20 th July new group



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning! I worked out this morning again. Dragging butt a bit today. I've been upping my water intake the past two days so that I can flush some of the extra sodium out of my system that I consumed over the weekend. I was retaining a good deal of water from it but think I'm okay now. I was off track with my food yesterday. I took the same amount to work as normal but didn't factor in that I had already worked out. I was feeling sick by the end of the day. I did better today so hopefully that will solve the problem. Boy was I cranky when I was hungry!!

    January-Good luck tonight!! Sounds like fun!

    Elizabeth- Welcome back!!!! Having stuff around you like is hard. I have been doing what you started doing. I still buy some sweet stuff for the kids but it cannot be anything that I like. One Oreo episode was way too much for me to handle. Will power or not...I am still human!!! Food is tough. It really is.

    I hope that the daycare kids were just having a bad week and that this week is more peaceful for you.

    I still have no name ideas.

    Wishing everyone a good wiegh in tomorrow!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Come on girls
    One more day

    Lets do it!!!!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    I will be the first one to weigh in and

    YES:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I lost one more pound

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    The first week of school is almost over. It has been a busy one and very stressful. We had Welcome Back brunches and lunches! I am really trying to hold my own. I am hoping to get back into a regular exercise routine. We'll see what damage the Costco muffins had on my weight!:cry:
    Patty, the H1N1 must be very scary. I work at a school and so far we haven't had any cases. My friend from Portland came to visit two weeks ago and her 15 yr. old had a mild case. We'll keep you in our prayers.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning-I lost 2.8 pounds this week. Hope everyone has a good weigh in.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good Morning,i'v busy visting family before school starts here,i just got back from my parents it was a wonderful visit,and now i'm packing to leave on sat.morning for my in-laws till mon.night.Trying to get wash done and etc.and in between i got my daughter ready for school.
    I'm happy to see everyone still sticking with it,i'm obessed with losing weight to,but i gotten a tad better proably cuz i'm busy right now but i still think about if theres healhy food when i go away.But i'm bringing food with me this weekend,plua my in-laws know i eat healthy so they are going to make chicken.my mom just lost 17 pounds in 2 months,so when i went there it was healthy food to.

    WEll i lost 1.6 pds. for this week so now i'm 135.4 ya!! FINALLY broke my platue.

    Hope everyone as a good weekend. Holly
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I have had the week from hell at work and have not logged in since Monday. I was down .8 this week and I will take it considering I didn't log food or even workout this week. Things should slow down and I should be able to get back on track this week.

    Congrats to everyone on theor continued success!!!

  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    For some reason this morning I totally forgot to weigh in:noway: :noway: :noway:

    So I will weigh in tomorrow and let ya know!!

    Congrats to all you losers:laugh:
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    I am down 0 pounds. That does not make me feel bad, I am grateful that I did not gain anything. I did not work the plan all week.

    To everyone who lost congratulations and I will join you next week.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm down .9 of a lb.! With all the traveling and school start up meals (and stress) I am happy.:laugh:
    I got the official word from my doctor to lose 10% of my weight to improve my cholesterol. I had put on 60 lbs. since I was 40 (12 years ago), In the past 5 years I have lost 25 lbs.:blushing: I need to lose 20 for my 10% reduction. So glad I have you ladies to help keep me motiviated.:flowerforyou:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Together we can do it.

    Be positive. You have done 25 already you come on keep going.
    You are doing GREAT

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :laugh: Patty, I have been following your postings I have the same weight as you do. I am on vacation and being so close to the frig is such a temptation. I hope I can join up with your group. I think apathy got me into this and also being alone . I have gained nearly thirty pounds in the last five years. I really want to be healthy for my grandkids. My walking buds are all thin and younger which is good but I sometimes feel negative when I am with them. My weight has become a real self esteem issue for me. Thanks for giving me this forum to vent. Richie
  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    I have been super busy and haven't had a chance to be around lately.

    I did lose 2 lbs this week. Woo Hoo!

    Well I am off to work then to a wedding. Have a gorgeous weekend!!

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Congrats to all of you who have lost....
    Just read my picture.....cupcakes are the enemy.....well my birthday cake (enemy tooo) did me in.
    Therefore I did not lose any weight this week...I am exactly the same. Proof you can eat cake and not gain weight but you cant eat cake and lose weight. Looking for more success next week.
    Hope ya all have a great weekend.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome Richie!!! This is such a great group!!

    Angl- You make me laugh. I will be keeping your cake quote in my head. But celebrating your birthday and maintaining your weight is a great achievement!!

    Jennie, Angela & Eava- Congrats on your loss!!!

    Sandi-Next week will be YOUR week!

    We're all in this together. Every ounce loss or maintained is one step to a healthier future!
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all!

    This was a good week...I'm down 2.6lbs...I definately boosted my game and jumped heavily into exercizing...it feels good..I am sore but it feels good...I decided to begin the couch to 5K challenge...I survived the 1st day...I downloaded a pocast that goes with the program...very cool! Conrats to all...to those who lost and to those that attempted to lose..we are in this together...any name ideas yet??? I am very excited..I am 3.3lbs away from FINALLY being under 200 pounds!! I haven't been under in probably 15 years!!! Hoping in the next few weeks I'll get there...

    Have a good week!

    SW 222
    CW 203.3
    GW 160
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :heart: Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Weekends are tough! I need to stay busy so I stay away from the Frig my enemy! Guess I will do some yard sales. My goal for today is not to eat the oatmeal cookies I have to bake for tomorrow at work. :happy: richie
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!! I got my workouts in yesterday and today. I planned on finishing painting this weekend but that hasn't happened.

    I started a new exercise program on Friday called Chalene Extreme. One of the DVD's has a kitchen/pantry makeover. There are some good ideas that I learned and wanted to share.

    One is to break down your food after you grocery shop. So, if you buy a bag a snacks, take the snack sized zipper baggies and put one portion in each. That makes it easier to keep the portions in line and prevent mindless eating from open bags.

    Another idea was to think of your fridge like the grocery stores think of their shelves. What is eye level and most appealing gets grabbed first. The suggestion was to wash your fruits and veggies as soon as you get home. Put them in bowls and put them on the shelf that is eye level. That way, it will be appealing and easy to grab when you are ready to snack.

    The third idea is something I've been working on for the past few months. That is switching out the foods you love for healthier versions. So instead of full fat dressings, try the spritz kind or another healthier version of what you already like. Same for butter and cereals.

    Anyway, thought I would share these.

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far/
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all!!

    Spiralgirl..I really like the idea of portioning the snacks right away..I must admit that if I have the bag in front of me I will NOT stop at 1 serving...I had a bad Saturday and went over my calories by 300..ouch!! We had a family get together and my mother did me in by baking a chocolate cake...although I did only have a sliver and 1 small scoop of maple walnut ice cream..we then proceeded to go out on the town and I had 2 drinks..bacardi & diet coke...uuugghh...well, back on the wagon today...

    Have a good week!!

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Hi all,
    Spiralgirl....those are some great ideas.:wink: We need to empty our pantry with the bad foods and replace with healthy foods.
    Dr. Oz will be having a tv show in Sept. .....He will have some great ideas on becoming healthy. That is why most of us want to lose weight. To be healthy!!! Its my goal.
    Dont forget to watch Dance your *kitten* off this Monday. There are only a few left. Reuben looks great and I do like Pinky.
    Welcome Richie.....I dont work out of the house anymore and have to battle with the fridge everyday. We must follow spiralgirls suggestions and get those shelves filled with fruit and veggies.
    Moving on to a great week of weight loss.