How do you say NO to cake?



  • amayarnell
    amayarnell Posts: 60 Member
    if it's MY birthday, im going to have some cake! i mean, come on!!!!!!!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member

    You're first mistake is telling yourself that you can't say no. You can. It's just cake. It's not like you're never going to see it again. One of the most reliable methods of behavior change is to change the behavior first-change of thoughts and feelings will follow. So, step 1: When you see the cake, just walk away. You KNOW you don't need it. So just walk away. Step 2, you'll feel stronger because you said no. Your feelings toward cake will gradually change each time you are able to say no. Now you're stronger than the cake. That changes your thoughts toward it. Before you know it, cake doesn't matter.

    the thing to remember is-it's just cake.

    I find this answer to be much more helpful than the generic "everything in moderation" statement. Eating in moderation has to be learned and practiced by many people, particularly those who are chronic overeaters, sugar addicts, etc. If everyone could just decide to eat everything in moderation there wouldn't be a growing obesity epidemic. Thank you for these realistic and helpful suggestions for learning how to say no to foods we do not need. Only in learning to sometimes say "no" wil we be able to take off (and keep off) our excess weight.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's hard...but we have cupcakes from my son's birthday in the house right now and I kept walking by them and literally said "No" out loud when I looked at them! It worked!

    Edited to add: But then I ate 4 mini powdered donuts today. Ugh.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Only say yes to really good cake. How many times have you seen a yummy piece of cake and when you taste it, it tastes like plastic? Stop eating those pieces immediately. But if it is actually good, work it into your calories by cutting back elsewhere.
  • brhaunparks
    brhaunparks Posts: 28 Member
    Ummm...I don't...had a very small piece last night. :) And with that being said I agree with moderation. I knew I was having a piece of cake last night...I stayed within the 1 small piece and cut back slightly earlier in the day. Doesn't work for everyone but I find when I know when I'm going to eat something that is high in calories...fat etc I just scale back. Getting easier as the days go on.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I used to eat a lot of sweets. I first gave up those with fat, flour or chocolate (cookies, cake, etc.) and when I wanted something sweet I would get a piece of hard candy. This worked for me because I don't really like hard candy so only ate it when I had a real craving. After I while I was able to eat baked goods and chocolate on occasions without craving them everyday. It makes the occasions that much more special.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Why be miserable? Just don't pig out.

    Its not dieting. Its -life changes-. To be healthy and to be better. Watch the calories and just have a small piece. Enjoy that piece. Eat it slowly. Savor it. learn the complexities of the cake.

    By learning the cake, you learn the effort it takes to make that cake- to understand why it works the level it does. Each spice and sugar within it to harmonize and create the final result of that small mouth watering pleasure set before you.

    Its why I learned to bake and cook, to be honest. To have a more intimate and closer relation to my food. To control what I eat better, and to appreciate what is made.
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I just cant say no to cake..
    Spent an hour to day doing beach body workouts today, was like yay, now i just need to eat healthy for dinner to complete my good day..
    My mum popped round with some chocolate cupcakes with mini eggs on them.. I couldnt resist just having one..
    Grr like 300 calories wasted. =/
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Umm, it is easy. NO.

    For real. It's not like it's heroine. It's not good for you, say NO.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    If you can not allocate an amout that satisfies you within your calorie budget then just say NO!
    You want for your life to be controlled by cake?!?!?
  • chaniray
    chaniray Posts: 87 Member
    I have a small piece. Log it. And move on.

    ^^^i would start out like this. what i've found is the less i eat it the less i want it. reese cups used to be my weakness. my daughter gave me THREE egg shaped reese cups last night. i didn't even touch them. didn't even want to. just didn't feel like it. in general once you start making better food choices your cravings for the bad things will be few and far between. i don't think they'll altogether disappear...but who knows. i'm not at that point. i still have my snacks every now and then. stay strong.
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    Say no to everyday common cakes, denial and delayed gratification make saying yes later all the sweeter (no pun initially intended). Especially if you choose when to say yes, choose what to say yes to, plan the rest of the day's consumption and exercise, and then, finally, when you are ready, sit down, SAVOR it. Then, move on.

    PS find a really good bakery that makes everything from scratch with excellent frosting, and then, buy a cupcake. A bakery near our home here in Calgary - Crave - makes the most awesome cupcakes in the world. I have one about once a month. Oh delight.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Don't deny yourself a treat here and there. If you really want cake, have a thin slice. You've satisfied the craving without gobbling up the whole thing. If you really don't want to touch the stuff at all, invest in some sugar-free gum (Extra has some really yummy dessert flavors) or mints. I have some hard candies that are 12 calories each that I suck on if I really want dessert and can't be satisfied with yogurt or a light popsicle.
  • Like someone else said, "Is it good cake?". If it is quality cake, like a nice dense, moist cake, instead of just some white cake out of a box, then you are probably more likely to be satisfied with a small slice.

    But if your work place is one of those where there is always some treat staring you in the face, that would be really hard to resist. I'd suggest keeping your own good, tasty healthy snacks at hand that you can eat instead and remove some of the allure of those treats at work. Something with protein in it and not that much simple carbohydrates.

    Keep it out of the house too. We only have so much will power, don't tax it needlessly.
  • sissypunks
    Think is the cake worth the calories, do i have x amount left over is this a special treat? if the answer is yes have a small slice eat slowly and log it as long as its not an everyday thing u will be fine we r not trying to lose weight to keep from enjoying our lives we r trying to lose to better enjoy our lives longer ! This has been my problem also as i have a budding cake decorator in my house and more often than not we have cake here u learn to work it in or leave it after a bit u can do this its not easy but it is doable!!!
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    I don't say NO I say everything in moderation!

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!!

    If you want some have a small slice, nothing wrong with that. :wink: Why? Because I am not dieting...This is a life change, are you going to say no forever? I log it, and work with it. Take an evening stroll if you feel you need to work it off, but can have your cake and eat it too!

    *Please don't lie to people - that is just not nice :frown:
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    For some of us, it is NOT easy! It makes all lot of willpower and the best thing you can do is avoid cake situations altogether if possible. My daughter had two b-day parties this weekend and it was hard to say no, but it was just grocery store sheet cake. I will allow myself to have a small piece of cake if it really good and I want it, but it must fit into my calories and balanced diet for the day.

    It is all about learning new habits - not easy, but gets easier with time if we set ourselves up for success every day! :smile:

    You can do it!
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    You don't say no. You work it into your daily calorie intake and macros.

    ^^^ this
  • AmandaJames25
    what i always say when somebody asks me if i want cake or any kind of sweets i say i hate sweets an that takes care of it for me or you can always say sorry ive already went over my cals today ive done that too it works trust me:love::laugh:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I was "lucky". The first job I had was a big office and when trays of treats were put out, there was a stampede of all the fattest people in the office.
    Its not an exaggeration, they would run and hoard the food for themselves.\

    Didn't take me long to make the connection.