worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Ociases
    Ociases Posts: 28 Member
    I have many but the one that sticks out in my head is when I was at my grandmother's funeral I had lost around 20 pounds up to that day. My uncle walked up to me and said "see I knew there was a pretty girl in there somewhere." The sad thing was he meant it as a compliment...
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 320 Member
    I don't remember anything ever being said to me, except for my brother who is fat too so i pretty much ignored him. I was just excluded from things. It was easier for people to pretend i didn't exists than to take time to make fun of me. I didn't even get invited to the SR party by my classmates:grumble: :grumble:
  • vmayen20
    vmayen20 Posts: 10
    I just had got my hair done and dye my hair red, ( You know try to look GooD something New )... Anyways, toke a pic. posted on my FaceBook and every body was commenting.... " OMG are you Pregnant againg "..... Bummer :( !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    I don't have any specific comments, but every time someone mentioned anything that had to do with being big or gross, I was referred to. Like, "You don't want to look gross like nikki do you?"

    Hey wait a minute I'm not fat and gross. (my name is Nikki)

    But my sister is a bit heavier than me and when i was kid/in middle and highschool I was much thinner than her and they would say you don't want to get fat like So and so do you. Who says that? Putting two people down at once not cool.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    bump for later
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    Oh so many moments to painfully remind me of my weight... The old "are you pregnant" line, my mother inlaw telling me to stop eating or I'll become a cow (she's not a favourite person in my life-thankfully we moved), endless run ins with people I have not seen in a while and they actually mention the gain. I have now surrounded myself with positive people in my life to help me reach my goal and not offend me. My emotional eating days will slowly disappear one day.

    You all rock! Turn your life around for you.
  • ZuriMarie
    ZuriMarie Posts: 12 Member
    At my sisters baby shower, my cute little toddler nephew put his hands on my belly and said "mama, is TT having a baby too?" :noway:
  • BradT1974
    BradT1974 Posts: 22
    Wife to me: "Could you stand over here?.... the sun is in my eyes."
  • reshapemariah21
    reshapemariah21 Posts: 184 Member
    I had just had my son after a long difficult pregnancy with pre-eclampsia, not to mention a 10 pound almost 2 ft long baby, and my friend said "Damn dude, you got really big..." lol I just said "Yeah, I know.." I definitely knew, I didn't need a reminder.

    There was also one when I WAS pregnant, My husbands family telling me "You're sure there's only one in there?" I just wanted to yell "Don't you think I would f***** tell you if there was more than one?" And then her kid calls me "Gorda" while I'm eating.. Thinking I don't know what that means because I'm white.... (it means fat girl, by the way.)

    Then I made an effort to start exercising IN MY BACK YARD, There's another neighborhood across the creek, and some rude *kitten* shouts across the way "You're still fat, Bi***!!"

    All of the above are from my heaviest weight.. I haven't gotten any insults lately. Mostly praises that I've slimmed down.. lol which is good!

    I also had several in Elementary and Middle School.. Too many to remember.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    A man at work said my *kitten* was really large.
  • HizGlory
    HizGlory Posts: 18
    "you're really beautiful....from the neck up."
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    So many of these horrible comments come from family - it's no wonder so many of us did not develop healthy relationships with food!!

    From the time i was just bigger than a toddler my father used to point out overweight people and tell me that was what i would look like when i grew up. He always harassed me as a teenager saying i needed to lose weight. I was maybe a size 12 at the time. And i should mention that neither of my parents were particularly thin or fit and never taught their children about proper nutrition or fitness.

    I recently reminded my father of how fat he used to think i was and how great it would be to be that size now (i'm more than 100 pounds heavier than that now!).

    Another really nasty thing that happened to my sister, who is also quite large, was when my brother and his fiancee were planning to get married (before i put on this last 100 pounds), they asked me for my advice because they wanted to ask my sister to be in their wedding but were going to tell her she had to lose weight. I was outraged and told them they could shove their wedding. Either they loved our sister and wanted to include her in their day or they didn't. They never ended up getting married.

