worst comment ever made about your weight



  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Another one was when me and my mom were at the beach like 3 yrs ago walking on the boardwalk i had a swimsuit coverup on that kind of was like a dress. Teenage boys drove past us peeked there heads out the window started laughing and screamed out the window "Hey look at the fatass" I was mortified!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    When I was in school people used to yell "wide load" out the window of the bus. :(
  • Ceiteag
    Ceiteag Posts: 2
    "You have such a pretty face."

    Oh is that not the worse ...uuugghh !!!

    I don't get why people have a problem with this. I'd be happy if someone told me I had a pretty face. A pretty face and a crappy body is at least better than just a crappy body.

    Because it implies that if you'd just lose weight, you could be a pretty person. It is very much a backhanded compliment. I got it frequently from my grandmother. She usually said, "You would have such a pretty face if...."
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    "You have such a pretty face."

    Oh is that not the worse ...uuugghh !!!

    I don't get why people have a problem with this. I'd be happy if someone told me I had a pretty face. A pretty face and a crappy body is at least better than just a crappy body.

    That's true!
    But it's still kind of a backhanded compliment.

    Yeah, I got on the truthbox thing once, too, and someone put on there I should "lay off the chocolate cake".

    In my defense, I got fat from salty foods, *NOT* sugar... :P
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    My ex-husband used to poke me in the belly when we were out with friends and say "Look at her, she's like a loaf of three bun bread." :frown:
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    The reply we wish we had come up with at the time........

    I'd like to see things from your point of view but......I can't seem to get my head that far up my @$$!!!!!

    I think we met in a past life - You were an @SShole then too!!!!

    Ugly starts with "U" - Awesome ends with "Me"

    My *kitten* may be big....all the better for you to kiss it then!!!

    And my personal favorite........".Shut up!!!!!.......I wear heels bigger than your d*ck!!!"
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Ummm, and HOW can someone say they "love" you when they say such cruel and horrible things to their wife? That is horrible I would definitely have to say something about his belly, although I do know that two wrongs don't make a right. Arrggg!
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    I have been called fat @ss many times and lard butt and bull moose. But it hurts most when it comes from family. I think the most hurtful ones come from my mom. She called me Dairy Queen not long ago and at first I didn't get it but she called me it the next day and said the fat on my back looks like an ice cream cone. She said she was just joking but I have always been sensitive about my weight bc I was tormented by my own family as well as school mates. I didn't get positive comments until I was in high school but the damage was done and every once in a while it happens again. It hurts. :cry:
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    So I was feeling pretty grim last year and finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctor. (I hate going to the doctor, hadn't been for about five years.)

    I told him that I thought I was suffering from depression, and he told me that I was very fat.

    Way to go, Doc! Telling a depressed chick that she's fat is sure to help!

    I think I put a couple of kilos on after that just to spite the bugger.
  • Dream_BB
    Dream_BB Posts: 1
    "Your not that fat"!
    a while back I gained 5kg (on vacation)and someone who is very close to me ..that I dont see very often
    said when he 1st saw me..YOU LOOK LIKE A COW!!

    I know I need to lose weight.. I'm an emotional eater..When I'm in a bad mood I eat even when I'm not hungry!
    but people can give advice without hurting the person in front of them..
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Sorry --This is my first time on this forum. My post above was intended to be a reply to someone on a previous page who was telling some mean things their husband had said about her weight.
  • kayhatlen
    kayhatlen Posts: 46
    Thursday night at the gym I was feeling really good about myself because I am finally able to jog on the treadmill. It has taken me almost 3 months to be able to do this with my back injuries, fibromyalgia and arthritis. Then this stuck up 20ish year old guy and his girlfriend get on the 2 treadmills to my right. I'm doing intervals of walking then jogging and as I start to jog they both burst out laughing. I know I have big beautiful boobs that bounce, but it was RUDE! I gave them the finger and silently swore at them. I see them at the gym all the time & they are always walking around like they are both hot ****. I hope someday they experience an insult and it wakes them up to how rude and hurtful they were. I'm sure it will never happen, but I silently cursed them anyway. I vented to my friends & fiance and feel better. If it happens again I will say something & it will not be nice. You would think that they would be like wow that fat lady is really trying hard to lose weight instead of laughing at me.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    It was when I was 10, I went to the ER for strep throat and instead of telling me what he was going to do to help my raw bleeding throat he told me "You are so fat you probably won't fit though a door when you become a teenager." and my Dad was there and never said a word. I'll never forget how normal I felt about my body in till that day and it was the worse thing that was said to me and the first thing that was said to me about my weight.

