worst comment ever made about your weight



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Mine arent that bad, but they still got to me. For starters when I was in highschool I was fit and active but still curvy but my mom always hounded me about losing a few extra pounds, she would drag me to the gym everyday even after dance and tennis practice. As I got older I got bigger and bigger though and one night my little sister(who has always been tiny) asked if we watched The Biggest Loser and when I said no she said "why because it makes you jealous that they are losing weight and you aren't?".

    Also a few days after I had my son my mom came to stay with us to help out. One day while changing she walked in on me and said, "Oh my God Ash you're gonna have to do so many crunches to get rid of that belly!" I had JUST given birth and my body was nowhere near back to normal AND I was an emotional wreck! Thanks MOM!!! Just a sidenote, by my 6 week checkup I had lost nearly 40lbs and only gained 10 during my pregnancy..put that in your pipe and smoke it mom!
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    I have always been big and there have been so many things that people have said or done that has about my weight.
    I NEVER heard the end of it from my stepfather. It was always "You're fat. You're ugly." I was around 9 at the time and it still continues today at 29. But some of the worst things was when he would lock me out of the house and make me run up and down the street in front of our house and around our block over and over again. Sometimes around our house and do countless sit ups and push ups and wrestle with my sisters and "I should win because I am so much bigger than them!" I was so embaressed to be seen and that continues today. I feel like I am never gonna be able to feel better about myself and I know that if he had just went about it differently then maybe I wouldnt look and feel this way now.:cry:

    lord this made me want to punch the D-bag in the neck! :(
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I had been working on my weight, working out and watching what I ate. Really trying to get into a "normal" size. (When I was a teen, I was between a size 16/18) My mother saw what I was doing and told me it didn't matter what I tried to do, I would always be fat. Well I'm now in a size 8/10 and not done yet, so Neener-Neener.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    I was never actually fat in school, I just developed quickly. But everyone called me fat, and since my name's Dale, I was called Dale the Whale for five years. Other things like "who ate all the pies, the burgers and the fries", "oi fatty boom boom, want another cream cake?" I went to school with horrible people...
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    :sad: I had a kid moment also. My nephew was about 4, and blurts out "Aunt Sheri, why do you wear fat pants?" I was actually at an ok weight, maybe 170? Can't imagine what they'd think of me now.
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    I hope you start feeling better soon, Zara. I know what you mean about not feeling better, though. It's ingrained in our heads now. Fat. Ugly. Not good enough by society's standards. Like just because we have extra weight, we're not worth the same amount of consideration as normal weight people. It's sad.

    I always worry my husband finds me fat. We've been through a lot together, lots of good and bad, and sometimes I just worry he's in it because of the kids. I don't think he adores my body the way I'd like. And he makes comment about overweight women ALL the time without realizing how much it hurts me when I'm right beside him and I'm overweight too. :<

    I relate to this post so much! My husband says he loves me but doesn't show it or act like it. So I feel like I must unattractive through his eyes. & like you, he makes comments about over weight women on television and things like that ...
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    I was talking to my friends daughter (about 100 pounds overweight) in a shopping aisle in the local supermarket when two female stick insects came down the aisle.
    One said to the other loud enough for my friends daughter to hear

    shouldn't allow fat people like her in this store all they do is block the aisle"

    I said "thats rude!" my freinds daughter said don't worry about it I get it all the time. if they only knew what a wonderful person she is.
  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    Years ago I worked at a bank and had put on weight, I had a long time customer say "congratulations!!" when I smiled and asked what for, he looked at my stomach. I tried to laugh it off and say it was just my dress, not an actual baby making me look so fat. He felt awful, and I was sooo embarrassed. I did start excercising after that!
  • tinaisme
    tinaisme Posts: 4 Member
    The worst for me was bout three months ago, I was at work thing for my husband and one of his coworks said " You didn't tell us she was pregnant again!! And so far along." I just wanted to run and hide. instead I said no not pregant just fat. But I have not gone out with him and his friends since
  • sdrichardson713
    sdrichardson713 Posts: 16 Member
    My daughter asked me if I'd always been like "that". I asked what she meant and she started crying. She said her friends at school made a comment about her mommy being fat. That destroyed me. And today I've been told that I shouldn't be allowed to be a nurse because of my weight. Clearly, I'm not healthy, so I have no right trying to tell others how to be healthy.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I don't have any specific comments, but every time someone mentioned anything that had to do with being big or gross, I was referred to. Like, "You don't want to look gross like nikki do you?"
  • jtrevor99
    This wasn't one said to me; it was said to my obese aunt (she needs to lose over 250 pounds to hit her ideal weight). She recently went to church for the first time in years, which I was glad to see happen. Unfortunately, while she was there, one of the regular members said to her "You realize it's a sin to eat so much, don't you?" I doubt she'll be back again anytime soon.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    This is horrifically rude. I'm so sorry for his ignorance! To make you feel better, I bet he feels awful about saying that.

