Dukan it out !!! - The Dukan Diet



  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Hi I am only on day 3 but I was wondering if anyone knew if Atkins bars were ok on the dukan diet

    ive had them before, choc decadence or something like that. theyre not allowed but i figured it would be ok on occasion bc it was low carb high protein. if your following the plan strictly id say no, but if ure like me and a little more relaxed i think theyr ok occasionally.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Please explain, I would like to hear your experience.
    Looking back this is one of the worst diets I have ever done!

    I am on the go most of the week, busy job and like to visit the gym as much as I can. The total lack of carbs is just rediculous. The diet does suggest just light exercise like a 30 minute walk daily but thats not for me

    I became a total mental nightmare and didn't help my mood one bit

    Trying to eat on the go was impossible unless you had a deli or good store nearby that would sell what you are allowed to eat. The first time I did it I was so scared to eat any carbs so I did the 'attack' phase for about a month. The results were good, but when I just had enough I consumed cakes, biscuits and everything I missed

    I'm not saying this diet is bad for everyone but I certainly wouldn't recommend it, especially if you enjoy eating fresh vegetables as much as me

    I now stick to a high protein, veg and fruit, slow releasing carb 'diet' aka healthy eating. And love it!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I tried this for about 6 days, lost about 400gms. Totally not worth it (for me anyway).
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    So this is a low carb diet similar to atkins? Complex carbs arent the enemy. They are the bodys main fuel source. Would you not have low energy and get all shaky doing a diet like this? These are so confusing, just eat properly and be active.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    So this is a low carb diet similar to atkins? Complex carbs arent the enemy. They are the bodys main fuel source. Would you not have low energy and get all shaky doing a diet like this? These are so confusing, just eat properly and be active.

    Its similar to the Atkins, however its all low fat and lean meats, no cheeses and fatty red meats

    And yes, very low energy!
  • snaggly
    snaggly Posts: 48 Member
    Second day of the attack phase. I really don't feel that I've lost weight at all and have not stepped on the scales yet. Anyone NOT lost during this phase?

    I'm counting calories and find myself over 1200 limit and am worried that I'm gaining!!
  • Hi all!
    Looking for some dukaners to friend me - I would really like to see some food logs with ideas for PP days. I have been on cruise for 3 days now and am down a total of 4 lbs. (I only did AP for 3 days as I only had 15 lbs total to lose) I'm liking the diet but REALLY missing crunchy things (similar to tortilla chips etc) so crunching on carrots and celery during PV days is just not cutting it. Does anyone have any ideas for on hand snacks (that don't need refrigeration for when I'm out) or crispy foods?
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Happy Monday fellow Dukaners- how is everyone doing?
    I was doing really really well until Christmas, then I fell off the wagon big time during holiday week but am back on now. (i just went back to attack and now on Cruise. Attack was much easier the second go round. One word of warning to anyone new to Dukan though, not sure if it was just me but when i fell off the wagon- I fell off HARD and ate every single sugary carb in sight (enjoyed every bite too- LOL):blushing:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The Dukan Diet is basically a high protein, very low carb, ketogenic type diet. It is different than Atkins because it also is low in fat and greatly limits food choice. The goal of this diet is to cause the dieter's body to burn ketone's produced by the breakdown of body fat instead of carbohydrates which are the body's primary fuel source.

    The Dukan Diet Consists of 4 Phases

    1.The Attack Phase- This initial part requires the dieter to eat nothing but lean protein for 1 to 10 days depending on how much weight needs to be lost. They can season the protein with non-fat seasonings and also are required to eat 1 1/2 Tablespoons of oat bran each day.
    2.The Cruise Phase- This part of Dukan requires dieters to alternate all protein days with protein and non starch vegetable days. This is continued until goal weight is reached.
    3.The Consolidation Phase- Once goal weight is achieved the dieter will continue to eat protein and vegetables, but may add some fruit and whole grains. One "celebration meal" is allowed each week.
    4.The Stabilization Phase- This part is ongoing and dieters may eat whatever they like while following the rules of the Consolidation Phase as a basis. One day a week dieters should eat nothing but protein.
    Dukan Diet Foods
    There are 100 foods the dieter can choose from while on the Dukan Diet. 72 are from animal sources and 28 are from plant sources. Some of the foods include; fish, chicken, turkey, lean beef, fat-free yogurt, onions, mustard, green vegetables, oat bran, stevia, coffee, tea, and diet soda.

    Pierre Dukan is a strong advocate of exercise and considers it essential for being successful on his plan. Brisk walking is recommended for 20 minutes each day and increased to 30 minutes in the Cruise Phase.

    Taken from www.freedieting.com 18/07/2011

    To me it sounds like the Atkins which I dont really advocate because muscles need carbs and the heart is a muscle.

    Muscles do not need carbs unless you are a sugar burner. When you are a fat-burner (I am) then your muscles will run on fat (mine do - I actually have a natural insulin resistance since my muscles prefer fat (or ketones) for energy. The reason you will have no energy because if you are going to go low-carb YOU MUST INCREASE YOUR FAT.


