20 th July new group



  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Again

    I am sorry to say that i think we have lost 1 or 2 members.
    Please don't QUIT!
    Together we can make it work. I really want it to work this time for me!
    We all have times that we can't post anything. There are plenty of reasons; even I had that last week. Don't forget just to pick it up again
    I am sure all of us have watched the Biggest loser. We all have that in ourselves.
    Ok maybe we don't have that personal trainer, and that big amount of money to win and all the other things but .......

    WE CAN do IT!!!

    I don't want to see anyone stopping here, DO YOU HEAR!!!!!

    Please say out loud RIGHT NOW


    Ha ha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Please give us new ideas to continue!!
    New members with great ideas are welcome

    Have a great day

    Love Patty
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Patty,

    I did not see my progress on the chart..I posted it here on the 9th..I'm now wondering if I was supposed to email it to you as opposed to posting it on the board....LOL...please forgive me..I am new at this but don't worry, I am NOT quitting!! I am addicted to MFP...so much to learn...so much support..I LOVE it!

  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope you are all having a good week!

    I on the other hand am havin a disaterous week, I have had a 40th birthday party , my daughter's birthday party and my friends going away dinner ( she is moving to Alaska :sad: :sad: :sad: ). So to say the least I have not been making very good food choices or making it to the gym at all:grumble:

    And at the same time my partner and I are trying to figure out whetner to move to Canada to be closer to my family...after 9 years of living I am ready for the change BUT at the same time all my bad food eating habits would return with the move as the convience of unhealthy foods is sooo tempting...where as hear I have to drive 1/2 an hour for fast food...not really fast hehehe:laugh: We would have to live with my mother til we decide exactly what town we want to live in and that would definately make me put on weight stress eating and she always house the house full of junk food :mad: So the stress of making the decision is making me stress eat:explode:

    Heading to the gym tonight to work off all these unhealthy choices

    Sorry ladies just needed to vent and my partner wouldn't quite understand.

  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good Mornind everyone,
    IT's a beauitful day in wisconsin today,yesterday i was very busy,i have a garden and the zucchini are coming like crazy now so i bake all different kinds of breads and muffins for the winter i did workout and i baked for6 hours,and still have zuchini left so i'm going to make pasta sauce next i think,but not today i work late tonite with my daycare.
    I'm glad everyone is doing good.

    Jiggybits-it's a tough decision to know if want to move agian just do whats best for you.when i moved almost 9 yrs ago it was hard away from my family but it was the right decision for me.Good luck.

    E-mail your weights to patty on fridays so that she has them.Good luck everyone.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!!! I made it through my workout last night. I had mentied on another thread that I was feeling a bit blue yesterday so I decided to try new DVD's so I would be forced to concentrate on that and to stop thinking. It did work and I felt better. I ended up doing two WATP 30 minute DVD's and then 20 minutes of abs on a cardio dance dvd. I can't keep my heart in the target zone with WATP but I still like the DVD's.

    Nobody wanted to cook yesterday. My husband had a taste for Chinese. So, he ate that and I did end up cooking some zucchini, rice and tomatos for myself. Glad I did that. Just wasn't in the mood to feel bloaty for the rest of the week.

    Angl- Happy early birthday!! By all means HAVE CAKE!!!!!

    Jigglybits-Some weeks are going to be diasterous for all of us!! I will have one at the end of September with my husband's birthday and then another birthday celebration the following weekend. Just do your best and keep moving forward. Wishing you luck on making your decision about moving.

    Jennie-There are 4 of us on this thread that are in Michigan. Or at least 4 that I know of.

    Patty- I saw that some people haven't checked back. I keep hoping that they just have been too busy to post. I know one of the reasons I post so often is that if I know I have to post...then I will be more likely to make sure to get my workout in. I do it as a way of being accountable for myself. I know others might not need to be that extreme. It's good that you brought the topic up though so they know we're still here for them.

    I just noticed this smiley face :huh: This is how I look today.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Patty-thanks for putting up the numbers for the group. It is impressive to see what we have done together!!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support it's appreciated:flowerforyou:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    Just a reminder to you all.

