20 th July new group



  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Good Morning Everyone! :smile: :smile:

    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    For those who started from the beginning, well done as of today we have done 4 weeks!!!
    For the others well done and lets go for another 4 weeks together.:flowerforyou:

    As you know, it is Monday morning; I think it’s time for some new challenges.
    For me it will be: No late night snacking (within 2 hours of going to bed)
    I still find that difficult

    Also, please let me know your results of last week's weigh in, as some of you are not in the chart jet!

    Who has a great idea for a new group name. We have already so many entries so we can start a new thread. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good luck this week everybody and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! I have been painting all weekend. Will be doing the same for the next 2 days. I haven't worked out since Friday but will get something in today or tomorrow.

    I will try to brainstorm for name ideas.

    It was a quiet weekend on here!! Hope everyone is well!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I think we should somehow work little black dress and New Year's into our name.
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Woohoo :drinker: 4 weeks

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Patty: I will think about some names

    Good luck this week everyone:smile:
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    Omg, wow i haven't been on here in a week i think. its been crazy..and unfortunately it showed on the scale..I gained 3.8 lbs.... :noway: :grumble: i really hope this week gets better!
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    Omg, wow i haven't been on here in a week i think. its been crazy..and unfortunately it showed on the scale..I gained 3.8 lbs.... :noway: :grumble: i really hope this week gets better!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Don't give up richelle_ross! You can get back to it. We've had a lot going on and I am managing to not gain. I am stepping up my exercise. Now that I am back to work I will try to get into a routine. spiralgirl your enthusiasm for your workouts is motivating me!:flowerforyou:
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hello All...Happy Tuesday!! It's that much closer to Friday...I'm trying hard to step up my exercising..I'm even thinking about the couch to 5K ....I bought new sneakers last night..after trying on what seemed like 100 pairs I found one that I thought felt good...I have a serious recoving case of Plantar Fascitis but after walking in them at the track..they hurt so bad...my toes were numb on my left foot...etc...I think I'll be bringing those back LOL

    anyone have any input on the couch to 5k? I am NOT a runner...but have graduated to 5 minutes of running on the treadmill and I finaly did 1 lap around the track...I went with my hubby (who is also losing!!) and my 14yr old son (who is a runner) ...my son was yelling to me..."come on Mom...don't quit!! You're almost there!!!!" Very very motivating..

    I must say...thanks to everyone at MFP..I LOVE this site..I am addicted..I check it several times a day...

    Conrats to those who lost this week...and for those who didn't...keep trying..it will come
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi goodmorning everyone

    Some time ago I started with the running programme but after a week I had lots of pain mainly in my right hip. I stopped. My dokter said i was to heavy to start this programme to much weight for my hips and knee's and I was running on the road and not field. He said I should start with walking. Anyway I stopped totally.
    A long long time ago I used to enjoy jogging out side.
    5 weeks ago just before I started MFP I started using my cross trainer in the house which was collecting dust. I used the programme again and started with week one. When you are using a cross trainer you can start with very low tension and slowly built it up. I had no pain and felt good. I did it everyother day.
    I just started week 5 and yersterday did 3 x 5 min run. unbelievable I did it.
    Last saturday I went to a running track and also did 3x5min. It started to rain but I did not want to stop. I was the only one out there, the rest was looking for shelter. I was really having a good time and laughing my head off!!:laugh: :laugh: I did it
    It is getting harder and harder. I find the breathing difficult. The good part is if you find it hard just take one or two weeks to achieve that week and continue.
    My 10 year old son joined me at the track and he also gave me motivation.

    I just turned 40 and I must remember to take care of my self. It's not all about running, fast walking is also good and not so bad for your knees. It's all about building up our fitness level.

    The programme I am using is from:

    Let me know how you are doing

  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    Hey Everyone,

    Sorry I haven't checked in for a few days. Work has been insane and I haven't had time to think. I have been watching my calories, but haven't really lost any more weight. It's that time of the month and its been one of the worst by far!! Luckily it will be over in a couple of days and I should feel like my old self. My shoulder finally feels better - so back to the workouts!!

    Great job to those that are loosing. Let's step it up (those of us that are coasting)!!

  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Patty,

    Thanks for the advise...I just got home from the track and ran another full lap!! At my speed this time and not trying to keep up with my son..still VERY hard but better than last night..I'm trying to get my breathing under control...in time..in time

    Spiralgirl71...great job!!! Cheers to you! :drinker:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning!! I finally got up early enough to start working out in the morning. WOOT!! Even though I was up and down ladders and sore from working my butt of at home for the last four days...it felt so good to workout again. I did 50 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes strength training with bands.

    I wasn't eating properly while I was painting since the kitchen was torn up. I was conscious about what was going in my mouth and how much even though I wasn't logging my food. I got weighed this morning and have been able to keep things under control and that was a nice surprise. We shall see what happens on Friday.

