
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Thought of you this morning and checked in. So glad you updated!!! Amen!! I am sure he is still in surgery right now, just prayed for you guys again...
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    Lord i lift these two families up to you! you are a God of healing I pray for physical healing for the one family and thank you for giving him life. I pray for the family who lost their member for spiritual and emotional healing. Thank you for their mercy and grace to to be donors. May you watch over the surgeons and complete the work you have started in these families. May you have the glory and riches from this! God may we all learn to be humble and dependent on you for your soverignity and will in our lives. Thank you for this internet to connect all our needs, its not always about just loosing weight and getting healthy but connecting in all ways! Thank you for this priveledge in Jesus precious name I pray these things!

    This! Agreeing in prayer with you & others that your father will be healed and that the donor family will find peace that passeth all understanding in this difficult time.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family and the donor family.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    It's all is Gods hands! Trust in him and he will not let you down!!! I will continue to pray :) i am blessed by reading this and seeing the proof of goodness in our everyday life!
  • marygettingfit
    marygettingfit Posts: 49 Member
    My prayers and thoughts are being sent you & your dad. God bless the donor family and for their gift of life!!!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    The Bible assures us in Matthew 18:20: "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." We may not be together physically, but I'd say we are united. Welcome Lord! Thank you for your Faithfulness.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Prayers being offerd for your Father, you, your family, the wonderful donor and the kind/selfless love of the donor's family. I believe 100% in organ donation. May you All be Blessed.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    prayers for you...
  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    Lord i lift these two families up to you! you are a God of healing I pray for physical healing for the one family and thank you for giving him life. I pray for the family who lost their member for spiritual and emotional healing. Thank you for their mercy and grace to be donors. May you watch over the surgeons and complete the work you have started in these families. May you have the glory and riches from this! God may we all learn to be humble and dependent on you for your soverignity and will in our lives. Thank you for this internet to connect all our needs, its not always about just loosing weight and getting healthy but connecting in all ways! Thank you for this priveledge in Jesus precious name I pray these things!

    Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for your father, and strength for all of your family. Praying for peace and comfort for the family who suffered a loss.
  • edisonswifey
    edisonswifey Posts: 459 Member
    OMG OMG OMG - Please keep my family in your prayers... My Dad just got the call for his liver transplant...

    he is on his way into NYC for scheduled surgery at midnight. we have to Pray that the liver is viable and a good match, but if it is, its his!!

    This would be an amazing blessing for us... I am incredibly hopeful... and forever indebted to those who are organ donors... I am humbled by the fact that someone had to lose their life in order for my father to have another chance at his...

    May the family of the donor have some peace tonight knowing that they have bestowed the gift of life to so many... may God bless them now and forever.........

    My prayers go out to all involved. Hope all goes well.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Prayers for your family, the donor's family, and the doctors involved with both. AMEN!!
  • lilbel2011
    lilbel2011 Posts: 7 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family & the donor's family as well. May the Lord richly Bless You!
  • littledeak
    littledeak Posts: 17 Member
    I just read this, a day late. However, you have my prayers as well. Hopefully there will be a strong recovery.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    My prayers go out to both families!
  • jopalis
    jopalis Posts: 238 Member
    God be with Him........ Make His face to shine upon him..... Keep praying! God Bless! What a blessing.......
  • MummyDB
    MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
    Just heard from Mom, they have cleared the Liver and My Dad for the transplant. They are prepping the O.R. now, we expect he should be underway in about 20 minutes...

    I am so overwhelmed right now, thank you to everyone for the positive messages and support. Please remember to hug your loved ones and keep sending us your positive energy, this will be a very long process with the surgery taking up to 12 hours....

    I am so very thankful and somber as well , that in order to save this life another had to be lost... thank you to all the organ donors out there and especially to the family of the 69 year old in Albany NY for giving this precious gift to my family...

    will update again when I can...

    Was just checking back to see if there was an update. Still praying!!
  • skyocom
    skyocom Posts: 41 Member
    Praying surgery went well and that the doctors take excellent care of him til he comes home.:flowerforyou:
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    your family & their family are in my prayers
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I will be praying for you your family and the Donor family. What a wonderful blessing that has been bestowed on your family.