I sometimes hate Texas!!

I love it during winter and spring! perfect temperatures sunny and flirty one day and then the day after a day like today! I was stuck at work during the middle of a tornado party!!!

any suggestions on non-volitile states i can move to??


  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    There are none...

    Northeast: blizzards, ice storms & Noreasters

    South: hurricanes; suffocating humidity

    Midwest: tornadoes; blistering heat

    North: blizzards, double-digit negative degree temps

    West: fires, mudslides, blizzards, earthquakes (don't know how I could've forgotten those)

    Northwest: rain...rain...rain...more rain...oh & rain...

    Good luck...
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Western Washington - we have two seasons: "Rainy" and "About to Rain." Oh, and about two weeks of summer...

    (Actually not true, it does rain a lot but that makes it green and beautiful and we have some really nice days during the spring and summer.)
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm in Southeast TX and it's been beautiful here all day. But, I do know how the weather changes so much here! I call it bipolar weather. :)
  • Andie_loops
    I'm in Southeast TX and it's been beautiful here all day. But, I do know how the weather changes so much here! I call it bipolar weather. :)

    omg! i do too!! it was so pretty yesterday here in dallas and today omg tornado warnings, 18 wheelers flying around like they are paper!!

    I actually dont mind the rain i just hate tornadoes!!
  • Andie_loops
    Western Washington - we have two seasons: "Rainy" and "About to Rain." Oh, and about two weeks of summer...

    (Actually not true, it does rain a lot but that makes it green and beautiful and we have some really nice days during the spring and summer.)

    this would be perfect for me!! i love the rain and all green parks! my little pup loves to roll around in the grass!!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I live in Northern California and while we can have fires, mudslides and earthquakes, they don't happen all that often. You should move here. There is no humidity or snow.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Just move further south. San Antonio doesn't get too many tornados... neither does the Rio Grande Valley. Although we did get one a couple of days ago. But that's rare! :tongue:
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Come surf the earthquakes here in California :laugh:
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Grew up in the Dallas area. Lived through the Lancaster tornado of 1993. Close as I ever want to be to another one.
    Moved further west... it's frakin' hot! No spring, just summer and hot as hell. :( I'll move with you!!
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Southern New Mexico actually has pretty decent weather.. no real extremes- just crazy dust storms occasionally in the spring. :)
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Dallas here. Remember, we have no income tax. Other states do, except for a handful.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Good luck finding one that keeps consistent weather. I live in Kansas and back in January we had an 80 degree day followed by an almost tornado day, followed by snow day & later on the snow day it got up to like 70...Mother nature has got to be hammered.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Well, we do have tornadoes in WI, BUT most homes (and a lot of businesses) have BASEMENTS in WI. Makes a huge difference in a tornado. A couple of years ago an entire town nearby was wiped off the map. There were no serious injuries, no fatalities. Everyone got to a basement, and basements don't blow away with the rest of the house.
  • Jan3361
    Jan3361 Posts: 8
    Hawaii is about as good as it gets. Well, there's those damn tourists and a "little bit" of traffic.:)
  • enlightening
    enlightening Posts: 20 Member
    Four of California's cities, including San Francisco and San Diego are in the top cities that have the least variable weather. That's where you should go. And so should I, since I'm in Hot as Hell Houston!
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    I LOVE it here...except for days like today. Spent the entire afternoon watching the skys, looking for tornados, dodging hail, calling family and friends to make sure everyone is ok. THAT gets a little nerve-racking. Thankfully everyone I know is ok.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    NH is out- I got stuck in a random pop up hail storm 2 miles from my house yesterday. Then after it rained for a minute, the sun came back out.... New England...
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    Live in Austin, born and raised in texas. Cant say i miss 6 months of blizzard as some states have. Its a trade off anywhere you go. Weather is everywhere, no one is safe from snow, rain or tornadoes
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    :flowerforyou: I live in ABQ, NM.
    Weather is pretty, views are amazing, and it's rare to have a tornado even touch down, and unheard of for it to do anything.
    I love it here.
  • taxacctdfw
    taxacctdfw Posts: 67 Member
    Hawaii is about as good as it gets. Well, there's those damn tourists and a "little bit" of traffic.:)

    LOVE LOVE Hawaii. Hopefully one day I can live there.

    And yes the storms in Dallas were terrible today. Glad my family, myself and my friends are all safe. Hopefully no more will happen tonight.