40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay! Tomorrow is the start of the challenge! Who's with me?

    Mspix- life is an experiment. I feel the same way.

    Sherrill - I hope to be more Energizer Bunny like this coming month. Funny visual! :happy:

    Patton-2012 - you are more than welcome to join us! The 40+ is to make sure we do things to rev up our metabolism, but some of our challenges are good for all ages.

    I hope the others chime in to just say hey at the beginning of the month. I am ready for this one!!!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I have my month planned out. Here's the rest of my week:

    Thursday - 20 min TJ and 30 DS Level 1
    Friday - Hip Hop Abs 30 min./ Ripped in 30 Level 1
    Saturday - Off

    I barely made the water, but I manged to do the meditation today. I blew the last snack since my schedule was messed up due to a night meeting. I'll eat my snack now so I'm done by 9:30 pm. I did okay with what I was eating.

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi all! Sorry, I have been super busy and haven't checked in for a few days.

    Patton: Welcome! Post up your workout, I would love to see what you do!

    Finally busted the latest plateau and am back to pre holiday weight, YAY! Next goal is to get under 150. I think the use of the HRM, along with refocusing on strength incorporated with cardio is what really helped get me there. I do struggle with getting enough water, I think I only hit my mark once last week. Really going to challenge myself to get to 8 glasses a day. I have made a twist on the meditation and am journaling instead. My brain just won't be still for 5 minutes, lol. So I bought a cool journal, some pretty pens and am making a concentrated effort (almost daily, missed a couple last week) to write about things that are positive in my life. Lately it has become almost habit to see the negative first, in a lot of situations and I don't care for how that makes me feel.

    I am still working on my schedule for this week, but this is what it looks like for now:

    Monday: 20 min TJ/20 min MWHBB
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ or 40 min KettleBell
    Wednesday 20 min MWHBB/ 20 Turbo Abs
    Thursday: 20 TJ/20 min Yoga
    Friday: 40 min MWHBB/10 min MWHBB Abs
    Saturday: 60 min walk, it is supposed to be a beautiful day!
    Sunday: off

    How is everyone doing?
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi mspix! How did the move go? It's quite all right if you need to modify the challenge to fit your lifestyle. I am also journaling and found one with music and flowers on the cover and silvery page ends (not sure what you call this). I do about 5 min. of meditation and then I journal for both sessions. I hope we both can get to 8 glasses of water soon. I am so bad at this. The good news is that I read that getting your water from foods like fruits and veggies isn't as bad as once thought.

    Your workout schedule this week looks great, and that is awesome that you finally broke through the plateau. I guess those Mamma Wants workouts are, well, working out! :laugh: You wanted it, and you got it!

    Sherrill - I hope you chime in soon so we know what you are working on. We need your inspiration!

    So here is my schedule for the week:

    Sunday - Dance Party 33 min/No More Trouble Zones 24 min.
    Monday - Clean 100 min./30 Day Shred Level 1
    Tuesday - Cardio Party Remix 30 min/Ripped in 30 Week 1
    Wednesday - Project You Push 30 min./Killer Buns and Thighs 25 min.
    Thursday - Walk Express (2 miles)/Kettlenettics 40 min.
    Friday - Yoga 20min./Pilates 20 min./Tai Chi 10 min.
    Saturday - Off - It's my B-day!!!

    I will have to do extra stretches after all of these since I am getting quite sore. I am using a calendar to mark off the days. I decided to simply create my own this month and used other workout programs to figure out what I should be doing. I think I will get Turbo Fire next month if I get through this schedule as a reward.

    Stop by and say hi when you can this week. :flowerforyou:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: great schedule this week!

    So the scales claim I have gained 2 lbs this week. I don't see how it is possible. My sodium was way high on Thursday due to prepared/processed food for the all day training/meeting so I am going to weigh again tomorrow and see. Also is TOM and I am sure that plays a part. It is so damn frustrating, though :angry:

    My workouts stayed fairly true to my original plan, just had to shorten up Thursday due to early start, and could not do the ST today because I am 45 and my body decided to freak out :huh:

    My Turbo Remix arrived today, I am looking forward to a fresh TJ! My desire to start walking in the evening will be put on hold due to rain for the next one hundred years. Arg!

