Crazy food habit you had as a kid



  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. Makes me gag thinking about it now!!!
    Oh, and I'd dip my frenchfries into my Coke to make them soggy before I'd eat them. Again, gagging! lol
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    As a kid, and still as an adult...if I have a sandwich made with read I'll pull off the crusts and eat those first then proceed to eat the rest of the sandwich.
  • As a kid it was baby powder No lie actual food wise hmm ramen and ketchup
  • I used to make myself a cup full of icing, like mix together butter and icing sugar and vanilla, and then eat it with a spoon. It was so gross, but so good!
  • TMcMillan
    TMcMillan Posts: 59 Member
    I only ate my fries with caramel its yucky!
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    any Auzzies and Kiwis out there would know about the amazing tasting Vegemite (a yeast spread which is still an all time favourite for me) ...anyway i was fussy and skinny as a child and the only thing I would ever really eat is vegemite and tomato sauce sandwichs and if i was allowed I would add salt n vinger chips into them and it had to be white bread no crusts! still think it tastes pretty delish too :ohwell:
  • gracie2586
    gracie2586 Posts: 69 Member
    Apple sauce and potato chips or wendy's chicken nuggets in their frosty its sweety and meaty!
  • Grma1956
    Grma1956 Posts: 1
    I would open small sacks of plain Lays potato chips and squirt yellow mustard into the bag. Awesome! Or so I thought.........
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    i used to put a can of potatoes in a bowl..microwave them with some margerine on top (so that it would melt) and then i would take it out and add a lot of ketchup and mix it with the margerine.

    Ah to be little again. good times :tongue:
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    swiss cheese with grape jelly bc that's what my mom used to do.. and cold spaghetti
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,330 Member
    any Auzzies and Kiwis out there would know about the amazing tasting Vegemite (a yeast spread which is still an all time favourite for me) ...anyway i was fussy and skinny as a child and the only thing I would ever really eat is vegemite and tomato sauce sandwichs and if i was allowed I would add salt n vinger chips into them and it had to be white bread no crusts! still think it tastes pretty delish too :ohwell:

    Kiwi here :)
    Love vegemite or marmite with salt and vinagar chips YUM!!!
    I'm so buying some s&v chips on the way home now lol
  • maglodee
    maglodee Posts: 46 Member
    Still my favourite....dry toast with black pepper.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    My sister used to sit underneath our kitchen table after dinner and eat a mixture of butter and grated parmesan cheese. It was weird.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I could eat salt straight out of the shaker. Still crave salt a ton after working out.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I loved peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Any food that I did not like but had to eat such as liver I would dip each piece in green goddess dressing.
  • hlthomasuk
    hlthomasuk Posts: 1 Member
    Shedd's Spread Country Crock "butter" by itself OR on crackers!!
  • 1. Mayonnaise sandwiches

    2. Fish sticks mashed up with mayonnaise & ketchup on white bread

    3. Eating all the chocolate off a Butterfinger without eating the candy on the inside
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    -Scrambled eggs w/honey (my mom served eggs this way so my baby brother would eat them).
    -Bread (white) buttered and heavily coated with sugar.
    -Pancakes with cottage cheese and smothered in maple syrup (still do this).
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Mustard sandwiches. And hated pizza till I was 16, thought it was the grossest thing with all the ingredients mixed together on it!

    Mustard sandwiches were the best. My grandparents were German and had a collection of spicy mustards.

    I picked up weird habits from my grandma (sugar on baked beans, butter on powdered sugar doughnuts, green onion dipped in salt, etc).

    The grossest thing I did was that I used to dip my sandwiches in my water, let them get SUPER SOGGY and then eat them. I don't understand where any of this came from.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I used to eat butter. Just plain butter. The thought makes me gag now.

    Apparently I used to eat pool table chalk too. I don't remember that but that's what my siblings said I did.