Anybody over indulge today?



  • ironmanwannabe
    ironmanwannabe Posts: 81 Member
    ugh, started off good with oatmeal and raisins, finished dinner with meatballs, mashed potatoes, green beans, brownies, and chocolate (you name it). :|

    tomorrow is another day...
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    All weekend! Ice cream was brought into the house. Candy was brought into the house. EASTER! Cakes. I know I shouldn't be upset over it because it will just cause me to eat it again but I am. I am so mad at myself. I knew I shouldn't but I did it anyways.
  • All weekend! Ice cream was brought into the house. Candy was brought into the house. EASTER! Cakes. I know I shouldn't be upset over it because it will just cause me to eat it again but I am. I am so mad at myself. I knew I shouldn't but I did it anyways.

    Same here!! :(
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I gave up sweets for Lent.

    So today I got to eat sweets! The rice crispy treats (with chocolate chips) threw me for a loop. I had way more than I should.

    I'm going over, but not going over by a lot.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Today is my birthday. I ate a huge baked potato with butter and cheese (though not very much of either). What really got me was my lemon cream bundt cake. That and the costco size jelly belly's that people kept setting next to me on the couch.:blushing:
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I started off good with oatmeal, but it was all down hill while preparing the family dinner. Too many little bites of brisket and twice baked potatoes. Way too many dips in the candy dishes!!! The gym is my first stop tomorrow morning!!
  • D2244
    D2244 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh yes! Just about 2000 calories today...over about 750. I knew it was going to be tough. I was good until I started snacking after dinner Extra cardio is in order tomorrow.!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Yes. I didn't log today. First time since I joined MFP in January or February... it felt nice not having to worry about portion sizes or anything. Lol. And I had quite a bit of candy. And I had desert, too. Mostly strawberries but I did have a little bit of a brownie type thing. For dinner I had Ham, baked beans, 2 rolls (lol) some type of potato salad I think and some other type of vegetable casserole thing.

    mmhmm. Back to logging tomorrow but the good news is I'm switching to maintenance so weee! extra calories for me!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I had no intention of overindulging today - I was only planning on indulging in some dark chocolate covered almonds -- but then my family dinner included stuffing and dinner rolls and angel food cake and boxes of I went a little overboard with indulgences, but I worked off the calories at the end of the day!
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Didn't log, but did workout. My brother was home and I ate everything in sight. As of tonight I'm up 12 pounds since Wednesday, lots of water weight I'm sure but back on track tomorrow! Got my work cut out or me!
  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    LOL!! I pretty much ate everything in sight....started out good some kashi cereal and almond milk....then went down hill from there...candy candy candy...reeses pieces (my major weakness), coconut eggs (another fav)...two big for lunch and one for dinner (both sides of the family) and some really amazing pound cake!!! Well its just one day...i pretty much doubled my calories :( tomorrow i will make sure to get right back on track and get back to my work out....did get out for my walk thats one good thing :)
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Ate was too much. I started ready these post and got nauseous! That darn Easter bunny sucks!
  • 69Greer
    69Greer Posts: 36
    OK, so I went like 667 cal. over today. I'm not overly concerned though. I really think I'm experiencing a life change right now. I don't care to give up on this and everyone has an off day. So, I had a fat breakfast (sunrise service at church), slept the afternoon away, enjoyed a Mexican lunch, and have had movie theater popcorn and a real Cherry Coke (Hunger Games with my 14 yo daughter).

    But, it was a great Easter and I had a very blessed day; hope you did too.
  • Penelope10201
    Penelope10201 Posts: 13 Member
    OMGoodness...I don't even celebrate...BUT i still OVER-ATE this going running everyday this week...!!!
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I did okay, but not as good as I hoped I would...I have not had chocolate in a long time and yesterday, the daughter and I split a Mexican Fried Ice Cream, so today I resolved to be good :)

    Had pizza for breakfast (leftovers), but just one slice~ate 3 grapes at our sunrise service breakfast at church (by the time I got there everything else was gone~great strategy on my part!!), then went to my SIL for dinner and had a small slice of ham, 2 deviled eggs, cheesy baked potato casserole, a nice green salad with Italian dressing, and shared a "bird's nest" treat with my mom (this is chow mein noodles covered in a mix of peanut butter and chocolate with a peep in the middle and three malted milk eggs in the nest), I had 6 grapes, 1 chocolate dipped strawberry and a bite each of cheesecake (mom's) and banana cream pie (hubby's). I am such a mooch!! LOL, but it kept us all from eating too much. OOOPS forgot I also had three pieces shrimp cocktail and some sugar free Jello and Cool Whip...Salad for supper and stayed within my calorie range then walked for 24 minutes to earn some of those calories :) I did good, but too much sodium, which I will surely pay for on the scale tomorrow...Glad weigh day is not till Thursday!!
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    I've been eating bad since Wed!! : ( I had 4 Cadbury creme eggs today and did alot of drinking this weekend but I'm back at it Monday with FULL FORCE
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    OK, so I went like 667 cal. over today. I'm not overly concerned though. I really think I'm experiencing a life change right now. I don't care to give up on this and everyone has an off day. So, I had a fat breakfast (sunrise service at church), slept the afternoon away, enjoyed a Mexican lunch, and have had movie theater popcorn and a real Cherry Coke (Hunger Games with my 14 yo daughter).

    But, it was a great Easter and I had a very blessed day; hope you did too.

    Hunger games was a great movie, eh? My 14 year old and I saw it on Saturday (we both read the book before going, now reading book 2)>
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I passed over indulgence and went straight to ridiculous after breakfast.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Of course I did !! Besides Easter, it's my son's birthday so cake is involved. Not gonna stress out too much. Still have leftover ham, so more to come. All in moderation. I did get out and walk my dog twice. Ended up 200 over, but had to guesstimate on some quantities. So not tooo bad. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Yesterday was our Easter Sunday,
    cream eggs, lol,
    I called it a rest day, and over indulged.
    Did push it at Gym today though,
    Different people have different outlooks, but I train, so I can have the odd easter egg, roast dinner etc...