    Enough of my whining, thanks for reading for those that made it this far :flowerforyou:

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Looking forward to reading what you all have been up to :)
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    hi all! I've had a couple crazy weeks but been pretty successful at the gym - 4miles in 43 mins - TWICE!!! LOL The little things we get excited about.

    I'm working on doing HIIT at least 3 times a week (and hoping this will get that dang-blasted scale to stop annoying me!) The indoor track at the Y has start markings in two places and I use the longer distance for the sprint and the shorter for the recovery for the first portion of the run and then break (generally have to pee after about a mile) then sprint 1 lap, walk 1 lap for 1.5-2 miles, then repeat the 1st part. I feel REALLY good after doing this so even if the results don't "show", I'm OK with that! :wink: Oh, and "sprint" is a relative term!

    I've finished the metabolism book and some additional reading on Paleo eating. I've come to the conclusion that my body shape may well be a byproduct of the fact that if I had my way I could live on nuts, seeds and berries - (LOVE LOVE LOVE) - no wonder I'm rather BEAR shaped!!! LOL Ok, more seriously, I've taken a hard look at foods we eat at our house (and the ingredients in them) and I'm working hard on buying things with fewer words I can't pronounce. I'm not a fan of "diets" at all and I could never call what I'm doing as entirely Paleo but I'm kind of incorporating that train of thought. Trader Joe's is my new favorite shopping location! Now if I could just get myself to eat more meat...it's a texture thing, I just really don't care for it :cry: I may never give up my protein shakes!

    I like the idea of journaling!!! Unfortunately I'm afraid i'd be as infrequent at it as I am at posting on here!!! Both of your books sound lovely though - maybe I'll look for one for myself!

    Don't forget to set your clocks forward and change your smoke alarm batteries!!

    Take care!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Mspix - So glad you bought the Remix. I bet you will love it as much as I do. I never ever weigh around TOM since it is way too depressing. I am known to fluctuate 3-5 pounds depending on salt intake, etc. So, I wait until after to make myself feel better.

    My body is freaking out right now too. I'm pushing it hard and it is getting so sore and tired. I think I need to add more stretching in. Right now I gave myself a day off since my quads are screaming. The IcyHot isn't making the difference to keep going. So, I will be kind to myself and simply take the day off.

    I hope the weather turns nice so you can get that walk in. If you can't, consider walking with Leslie Sansone. It's the next best thing.

    Sherrill So great to hear of your success despite it being crazy. You are doing really well at the gym! I wish I had an indoor track near by. I need to check out my Y again. I completely forgot that they may have one. The good news is the weather is getting better so I will be walking outside more too.

    HIIT seems to be the way to go these days to boost metabolism. What did you think of the metabolism book? I haven't heard of the Paleo Diet before. Does it assign an animal to the way you like to eat? If you don't eat meat, I'm glad you are able to enjoy protein shakes. There are some plant sources that can give you protein as well. I tend to eat beans as well to boost. Do you like fish?

    We are getting a Trader Joe's soon. We have so many health food stores here, but it is still exciting since they carry things no one else does.

    I better get going. I'm forcing myself to get to bed earlier so I can sleep well tonight. My schedule this week is nuts! Have a great week, ladies, and check in when you can! :smile:
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    fitnfun, Advil really helps me with muslce aches and a heating pad, nothing better than the two, well maybe a nice glass of red;)

    after taking last week off due to being sick I am back into the swing!
    spin Mon
    total body Tues
    yoga Wed
    walk THurs
    bike?? Fri.
    starting to RUN again on Sat.

    We are suppose to get into the low 70's on Saturday!! Gotta love that!

