Men- this is why we hate you.



  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    There are perks to being a woman! We shop better, we get free drinks at bars, and we never have to learn how to do anything as long as you have short shorts and nice legs (though I think smart women are sexy).

    Don't forget the bedroom perks. Every woman is like an underground oil reserve...just waiting around to be drilled :blushing:
  • stratmantl69
    GRR! As if women don't already have to deal with menstruating and menopause and childbirth and BOOBS, for goodness sake.

    Ok. End rant. :D

    Just so we're clear, we men generally have to deal with the END RESULT of the menstruating, the menopause, and the childbirth. BOOBS are our consolation prize. We take the small victories where we get them; so we don't exactly get off scot-free here. Just saying, not hating.................... ;)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Don't forget the bedroom perks. Every woman is like an underground oil reserve...just waiting around to be drilled :blushing:

    You know when people type lol when they just barely smirked? This isn't one of those times. I nearly dropped my ****ing coffee over this. May I use this in the future?
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    What a bunch of femenist bull crap.

    If tearing others (men) down makes you feel better about yourself, that's just sad.

    Geez.......there's always atleast one person who'll come along and pee on the party.
    Lighten's all in fun. We're not in church!!

    Thank you!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Don't forget the bedroom perks. Every woman is like an underground oil reserve...just waiting around to be drilled :blushing:

    You know when people type lol when they just barely smirked? This isn't one of those times. I nearly dropped my ****ing coffee over this. May I use this in the future?

    BWAHAHAHAH! Of course you may! :laugh:
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    Hey Hey Hey! We women are strong! We can take childbirth because we can handle the pain, we can take menopause because our body can handle the change, we take menstruation because our body can handle the responsibilities of giving life and we can take breasts because our body can handle the weight.

    Yeah we don't burn as many calories but that's because we can handle the extra workout and we have the self control to stay at our calories goals.

    So don't be discouraged.

    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    So yeah, it feels amazing to be queen, it may be hard....but that's because we can handle it.

    Mostly agree with this, it's a bit of a stretch to say all men can't handle hard because there are a few but they aren't as common as I'd like.

    Men can't handle hard? Really? Childbirth is going to serve as the scapegoat here, and rightfully so - but don't make a broad statement like that when it's a "fun" thread. It makes you sound hateful.
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    What a bunch of femenist bull crap.

    If tearing others (men) down makes you feel better about yourself, that's just sad.

    What I find funny about this post is how you seem to enjoy tearing down other posters in almost every thread you post in.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    What a bunch of femenist bull crap.

    If tearing others (men) down makes you feel better about yourself, that's just sad.

    Wow, chill...I think this is all in good fun.

    With that said...I just want them to experience TOM....ONCE. LOL

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • helpmelose2011
    helpmelose2011 Posts: 125 Member
    My husband joined here and went from 291 to 284.4 within a week and half - that sucks! and he wasnt even working out!!
  • KristysLosing
    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    What a bunch of femenist bull crap.

    If tearing others (men) down makes you feel better about yourself, that's just sad.

    Wow, chill...I think this is all in good fun.

    With that said...I just want them to experience TOM....ONCE. LOL

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good kidding. I would like to see a man deal with TOM too. I never thought it was fair that men have nothing like that to deal with. Unless they do...then by all means, educate me. :smile:
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    plus we don't feel the need to complain about something every 30 seconds, maybe there's a link between whining and weight gain...

    Where is that darn whip when I need it?? :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    Hey Hey Hey! We women are strong! We can take childbirth because we can handle the pain, we can take menopause because our body can handle the change, we take menstruation because our body can handle the responsibilities of giving life and we can take breasts because our body can handle the weight.

    Yeah we don't burn as many calories but that's because we can handle the extra workout and we have the self control to stay at our calories goals.

    So don't be discouraged.

    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    So yeah, it feels amazing to be queen, it may be hard....but that's because we can handle it.

    Mostly agree with this, it's a bit of a stretch to say all men can't handle hard because there are a few but they aren't as common as I'd like.

    Men can't handle hard? Really? Childbirth is going to serve as the scapegoat here, and rightfully so - but don't make a broad statement like that when it's a "fun" thread. It makes you sound hateful.

    Oh yeah, and ignorant.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ugh! I know what you mean.

    My boyfriend is SO unhealthy. He eats crap. as many calories as he wants and doesn't deliberately exercise. Meanwhile, he's skinny as a rail and I've been at a plateau for nine months now, despite working out like crazy and eating extremely healthy and counting calories. Makes me want to kick him!

    I think you are right when you say "My boyfriend is SO unhealthy". Don't forget that weight is not a predictor of health. Plenty of skinny people die at age 50 from heart disease, cancer, liver failure.