    And the brain and heart actually prefer ketones to glucose - they run better on ketones. The ONLY things in the body that absolutely have to have glucose are your red blood cells and your body will make glucose from the protein you eat.
  • I think method of Dukan is a good way of orginizing your eating habbits. Last summer, I did cut carbs and fed myself with only tomatos and cucumber with some cheese. I ate 2 main meal (mainy vegetable) in general + 5-6 portion of fruit, and move a lot (I didn't go to gym). Yes, I lost 8kg within 1 onth only, but then I had to take pills for anaemia and I just couldn't control my desire to foods especially which containing simple carbs, and gained 8kg within 4 months (but this time every day I went to the gym and did cardio for 70min). You can't imagine the foods that I did consume. Then, I discovered the Dukan diet and started immediately. Well, due to my junk food addiction (especially at night, my desire to simple carbs just reaches its max limits!), I broke the diet 2 times and couldn't finish the attack phase, but after the second trial I just passed the critical phase :) This is my 3th day, and I don't want to eat any sweets (diet sodas are really good for these kind of crises), and I feel very full due to lean meats and cottage cheese. When I feel hungry, I just go and eat meat in little slices. Moreover, it's strange that some people feel dizzy and tired, because this diet does not restrict food intake, so one can go and eat and what is allowed, and overcome the dizziness. Well, since the protein group is the second choice (first is carbs as you all know) of the body to burn and extract energy, response time to get the energy from proteins maybe take a little longer but not that much! Moreover, after the attack phase approximately all main foods are allowed, so it's safe. And, the last 2 phases are there to maintain the habbit of healthy eating and not attacking the carbs.

    I realize that, after breaking the diet 2 times, I didn't consume that much carbs, I just can say "no, I feel full." because I really feel full strangely :) In short, I belive this diet can regulate the bad eating habbits, and after you overcome these bad habbits, you can consume everything, because you gain the ability to control your portions.
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    Bump for later - thinking of doing the Dukan diet :drinker:
  • drakies
    drakies Posts: 8
    Day 1 of attack - not bad so far, but the first day of anything is never that bad. Tomorrow will be more of a challenge without husband here.

    Planning on staying on attack until Friday and having first PV day on Saturday.

    Wish me luck.
  • bjam1234
    bjam1234 Posts: 75
    good luck Drakies!

    anyone on here doing this atm? I started last monday and lost 3.3kg in my 5 days attack :D

    have moved onto cruise over the weekend but have not stepped on a scale yet - I do not feel like it would be going down at the moment but I feel really good and full of energy and not hungry so will keep doing this and weigh in during the week and see how the extra food options has altered my progress. The initial fall is largely water but part of it will be genuine weight since it is inherently significantly lower cal than I would eat normally.

    Hope this week goes well - it is a bit nerve wracking :laugh: such a different diet than I am used to!
  • sacha_1987
    sacha_1987 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm now on day 4, I'm doing 5 days as I have 21lbs to lose (Target weight is 10st).

    Day one and two were fine, although I've had trouble experimenting. Oat bran porridge is lovely with some sweetener, although it's got a very grainy texture. It's very filling. I made a slimming world 'quiche' made out of 6 eggs, 1 tub of quark, ham, some Extra light phillidelphia and LOADS of seasoning (pepper etc). I added a dash of vinegar. You just mix it all together and wack it in the oven - it's great.

    I'm suffrering from a bad headache today though :grumble: but i'm drinking loads of water because of it so it's kind of a good thing.

    I'm sure im in Ketosis - i've got the metallic taste in my mouth etc. Hopefully i'll lose some weight, but I just can't pluck up the courage to stand on the scales yet...... i'm going to do it tonight if I don't chicken out!!!

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • lauriemeridith83
    lauriemeridith83 Posts: 46 Member
    On day 2 of attack and I've lost 6.2 pounds! Woohoo! The Dukan Cookbook has been a lifesaver!
  • noelty
    noelty Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! Day 4 of the attack phase and I am down almost 8 lbs!!!!
  • bjam1234
    bjam1234 Posts: 75
    well 2 wks back on the dukan plan and I have lost 3.2kgs!

    lost the plot for a week over the holidays and safe to say the weight came back - fast :embarassed: but I like cooking with this new set of rules and I feel good on this eating plan so I am going to stick it out for as long as I still feel good and am losing weight :) - another 10 to go to get to my "true weight" - although when (I keep going to say if - but I need to be more commited than that - so WHEN) I get there I will re-evaluate, as this is right at the top of my healthy BMI range and I am not a heavy frame imo so I was thinking less would be alright... but we will see!

  • Ive been doing the Atkins since Feb 1st and lost 28lbs so far, i have bought this book though and think i may give it a go..will let you know how i go :smile:

    BTW, is there a group?
  • oh yes there is in answer to my own question, just typed Dukan in the group search bar :smile:
  • bump