    Looking forward to checking in with you all this week!!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Sherrill: It sounds like you are very pleased with your HIIT workout, I am very impressed with the paces you put your body through. I have heard of the Paleo diet. I do agree that processed foods are not the best choice and try to eat as 'clean' as possible.

    Fitn: My copy of Remix was defective :( it froze on me 10 minutes in. There is a replacement on the way! I can tell I will love it, though. It reminded me of being in an actual class. I would love to start taking the TJ classes at our local Y again. The energy from the other participants really enhances the workout!
    Sorry your body is so sore, I think extra stretching would be good. More water, too, helps the muscles recoup faster. A point that is not my greatest strength :blushing: I had meant to pick up a copy of Jillians book at our local library, but it was checked out, so put myself on the waiting list for it.

    Lovestobake: Good to see you! Glad you are feeling better :) Looks like a good week ahead of you and temps in the 70's...I am *so* ready for those!

    My week:
    Monday: 10 min TJ/20 min MWHBB/ 10 min Ab work
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ
    Wednesday: 40 min kettlebell
    Thursday: 30 min TJ Remix (if it arrives)/10 min Ab work
    Friday: 40 min MWHBB
    Saturday: TBD

    Have a great week everyone!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    I'm scheduled for a LOT of races in the next few weeks:

    Mar 17 - 5K
    Apr 1 - 20K
    Apr 14 - 5K
    Apr 15 - 5K (MS Walk)
    May 5 - 5K (March of Dimes)

    That ought to keep me motivated and MOVING!! I'll most likely have the girls for all of them so I will be pushing 50lbs of kid in a 50lb stroller so I don't expect that my times will be great nor that I will "run" anything in it's entirety, but it'll be good exercise!

    fitn: hope you are feeling better, remember it is important to rest too! (at least that is what they say!)

    lovestobaketo: glad you're better!

    mspix: bummer on the bad disc!

    Hope you all are getting some nice weather. We had snow the beginning of the week and now it's just pouring! The temp jumped today and was in the upper 40s...weeeeee....here comes spring??? LOL No complaints though, got to wear rain boots and rain coats and sing silly songs while stomping in puddles this afternoon with the girls - yeah, doesn't get much better! :tongue: Sure do love them girlies!!!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Sherrill - That is fantastic! It is good you get to be a great role model for your grandkids too. They will want to be healthy too! Best wishes to you on your races and let us know how you did!

    lovestobake - How's it going this week?

    mspix - Did you get the replacement disc?

    The weather here was amazing last week, but it is cold again. We tend to get snow in March so we shall see. Colorado weather is strange!

    So this was my week last week:

    Sunday - Rebound 25 min/No More Trouble Zones for 24 min.
    Monday - Took off
    Tuesday - 20 min. TJ/Ripped in 30 level 2 34 min./Bonus Walk for 30 min.
    Wednesday - Walk 3 miles/ 30 Day Shred Level 2 27 min.
    Thursday - Fat Blaster TJ 30 min/Killer Buns and Thighs 42 min.
    Friday - Off
    Saturday - 20 min. walk/30 min. Pilates/10 min. Yoga

    This week:

    Sunday - 40 min. Kettlebell
    Monday - Hip Hop Abs 35 min./15 min. of rowing/Grocery shopping 30 min.
    Tuesday - Cardio Remix TJ/30 Day Shred Level 3 27min.
    Wednesday - Project You Push 30 min./Ripped in 30 level 3
    Thursday - Walk 3 miles/Killer Buns and Thighs level 3 (scared of this one)
    Friday - Kettlebell 20 min./ Project You Yoga and Pilates 40 min./ Tai Chi 10 min.
    Saturday - Off

    I've been burning close to 2,600 average per week this month. I hope I end up losing the 2-3 pounds on workouts alone.

    I just found out that MFP starts the week on Monday and goes through Sunday. I'm not sure this makes a difference or not.
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi ladies! Sorry for the late post, I have grandbabies in da house!

    Sherrill: That is a lot of races, holy smokes! So very cool that you take your grands to these events :) What wonderful memories for them, and it will surely impact their healthy future :flowerforyou:

    Fitn: I did get the replacement, I love it! It is very reminiscent of the actual class. Your Colorado weather sounds much like my Oregon weather. Sunday of last week we cycled through wind/rain/sun/hail/snow/hail/wind...lol

    My week:

    Monday: 20 minute Mama/20 minute TJ
    Tuesday: 30 min Turbo Remix/ 10 min Amy Dixon Strech
    Wednesday: 40 min TJ
    Thursday: Turbo Sculpt or two Mama workouts
    Friday: 30 min Turbo Remix/ 20 min Yoga
    Saturday: Not sure, I have been taking the weekends completely off lately. I seem to do better during the week. As soon as I have some decent weather, though, I will be adding some walking/jogging to my schedule :bigsmile:

    My family is heading into serious birthday territory which will be challenging for me. I hope to minimize cake and ice cream damage with preplanning and upping calorie burn when possible.

    Hope you all are having a great week!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi all,

    I have officially lost it. I have gained back all my weight and can't fit into the skinny jeans of my size (the only result I have seen in the 2 years).

    I think I need to take a break. I have been working soooo hard, and not getting results. Based on calories in/out, I should have lost at least 3 pounds. I gained three pounds. I gained inches back in my stomach. There are no results!

    I wish I could be more positive about this, but right now, I just can't be. It is extremely upsetting.

    Until they have formatted a workout/program specifically for people like me, I'm not sure what to do. I think I have tried almost everything - every type of workout, etc.

    I need to reevaluate once again, so I am taking some time away from MFP until I can get more positive again. It is too hard right now seeing everyone else getting results why I am stuck for 2.5 years. I hope you will keep this thread going so I have something to come back to.

    Thank you to you all for all the support. I just need some time off and time away. :cry:
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    fitnfun1 we are going miss ya!! Keep thinking positive thoughts. I feel the same way, as soon as I posted weight lost, it popped right back on! DAMN that scale. Just keep moving and eating right, it is all good. I heard skinning jeans are bad for you anyway, who needs 'em?

    Hope you are back soon!!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    Sherrill, gurl! You have a ton of races coming up! Good for you!! I have two weeks under my belt again and I forgot how good it feels. I need to drop a few lbs for me to get my groove back but that's why I am here, right?!!?

    Kiddos are on Spring Break this week, me too!! I need to be strong!

    Mon run
    Tues class
    Wed bike
    THurs run/walk
    Fri ??
    SAt run

    Good luck this week girls:)
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: We will be here for you, take a sabbatical...refresh and rejuvenate. I do believe we can try *too* hard. You will find your groove, I have no doubt. Meanwhile, I will be cheering you from here :flowerforyou:

    Lovestobaketo: Looks like a nice week ahead of you! I am waiting for the weather to nice itself up a bit before I lace my runners back on. (I am like a cat, no likeee the rain, lol)

    Sherrill: Hope your week is good, I know you had a pretty full run schedule!

    I did not plan my week out and started yesterday with a shrug and just grabbed a dvd without looking.
    The week is shaping up like this:

    Monday: 20 min MWHBB/20 min TJ
    Tuesday: 40 min TJ (cardio party 2)
    Wednesday: 40 min kettlebell OR 40 Turbo Sculpt
    Thursday: TBD
    Friday: 40 MWHBB OR 40 min Amy Dixon
    Saturday: 30 min TJ (cardio remix)
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Well, here we are at the start of a new week? How are you all doing?

    I am having some challenges finding my groove (again). Seems to be a recurring theme for me *sigh* I have looked at my food intake and adjusted some things, but I am thinking I may just be at the level my body wants to stay. I always said that I would be happy at any weight as long as I didn't jiggle when I wiggle. LOL. And while I still have some of that (jiggle) in the midsection and inner thigh area, I can see it being diminished as I continue with my workouts.

