I also incorporated squats, another excellent compound lift. I do 3 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, so I don't know what my 1 rep max would be. My goal is to slim down, so I like getting in the reps. Good luck and take it slow to prevent injury.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    6'11", 280.


    It's a long way up!!
  • momto1g1b
    momto1g1b Posts: 118 Member
    I'm 5'5", 140lbs. I usually do sets with 70lb, but I feel like I could go much heavier. I have a really hard time keeping a good grip on the 70lb bar and I'm usually only stopping because I feel like I'm going to accidentally drop it!

    Google switched grip, and do it. You won't drop it that way.

    Thank you!
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Last time i checked my working weight was 110lb, but i need to work on this more ( if i could ever prize the Oly bar out of the meatheads hands)

    My goal is 225 and then see what i can from there.

    Oh and i wear gloves :tongue: not for grip really but more for not tearing the crud out of my hands.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    i'm 6'2" 226 lbs
    1RM - 435 lbs
    my goal is 500 lbs sometime this year
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I have to post after ^^^^^ lol!

    Male, 5'10" 206lbs

    1RM - 310lbs (only did it once)
    5RM - 275lbs
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    female, 5'4" 155-ish pounds.
    my 1rm as of last monday was 160. when i'm repping, i up the weight every day i lift and i'm currently at 115x10.
    i don't use chalk, though, so my lifts would be bigger if i did (and if one of the gyms i lift at even allowed chalk...).
  • I am male age 23. My weight was 90 kg. My height is 5. 7 inch. i have lose my weight until 75 by intake weight loosing pills. Thanks for all for commenting.
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    f 5'3 127lbs and I am at 95 for DL..I only do stiff legged tho