    I was thinking about the couch to 5K program. I ran in high school and before I had kids. Have tried to get back into that since but have not had success. I know someone at work who went through the program. She ended up hurting her knee but lost 20 pounds while she was running. So, it's really important to do the correct stretching and take precautions to protect yourself. Patty has given some great advice. I'm not sure when I will start the program but know for sure that it will be after it cools off. I have a terrible time breathing when I run. I'm a total mouth breather and it's hard for me to switch back to the correct breathing and run. lol...I guess I'm not that coordinated!!

    Chrissy-What brand of shoes did you end up buying?

    Happy hump day all!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Everyone seems very busy cause not many are chatting away. School has started again in the US I guess.
    Well the H1N1 is getting more serious here in Malaysia. I was told that a teacher died from it here in our town. Today was the first day that I kept my kids at home. Next week their term break. 70 have died in Malaysia. 2 schools in my town closed this week.

    One more thing about the running program. Even if you can't run, to me you can still follow the program while walking. A normal walk for the warm up and a bit faster for the jogging part. It's still pushes you to reach that 3,5,10 min. Fast walking also gives you a faster heartbeat.
    Be careful with the running. We don't want to end up hurting ourselves, that normally takes a loooong time to heal. Slow and easy.

    When I read some other threads I see some have lost amazing amounts of weight and that all without these tremendous amounts of slimming centers around. It all shows that we can do it TOGETHER. Not overnight but we WILL get there.

    For some reason I felt very tired today. After dinner my son (10) asked me to play football with him what he normally doesn't ask. So ok I played, then he said. You only did 400 instead of 500 on the cross trainer today mum. The last 100 we can do out here. I didn't realize he was checking my amount of cal I burned. I had to laugh what a motivation:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    patty09 wrote: I am sorry to say that i think we have lost 1 or 2 members.

    Hi everyone,
    I didn't quit! I just was de-motivated last Saturday after weighing in at Weight Watchers and having gained 2 lbs :grumble: I am back on track with counting my points and doing my activity for the week so I hope to have a doubly good week! (I'll take 3 pounds off, please ... if only it worked that way, huh!).

    Patty, I'll be giving my numbers to you on Saturdays because that is when I weigh in. Sorry to be late.

    Glad to have you all back to motivate me!

  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    I will try to brainstorm for name ideas.

    name ideas for what?? i think i missed a post??
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    I've been deflated. Getting back from vacation made it harder for my anxiety when the kids start crying for no apparent reason :noway: . It is this that, I now realize, sets off my anxiety attacks and therefore emotional eating. This week I have been able to control it (for the most part) or at the very least make healthier, filling but low cal options.

    So ... now that I am aware of the anxiety attacks it has been much better. But ... do you think I should close my home daycare and find other work? Generally I enjoy the home daycare but my health is far more important. My hubby tries to be supportive but I just don't think he fully gets what it is like to deal with crying kids throughout the day. If so, what kind of work do you think I could do with two young'ns at home? I want to work from home and still have family time. Perhaps I just need to get more structured and more ear plugs for dealing with the crying until I beat my anxiety issues? So confusing.

    I also just checked my profile picture and realise that I really over reacted when I first saw it. Admittedly I need to lose poundage, but my first view of it was that I was four times as big as that. Doesn't help that my son is so teeny! LOL
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    P.S. Hubby keeps buy cookies and the like because he thinks I should have will power and believes the kids need treats around. I don't have will power unless it is out of the house. Help!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Elizabeth

    Don't give up. You came here for a reason and together we will get it done.

    I fell out with my hubby last night, didn't get much sleep and now in the office with a spitting headache. I am maybe a little bit to obsessed with the weight loss and get irritated very fast.
    I must say those cookies that I realy love have to stay out of the house. I have 3 kids and buy more healthy snacks for them but if I buy cookies I buy the ones I don't fancy so much. That my hubby understand and doesn't come home with those anymore

    Having small kids around you all the time and all the crying is hard specially when you are having a hard time yourself. But don't forget all teh fun you have with them. If this is what you like to do don't give up but look what kind of things you can change to make it more fun. Make sure after the kiddies have gone home you have some time for yourself to relax or really let it all out. Shout or sing it out on your favorite music, that helps for me!

    I am not sure if this was any help, but keep looking at the bright side.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Dont worry

    It's ok if you post in on saturday
    Good luck to all of you.
    Come on one more day, one day can make the difference!!:happy: :happy:

    I need a new name for our group, catchy so more can come and motivate us

  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Hey everybody!!
    I hope you are all having a great week :smile:
    I am looking forward to weigh tomorrow...fingers crossed that I am down:wink: but if not I will just have to work harder next week

    I was roped into modelling in a fashion show for a friend of mine:noway: who is a designer:grumble: :laugh: it should be interesting to say the least:laugh: :laugh: So wish me luck tonight as I am going down a runaway in an array of odd and interesting designs....fingers crossed I don't trip in front of 200 people:blushing:

    Good luck with weigh in :happy:


    Ps. stay away from the cookies:laugh: no really stay away you'll only regret it on wiegh in day :flowerforyou: