worst comment ever made about your weight



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    "that size is probably too small for you". When I put on the dress and it not only fit but looked amazing she said "oh wow, I'm surprised that fits you so well". This was in a high end store, I ended up buying the dress but when the lady checking me out asked me who helped me with the dress I asked "are you guys on commission?" to which she replied "yes" I said " then no one" with a smile. I saw the lady walk up to her after and was pissed. I waved at her sweetly. Btw, the dress was a size 8...
  • Iceylyons
    Iceylyons Posts: 86 Member
    After repeatedly cheating on me and then making an agreement to only sleep with me if I put on porn of skinny blonde chicks or held a porn magazine while we were having sex, my ex said, "If you weren't so fat and disgusting, I wouldn't want to sleep with other women. If you looked like this {he ripped out and threw a Playboy centerfold at me}, I'd never stick my d**k anywhere else. But YOU DON'T... count yourself lucky that you get any at all Lard *kitten*!"

    OMG.... ((HUGS)). Hey, even if you had extra weight...you are still beautiful. That guy is a *kitten*! I'm so sorry he did that to you =(
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    After repeatedly cheating on me and then making an agreement to only sleep with me if I put on porn of skinny blonde chicks or held a porn magazine while we were having sex, my ex said, "If you weren't so fat and disgusting, I wouldn't want to sleep with other women. If you looked like this {he ripped out and threw a Playboy centerfold at me}, I'd never stick my d**k anywhere else. But YOU DON'T... count yourself lucky that you get any at all Lard *kitten*!"

    I'ma need an address and name, please. Dead.
  • lmackey2
    lmackey2 Posts: 3
    I had ran into an old high school friend that I had not seen for years...The first words out of her mouth was..."I did not know you were pregnant again, When are you due?" WoW!!! Talk about your heart sinking clear down to your toes.
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    My mother was the worst. I was always the skinny kid in high school. I put on weight in my late 20's. We were shopping one day while I was still in grad school. She grabbed a couple of shirts I was buying and paid for them along with her stuff. We walked out of the store and I told her that I could have bought those things. She patted me on the hand and said, "It's okay, dear. Maybe if you have a couple new items it will inspire you to lose some weight."

    I was speechless.

    The next few months brought more critical weight comments. She couldn't get used to have her 5'10" daughter weigh more than 120 pounds.

    I finally told her, "Mom, my weight is none of your f____ing business."

    End of weight comments.

    I was also asked by a man in the workplace if I had kids. He had emmigrated here from another part of the world and this was his first job in the United States. I explained to him that I didn't have children. He said, "You? You, with the big baby hips?"

    He thought this was a compliment, and I laughed it off. Ouch.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    After repeatedly cheating on me and then making an agreement to only sleep with me if I put on porn of skinny blonde chicks or held a porn magazine while we were having sex, my ex said, "If you weren't so fat and disgusting, I wouldn't want to sleep with other women. If you looked like this {he ripped out and threw a Playboy centerfold at me}, I'd never stick my d**k anywhere else. But YOU DON'T... count yourself lucky that you get any at all Lard *kitten*!"
    I hope you never ever ever put up with that kind of person again for one nanosecond.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    i was at walgreens picking up one of my multiple perscriptions (many medical issues) and a woman walked up RUBBED MY STOMACH and asked "boy or girl and whats your due date?" needless to say i was pissed and heartbroked (had already lost 20 pounds at that point) literally put my fist up when the pharmacist called my name :/ not a shining moment for me
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    1)my brother asked if I forgot to tell him I was pregnant last Thanksgiving- but honestly he's not rude, just kinda dumb
    2) about a week after having my 2nd son I was put back in the hospital where they were forcing all kinds of meds and fluids in me. (i had retained so much water it was affecting my heart rate which was at 181 just sitting) so after water pills, and pain meds and being sick whenever I ate after 7 days, i lost 30 lbs (mostly wate rand had only gained 9 throughout my pregnancy) So my hubs was helping me into the shower and said honey this is the hottest you have ever looked----yeah, hadnt had an actaul shower or sunlight in a week I'm pale and greasy as hell...but sorta thin...thanks *kitten*
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member
    I've been overweight since I was about 13. Oh, I've gotten all of the comments already posted, (pregnant, hippo, if only you lost...., pretty face...)