    Oh, I'm aware. He also smokes and drinks too much. I'll probably outlive him assuming no speeding buses come along. :-) But I want to outlive him in a thin, toned body!!!
  • DisneySkaGirl
    ah the differences between men and women. Some things, no matter how hard we try to be equal, will just not be the same between us. For me it's nothing to get frustrated or aggravated about. I encourage my husband to eat more. He was trying to keep up with me because "dieting by yourself is no fun" but he was so lethargic and moody. I armed myself with some websites and medical studies and a couple of boards here and explained why he can not sustain himself on 1200-1400 calories a day! Then gave him an extra serving of veggies and a half extra piece of chicken at dinner. He looked at his plate and then at mine and said "is this fair?" I said "No, but you need it, I don't"

    just the way the cookie crumbles for me

    This precisely... if its so universally easy for men, shouldn't they all look like an Adonis? But they don't, it's not easy for anyone.
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    I agree, hindsight is 20/20, I really didn't see it as hateful when I wrote it.

    Men also have many aspects of strength. I didn't post as saying men were a bunch of wimps but I was just seeing many comments about what made men so awesome.
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    HAHA. Wow I love how this has exploded and turned into something feminist and ridiculous of sorts.. No more joking talks for MFP in the morning, apparently!!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Yeah, well when women put on a little weight, they still look all curvy and sexy, but when men put on weight, it just goes to the belly so we look like a beach ball with legs.
  • jbaa88
    jbaa88 Posts: 9 Member
    I am having the same problem! my boyfriend joined calorie counter and i was on MFP, but since MFP had more food choices in their log, he switched over with me. He lost 5-6lbs just cutting out soda.. he started eating healthier but he NEVER needs all his calories.

    I, on the other hand, is having the hardest time trying to eat 1200cals!! I work out 3-4 times a week doing at least 30 mins of cardio. I'm doing the Couch to 5K also. I also do an aerobics class (kickboxing, etc.) a week. So if I don't work out, I wont be able to stay within my calorie limits.

    Honestly, I don't always eat healthy every day, but I do try to when I'm at work which is from 6am-4pm.. with travel time, i'm out from 5am-5pm. 12 hours! 1200 calories!
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    Hey Hey Hey! We women are strong! We can take childbirth because we can handle the pain, we can take menopause because our body can handle the change, we take menstruation because our body can handle the responsibilities of giving life and we can take breasts because our body can handle the weight.

    Yeah we don't burn as many calories but that's because we can handle the extra workout and we have the self control to stay at our calories goals.

    So don't be discouraged.

    Men have it easy because they can't handle it hard.

    So yeah, it feels amazing to be queen, it may be hard....but that's because we can handle it.

    Mostly agree with this, it's a bit of a stretch to say all men can't handle hard because there are a few but they aren't as common as I'd like.

    Men can't handle hard? Really? Childbirth is going to serve as the scapegoat here, and rightfully so - but don't make a broad statement like that when it's a "fun" thread. It makes you sound hateful.

    I really didn't think I'd be attacked about the comment. The poster was just talking about how what women go through was so hard. I don't think men are wimps or anything and of course they many aspects of strength physically and mentally.

    I was just seeing a bunch of comments about how being a man was so awesome.

    I wasn't serious about the post or trying to make anyone feel less. I found it more so as a joke than anything.

    But if you or anyone else didn't like it then I apologize.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member

    We can be attracted to someone just because they're really funny.
    We can borrow your spouse's clothes and it doesn't mean you belong on Jerry Springer.
    After we shower, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rain forest.
    We have better restrooms. We get the nice chairs and red carpet. Men just get a large bowl to share.
    We can cry without pretending there's something in our contact.
    We actually get extra points for sitting on our butt, watching sports.
    If we are a lousy athlete, we don't have to question your worth as a human being.:sad:
    In high school, we never had to walk down the hall with our binder strategically positioned.:blushing:
    If we are not very attractive, we can fool 'em with makeup.
    If we use self-tanner, it doesn't necessarily mean we are a big loser.
    We could possibly live our whole life without ever taking a group shower.:noway:
    We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.:laugh:
    When we take off your shoes, nobody passes out.:tongue:
    If the person we are dating is much better at something than we are, we don't have to break up with them.
    If we are dumb, some people will find it cute. :love:
    We don't have to memorize Caddyshack or Fletch to fit in.
    We can dress ourselves.
    We don't have to pretend to like cigars.:smokin:
    We are rarely compelled to scream at the TV.:mad:
    We and our friends don't have to get totally wasted in order to share our feelings.:drinker:
    If we pick up the check once in a while, that's plenty.
    Sometimes, chocolate truly can solve all our problems.
    If we are under 6', we don't have to lie about it.
    We will never regret piercing our ears.
    If we have big ears, no one has to know.
    We don't have hair on our back.
    Our hair is ours to keep.
    If we ARE bald, people will think you did it on purpose, and we are really chic.
    If anything on our body isn't as big as it should be, we can get implants.
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