    Did you know we have only 140 days till 1st January 2010????
    Who will be wearing that sexy black little dress this year instead of those stretchy pants???

    I would :heart: that to be ME!:love::love:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! I got my workouts in yesterday. Today is going to be a rest day for the most part.

    Patty- Thanks for always posting inspiring and motivational things. Wow...only 139 until the new year. That means holidays and lots of pictures. I have to get moving!!!!
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    139 days wow....that will be here before we know it!

    Of course today is my day off and my head is pounding. I should be able to get my workout in with no problems.

    I told my kids we were sitting our butts in the sand all day today and enjoying the beach!

    Have a great day!

    Jennie :wink:
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I have a little lack dress that has been in my closet for 3 years that I would love to get back into for New Years!!

    I made it to Zumba last night and am going again tonight. Taking Friday off this week. Next week will be a month that we have been doing this all ready!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    So it's weigh in day...I weigh 159 still:smile: thank goodness I didn't put on this week after all the poor food choices I made...But I also did my measurements for the first time in amonth and lost a total of 7&1/2 inches from various parts of my body 3 of those were from my waist:happy: I am thrilled.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and a great weigh in:flowerforyou:

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I was 198.8 yesterday and the same today. At least I know I can maintain my weight for 24 hours. lol.

    I'm off work until Wednesday. Going to get some projects done around the house and hopefully get my workouts switched to the morning.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I weighed in today at 211. That is a 2 pound loss this week, a 5 pound lost overall. I was down more earlier in the week, but got lazy the last couple of days. It really is a 24/7 committment.

    Congrats to everyone on a great week. Gains, losses, or maintaining, we have all been getting healthy together for 4 weeks now. :drinker:
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    Good morning ladies, I weighed in at 220lbs today which shows a 2lb weight gain:cry:

    I was not surprised by the gain because I made some poor nutritional choices last week. I had maybe two workouts, I guess it was an off week for me. I had a lot of things on my mind and I just could not concentrate on myself. Also, I was just being lazy. I am going to put all of that to the side and begin to concentrate on what is good for me. I AM GETTING BACK ON THE COMMITTMENT WAGON!!!!!!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Angelae39: CONGRATULATIONS for your 2lb loss.
    Jigglybits: YOU GO GIRL!!!!
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Congrats to all who lost weight this week. Hang in there to those who did not.
    I am still celebrating my birthday allllll week. My weight today is the same as last week. 170.5
    Guess you cant eat cake and lose weight. The cake was delicious and Im sure to be back on the diet program on Monday.
    Have a great weekend and dont be like me and eat cake!!!!
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    By the way......your age in your profile automatically changes on your birthday. These computers are so smart. Look out they are taking control of the whole world.:laugh: :laugh: :grumble:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Happy Birthday, angl! We moved our son down South...10 hour drives both ways...stopped at fast food along the way....ate a "child's" burger. I gained .8 of a pound so felt it wasn't toooo bad.:sad: Now school has started and I will get back into a routine.:smile: Keep up the great job!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Oh NO
    I gained
    And just because of that I did the worst thing
    ... started eating chocolate
    Now I feel even worse and going out for a jog in a short while.
    I feel so good when I receive messages with Yeah I lost
    and than I gain
    Why did I do that?

    Oke not having my best day but shouldn't take it out on the chocolate.
    maybe because I didn't take any chocolate since we started Hmm??

    Up to next week
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    As you all read just now I was pissed of with myself


    I have been using the cross trainer in the house since 4 weeks and build it up from nothing to something. Just now I went to a running track. That has been more than a year ago.
    After the warm up and walking in between I did 3 times 5 min run.
    It might not we much for some of you but to me it was a real achievement.
    Half way the run it started to rain and I did not want to stop I was thinking about the chocolate I ate, I kept going.
    All the others had stopped already. While I kept running I was smiling at myself and talking to my self.
    Yes you can do it and I did it. :happy:
    During my cool down I broke out in sweat and smiles and the rain stopped hahaha

    I feel Good!

    My hubby outstation and I had to get it of my chest.