    I am so sorry that you had to go through that, and are still reliving it. People may like to say "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me..." but it's not true. WORDS can hurt for a lifetime. That doc deserved a swift kick in the rear, to say the least.....
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    How far along are you? Me: What? When are you due? Me: I'm not pregnant.

    I figured if anyone ever said this to me that I would just say, "Oh, I'm due in about a month" and then they would think I looked pretty good!!! hahaha But seriously, I know that is a hurtful comment. I recently had someone inquire if I was pregant. It is humiliating.
  • amaryaxxx
    amaryaxxx Posts: 47 Member
    I have had a few when r u dues, and once I was walking briskly in the park a little girl on her bike ridding by shouted oi u got to do more than just walking , u got to jog to get all that fat off, turned round and saw this chubby girl on a bike and said well hunny u better join me walking cos judging by what I see u not gonna look any better by the time u get to my age- since then I have seen her a couple of times using the gym equipments in the park. cheeky!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    "eat a cheeseburger" OR "someone should forcefeed you a sammich..."
  • Tarnstime
    Tarnstime Posts: 10
    I remember when i visited the U S and i went to walk into a store to look for a prom dress for my sister who is a size 8 and before i could even look at one dress this lady blatantly said " Excuse me but there is no point coming in here because we we don't sell your size here!" I was embarrassed and started to get upset, but i held it together and said to her " Fine i'll take my $500 somewhere else to find my sisters size 8 prom dress, your loss not mine! I am sure she didn't believe that my sister was a size 8, the look on her face was priceless when my sister came around the corner!lol She tried to say something but i just ignored her! HOW RUDE!! SHALLOW PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE SHOPKEEPERS!
  • aheartbeatsos
    This girl I worked with (not for very long, fortunately) came up to me one day at work and was like
    "What are you wearing?" (Granted, it was a very large sweater - one of my comfort sweaters) "You're so fat! It's disgusting!"
    My co-worker overheard this and stepped in with "Melissa has actually been losing weight recently, she is looking so healthy these days!"
    The response: "You used to be BIGGER than you are now?! GROSS."
    I'm 5'10 and was at 205lbs down from 225lbs.
    She is around 5'4 and spherical. Potentially has her own gravitational pull.
    I used to dread working with her.
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    I think it would be a toss up between 2:

    My workmate saying to me "wow you're so tall, if you lost a few stone maybe you could be a model!" Talk about the ultimate back-handed compliment! She also said to me just before I started dieting "you would probably be quite pretty if you lost weight"

    Or my friend who used to be big but lost most of the the weight and then turned into a ***** (we all have one of those friends I think and I WILL NOT do this myself!) we were at a pole-dancing lesson and there was a lady in the Advanced class who was probably about twice my size on the pole and my friend turned to me and said "see, if she can do it at that size, so can you" I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up :frown:
  • tobiwood1977
    Come to Korea, and you will be dealing with very hurtful, insensitive remarks all the time - I've been in tears many times, but the one at the top of my list just didn't warrant any hurt feelings at all!

    One morning I was running for the elevator and caught it just in time. It was only me and one of the senior engineers in the building in the elevator. The moment I stepped in he started looking me up and down.... He started the 'small talk' with 'Do you exercise?' I knew what was coming so replied: 'Not enough!' adding a kind smile. So next comes his advice ' You should exercise more!' to which I replied 'Yes, that's true' (by this time, I wasn't only giving him evasive answers, I was starting to turn my back on him as well)

    Next question: "How much do you weigh?" I look around in absolute amazement and say 'Too much".... Him: "no, really how much?" and after he looked me up and down again he offered "150kgs?" To that I replied, "No, that's too much".

    Thankfully we reached the 4th floor just then.... Now I take the stairs and get in some much needed exercise. Pity he couldn't climb stairs to rid himself of his rude insensitive manner and his total misunderstanding of appropriate small talk topics in English. :bigsmile:

    WOW how rude!!! Sorry you had to go through that!