    Here are a couple that my mother would reinforce:

    "You'll never find a husband if you're fat."
    "No one will love you if you're fat."
    "Who wants a fat girl?"

    (I have an amazing husband who loves me no matter what size I am, thinks I'm beautiful and sexy -- and he is a healthy weight and is not a "chubby chaser.").

    Once while I was ice skating and wearing a yellow ski jacket, a group of teenagers started skating around me singing "Yellow Submarine."

    Society makes it wrong to make jokes and comments about a person's race, creed, ethnic origin, handicap, disability, and even enacted laws against hate speech. Yet, it accepts that it is perfectly okay to make fun of overweight people or people with eating disorders like anorexia. This is just so sad.
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    What an *kitten*! I hope he found what he was looking for--a skinny woman as ugly as he was.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    "If you lost some weight you'd probably be better in bed."

    (ex boyfriend)
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    From a few months ago: "The face is bigger but you're still generally as I remember you."
    Childhood: "You want everyone to feel bad for you because you're fat." That one really stung and has held on.
    "You don't need that." In reference to food.
    "You would be perfect if you lost a lot of weight."
  • DeborahStanley
    DeborahStanley Posts: 90 Member
    What I hate is when you haven't seen someone for a while & they comment 'oh you managed to keep all that weight off then!' yeah, thanks I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.
  • jennyjennbug
    jennyjennbug Posts: 101 Member
    Let's see my mom told me all the way through my childhood I was a fat *kitten* and ugly as a dog and I was always small till I had kids. She told me on my 16th birthday I was so ugly and fatt no one would ever want me. To beat it all my sister would go to school and say the same thing my mom would say and when walking down the hall kids would say here comes the fat *kitten* dog face and how disgusted I made them.. Now that I am heavy my mother tells me how pretty I am all the time weird I know but my sister still tells my when she see's me that she want's to vomit because I am so fat and ugly. Needless to say I don't talk to them much.
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    The only time I have ever had a bad comment about my weight was a ex boyfriend saw me when I was pregnant and said something like I looked like a damn cow.. Not nice for a pregnant women to hear she looks like a cow.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    i was at walgreens picking up one of my multiple perscriptions (many medical issues) and a woman walked up RUBBED MY STOMACH and asked "boy or girl and whats your due date?" needless to say i was pissed and heartbroked (had already lost 20 pounds at that point) literally put my fist up when the pharmacist called my name :/ not a shining moment for me

    I don't understand why strangers think it's okay to walk up and just start touching you like that. o.O If I ever become pregnant I'm going to carry pepper spray.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    When I worked at Walmart I was covering a door greeter's lunch, and some super old guy came in and told me I needed to eat more apples and oranges so I'd lose weight.

    "You can't tell by looking at me, but I'm old enough to be your grandfather!" Haha... okay... I had to try really hard not to say "Really? Wow, you're right, I would have pegged you as my great-great-grandfather!"
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    i was at walgreens picking up one of my multiple perscriptions (many medical issues) and a woman walked up RUBBED MY STOMACH and asked "boy or girl and whats your due date?" needless to say i was pissed and heartbroked (had already lost 20 pounds at that point) literally put my fist up when the pharmacist called my name :/ not a shining moment for me

    I don't understand why strangers think it's okay to walk up and just start touching you like that. o.O If I ever become pregnant I'm going to carry pepper spray.
    Because your uterus is apparently public domain.
  • Only once have I ever had to cope with small minded people regarding my weight, I was at a motor racing track where I worked and was walking back from the bathroom and walked past a group of about 8 guys who were all drunk and one of them started calling me FATSO, so I just turned around and said very loudly " really thats not what you said to me in bed the other night, but if you want to refer to calling me names I may as well let your friends know you have a little p*#is", I turned on my heels and kept walking, gee it felt good when his friends were laughing at him
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    One of my students said, "The back of your neck looks like a package of hot dogs."