    So, I am going to adjust one more time in an effort to shed this last blasted 7 pounds. If I can't get it to budge, I am going to look at switching to maintenance level for a while. The frustration of not budging the scale, no matter what, is undermining me and I made a promise to myself that I would not 'throw in the towel' as I have on so many other occasions.

    Tell me how you are doing!

    This week is going to be a Turbo week:

    Monday: 40 min TJ 2
    Tuesday: 40 min Turbo Sculpt
    Wednesday: 30 Min TJ Remix, 10-20 min Turbo Abs
    Thursday: 40 min Turbo Sculpt
    Friday: 40 min TJ 2
    Sat: 20 min TJ + 20 min Yoga/Stretch
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sorry I haven't been on much! I spent almost 2 months non stop with headaches and now Im finally free of them! :) I seemed to have gained back a few pounds which Im not happy about but it's my fault! Eating a few more sweets than usual! So Im trying to get back on track! That 2 months kinda threw me off! I was still working out but it was hard! Then I came down with an upper respiratory thing which has kicked in a bit of asthma...mostly cuz of allergies but that throws me off now a bit! So, Im trying this new workout/eating plan that Self Magazine is doing! Drop 10 Pounds! Their eating plan looks pretty good! So gonna give that a whirl! Anyway, hoping you all are doing well! I will try and come on here more..Finding time is tough for me some days especially when i work! Im just glad that I have been sticking with logging my food and workouts! Well, have a great day Ladies!!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi all!

    I've decided to end my pity party. Actually, I was still working out, but I needed some space to think through some things. However, I will say that my cardio is definitely much improved! I went on a 5 mile hike and I wasn't crazy tired like I used to be at the end of it.

    I think the reason I am not shedding is due to the sedentary lifestyle for sure. A while back, if you remember, I posted I had lost 2 pounds when I went to a conference last November. This was the only time I have lost weight easily, and all I did was walk around a lot - no workouts - no counting calories - just walking around. This means I am probably not getting enough steps in during the day.

    So, with this thought. They say to lose weight, you need to start doing 2,000 steps more than normal, which is 1 mile extra per day. To be really fit, 10,000 steps or 5 miles a day is recommended. I am probably only doing around 2,000-4,000 steps even with the workouts. No wonder I am not losing any weight.

    Here is a great plan for April that I think will make us all happier:

    ***********April Challenge! **********

    *Choose 1 fun workout during the day (5-6 days per week) - Cardio 3 days/ST target workouts 2 days/ Yoga/Pilates 1 day
    *Take a 1 - 5 mile walk every day (7 days per week) Even walking inside the house for 2,000 steps counts if it is raining. Takes about 15-20 minutes to do.
    *Eat 6 small meals with protein/carb combo
    *Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day
    *Bonus eve workout is optional (such as rowing, treadmill, etc while watching tv - the no brainer workouts - LOL!)

    That's it! I think this will be a gentler way to get the weight to move. I was definitely trying too hard doing workouts I didn't really care that much for. I'm starting this new schedule today! The ST Target workouts are choosing exercises that will target your trouble zones. The first time I lost weight, I really targeted and it made a huge difference!

    This week:

    Sunday - 5 mile hike
    Monday - Off
    Tuesday - Off
    Wednesday - Dance it Off workout - 35 min.
    Thursday - TJ Cardio Party 1 - 43 min. plus a 2 mile walk
    Friday - Hip Hop Abs Total Body plus a 2 mile walk
    Saturday - Pilates/Tai Chi plus a 2 mile walk

    I'll get back into responding tomorrow. Have a thriving Thursday everyone!
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Fitnfun, I do agree with you that we need to move more!! I may get my morning workout in but somedays the rest of the day I can be quite sedentary!! When I work, at least Im on my feet and taking tons of steps!! I think Im gonna follow your lead and try and squeeze in many more steps perday!! Now with the weather being a little warmer I can start doing evening walks like I used to! Usually about 2-3 miles! Anyway, happy to see your back and on the move! :)