How much are you deadlifting?



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm doing mine w/o belt. What belt you guys using?
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Male 6ft 220lbs 24yrs. I can deadlift 275x5 at the moment not sure what my 1RM is yet though. No belt
  • Razkler14
    Razkler14 Posts: 74
    28 year old female! Deadlift 210 about 6 months ago... haven't maxed out recently but will very soon! Hoping to hit 225-30!
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm doing mine w/o belt. What belt you guys using?

    5'7-5'8 175-180s .. most i have ever done is 405 for reps(with belt).. not sure on 1rm

    i use a inzer
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    5'11'' Male 201lbs

    Deadlift Raw 203.5lbs/92.5kg 3 x 8.

    Havent done 1RM in a while since I was doing 140lbs/70kg deads 3 x 8, which was 264lbs/120kg.

    From progress, could possibly do 300lbs/1401RM.... maybe haha.

    Have been progressing nicely, starting to get close to my max for sets, will be somewhere around 220lbs Im thinking.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    5'11'' Male 201lbs

    Deadlift Raw 203.5lbs/92.5kg 3 x 8.

    Havent done 1RM in a while since I was doing 140lbs/70kg deads 3 x 8, which was 264lbs/120kg.

    From progress, could possibly do 300lbs/1401RM.... maybe haha.

    Have been progressing nicely, starting to get close to my max for sets, will be somewhere around 220lbs Im thinking.

    You're dreaming. You will be repping 120+ in no time :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm doing mine w/o belt. What belt you guys using?

    5'7-5'8 175-180s .. most i have ever done is 405 for reps(with belt).. not sure on 1rm

    i use a inzer

    I used one like that too. But it's been so long that it no longer fits. haha
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    I do like these threads :p

    Current body weight is 190lbs. Male. 6'0"
    current 1RM deadlift is 195kg (429lbs).

    completely raw i might add. no belt.
  • curvatrino
    curvatrino Posts: 33 Member
    bump - I'm about to start lifting heavy, and it's good to have things to compare your progress to - thanks guys ( and more importantly ladies!)
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    m/6ft/180lbs - lift 1RM around 350lbs (without using crap form and killing my back) standard 6-8 reps I do at around 285lbs
  • aliciakay3086
    aliciakay3086 Posts: 61 Member
    5'4", 118, 1RM 155. Mixed grip, right facing out.

    Super jealous of all you heavy lifters...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ha i put 140lbs down, just to see what it felt like, couldn't even get it off the ground. Sunday I'm hoping for 100lbs lift...i still have really good form, except for one stupid lift last week, damn did that hurt my back. didn't tear anything, but it felt terrible for the entire day i was fine, not stiff or ripped or anything, but i know the instant my form is off
  • My best ever deadlift was 505 pounds at a body weight of 170.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    m/6ft/180lbs - lift 1RM around 350lbs (without using crap form and killing my back) standard 6-8 reps I do at around 285lbs

    you look like you'd go heavier than that i reckon.

    my 1rm is done with the same form as any other. :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I've got some questions for you. Are you male/female? Height/Weight? How much can you deadlift? I am currently f/5'6/200lbs and I'm deadlifting 90lbs. I want to lift heavier but how much heavier?

    1.57m (5'2")
    53 kgs (about 115-116lbs.)
    So far I can only deadlift 60lbs.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    m/6ft/180lbs - lift 1RM around 350lbs (without using crap form and killing my back) standard 6-8 reps I do at around 285lbs

    you look like you'd go heavier than that i reckon.

    my 1rm is done with the same form as any other. :)

    To be honest I haven't actually tried it in a long time. Not wanting to hurt myself during the football (soccer) season so I guess it must have been before August last year I actually did it.

    I'll give it a go at the end of the season and see!
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    female 5'7'' 163# w/ a 1RM of 315 5RM of 295#. Really hoping to get 2x BW this month, whether that means I lose the weight or up my max, I don't care. To be so close kills me. Working on 400 by the end of year, or by my birthday in August would be even better. I have loved deadlifts since day one... To me, there is NOTHING better than getting a huge weight off the ground. Whether DL, power clean, snatch, whatever.

    Edit: SumoDLs are fun too, that one's stuck at a 1RM of 285
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    PR'd 135 last night, woot, woot! Then did the WOD at 115

    Previous PR was 115 in early Feb.

    5'9" 130
  • rmamies
    rmamies Posts: 1
    I'm 5'3".
    I'm still overweight: I weigh about about 67 kg (147.7 lb).
    When I started deadlifting, I was lifting 30 kg (66.13 lb).
    I now dead lift 60 kg (132.28 lb) for 8-10 reps.

    I'm still working on losing weight :)
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member

    Meet best is 705lb, hoping to break into the 750's by summer.