    And finally, i now live in Singapore and find it is a common Chinese trait to speak very bluntly. I get told all the time how fat i am (thank goodness they told me or i would never have realized!!). But on the positive side of that same trait, all of the workers in my apartment building, the guards and cleaners, etc., are completely invested in my fitness journey and nearly stalk me in the gym to tell me how well i am doing and how great they think it is and how good i look and how they are inspired to start taking better care of themselves as well.

    So some people are very mean and ignorant, but there is absolutely and happily a flip side to that coin!!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    A friend that worked in a bar told me that I was getting "those child bearing hips"... you don't want to hear that as a guy!
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    In high school I would model for some of the local bridal shops to help promote prom and what not. I was a size 3 at the time. I had gained some weight and moved up to a 5-6. The lady told me I was to fat to model. Plus I can kiss my modeling career goodbye because nobody like fat girls. Now I wish I would be a 5-6
  • JenniferInNY
    JenniferInNY Posts: 65 Member
    I am a dance instructor. I teach ballet, lyrical, jazz, cheer and hiphop.
    I was always really skinny until I was blessed with my beautiful daughter, and ever since, I have struggled with my weight.
    Anyways, one of the dance moms so kindly stated "I always thought dance teachers had to be in good shape"

    I always thought parents had to be mature! :ohwell:

    I am a teacher, so I can confirm, no, parents do not have to be mature. Here’s my favorite, in body-image obsessed Manhattan:

    Mother, in front of daughter (my student): “Since you’re a teacher, I think it’s important for you to be modeling a healthy body for the students.”

    Since she’s a parent, I think it’s important that she be modeling courtesy and respect…but we don’t all get what we want, now do we?

    Actually, it made me concerned for her daughter, who is a little overweight and has to live with her full-time. :-(
  • cwilli36
    cwilli36 Posts: 45 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    Wow, she must be related to my mother-in-law. She constantly talks about my weight and gives me her old "fat" clothes or other people's "fat" clothes that she's gotten from people she knows. Just last year she swiped some clothes from some guy's ex-wife that had left clothes at his house. She brings them to me and says, "His ex-wife was fat, thought you could use some of her clothes." *Nice* Thanks right? Well I haven't seen her in 5 months and I've lost 37 pounds. Don't care to see her anyway, but hopefully I will be down even more when I do...lol But I'm losing weight for myself and not her, that's just a bonus. I'm sure she'll still have something nasty to say because that's how she is.
  • Colie140
    Colie140 Posts: 27
    So many over the years. When I was a teen my mom would say, "don't tuck in that shirt you are too thick through and it looks bad, other girls are thin enough to wear it that way, but you are not". Or both saying, "You are a pretty girl, if you would just lose some weight you would have so many guys asking you out". Was that supposed to help my confidence? Years of a mean lady at work work making so many comments every night that I can't even remember them all, or maybe my thin obsessed father in law always hounding me or at a family dinner, when I got stuck sitting by him AGAIN, saying as I was taking a bite of potato, "If you want to lose weight, you need to not eat anything that is white." I don't remember asking him for advise EVER! Gee, why do I have such a bad opinion of myself?.......................
  • leavingfat
    leavingfat Posts: 64 Member
    I have many but the one that sticks out in my head is when I was at my grandmother's funeral I had lost around 20 pounds up to that day. My uncle walked up to me and said "see I knew there was a pretty girl in there somewhere." The sad thing was he meant it as a compliment...

    What amazing timing. I'm surprised you refrained from decking him. (But then, I suspect you're a pretty elegant person.)
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Mine was a comment, from someone I hadnt seen for a long time - although this was about 10 years ago, so I was only 20 - still remember it though - the comment was "Wow...you look like a whale!"
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    Wow! You guys have had sum of the Boldest Rudest ppl alive say the Bluntest Evilest Things
    ...Ive had sly lil comments from family bc i was always small until I had my second child at like 20 but it was/is things like:

    D**n, I thought U was yo sista (who is 400lbs btw)

    Wow, u gotten "thick' ova the years..but its water weight most likely so u can lose that fast

    Dem babies did a number on U *smile*

    U gained alot weight since I last saw U but U got a shape so It dont matta

    You young so U can lose it faster

    what U weigh now..bout a duece-duece and a half?..( i was 205)

    or my sistas joke and say:::

    " U got 2 stomachs now..join the club (they both Bigger than me)