    For me, there was a friend of a friend who had lost about 30 pounds. She looked great! She probably went from a US size 16-10 in that time, she was about a foot shorter than me and a pear shape. I had always been a consistent 14, and a very tall hourglass shape- I like to think I held (and continue to) hold my shape very well. We we'rent close friends, but hung out in the same circles at University. Once she said to me, in a large group of people "I have a lot of gorgeous dresses I used to wear before I lost all this weight. You know, they would probably fit you!". Nothing worse than being offered some girl's fat clothes.
    The worst for me was bout three months ago, I was at work thing for my husband and one of his coworks said " You didn't tell us she was pregnant again!! And so far along." I just wanted to run and hide. instead I said no not pregant just fat. But I have not gone out with him and his friends since
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I can't remember the exact age I was, about 9 or 10 I think. An ad came on TV for an ice-cream called "fat frog" and my really skinny brother and sister used to dance around singing it at me. Yes I was a chubby kid but my Mother did nothing to stop them.

    I would rain down the end of days on their heads if one of my kids did that to the other now.

    I needed a doctor and help working out an healthy eating plan. When I asked for this help, I was told I would not be allowed to diet as I was "only 13". So I implemented my own solution: I starved myself and exercised like mad. One week I remember being really proud of myself because I only had an orange and a slice of dry toast for the week. That is how ill I was.

    Anyhow over 2 pregnancies, I gained, gained, gained. Almost with the same obsession I had applied to losing in my teens and twenties.

    Now I am 30*mumble*. A fully fledged "growed up" with 85lbs to lose. I have changed my attitude to food (eat healthy, eat enough) and exercise (pain and feeling faint is NOT good) I have forgiven my Mother for letting my siblings be mean to me, I have forgiven my parents for not letting me diet, I have forgiven myself for being such an 'all or nothing' idiot with regard to food and exercise.

    So when my 7year old daughter turned around to me a few weeks ago and said "Mummy, you should exercise more" I didn't choke back tears. I didn't turn away from her. None of those "bad" reactions which once would have had happened. I replied "I am exercising more". I tell her about my exercise. She is proud of me for doing it. We are growing up together.

    ..... and now I have just told a load of people I don't know about it and LAUGHED at the memory of the Fat Frog song. Being sensible about food is changing me. I love it.
  • pinn44
    pinn44 Posts: 68
    My brother so kindly stated "Dang Sis you got Fat" What's up with that? I was just like I'm fully aware of my weight gain thanks for pointing it out to EVERYONE!
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    ouch :(

    Wow...that one takes the cake.....

    Sometimes (warning, generalization coming) us "elders' engage mouth before brain has fully processed what we are about to say. Result: hurtful comment to someone we love. Many of my older relatives were champions in this arena. Not an excuse for
    grandma, just an observation.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I dated this guy when I got out of high school and was smaller and a few yrs later we started hanging out again and he made the comment that I was looking BIGGER and better.

    My former best friend's ex-husband told me that my face was HUGE, it was SOOOOOO big and he was glad I was losing weight.
  • T2372
    T2372 Posts: 2
    My mother in law gave me a christmas present some years ago which was pyjamas - as I opened them in front of my boyfriend/husband-to-be she said "I got you a 14 - 16 because you haven't been a 10 - 12 for some time". I just looked at her with my chin on the floor and wanted to curl up and disappear!!

    On another occassion my husband and I went to visit his aunt (my mother-in-law's sister) and she looked at us both as we walked in the door and said "oh my, when did you get so fat?" Again - world, please open up and swallow me whole!

    You can definitely tell they are sisters!

    Oh, and on a shopping trip with my own mother, I tried some clothes on and came out of the changing rooms and asked my mom what she thought - she replied - "the trousers look nice but I wouldn't buy the top it shows up your fat".....I replied "Thanks mom, this is my top, I've been wearing it all day!"

    You can't choose your family!!
  • JeBitchy23
    my husband and family are very outspoken so they dont hold anything back. nothing has ever been said directly to me but if i hear them talking about other people that i feel are my size or bigger i get very offended and sad. my nephew did say one thing to me this past winter. i had just begin my WLJ and i was wearing my pg coat and its long and large...he said auntie nettie...is that grandmas coat? i was like wow.....ok. thanks dude. lol. kids. gotta love em. but it def made me rethink my weight and how i could fix the issue.
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."
