For the Parents - Anatomical Terminology



  • porcupinegirl32
    porcupinegirl32 Posts: 16 Member
    The terms used should be age appropriate. I think it's acceptable when they are toddlers to call both a penis or vagina, pee pee. They will eventually learn the proper terminology in school. My 7 year old daughter came home from school the other day and said to me "I know where babies come from!". Of course I was scared to ask her "where" but I did and she said "the uterus"! haha. And since she's been about 5 we've switched from pee pee to penis and vagina. Her dad doesn't present himself naked in front of her but I do if she happens to be around and I have to get naked, afterall we do have the same body parts. Close friends of ours, their sons refer to their balls as nuggets (haha, love it) so now we say timbits...just because it's funny!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    gooch - the area between the balls and butt hole...boys, did you wash your gooch?

    Favorite term of the day.

    I prefer the term "Nacho". It's nacho butt, but it's nacho balls, either.
  • jann34
    jann34 Posts: 10 Member
    I have six kids and lots of friends with kids :) , I have found that every family is different when it comes to there comfort with body and nudity :) . The public's eye looks down if your family decides to have little or no clothing on at home in front of your kids , but see no prob . with having kids watch perfect strangers half naked or fully nude on movies or on tv. Our society has become very backwards in there thinking , they have taken a very Innocent thing and made it a big deal . I think if you and your family are comfortable with watching tv together in your undies in t he morning or taking showers with mommy or daddy then its your business ,as long as things are kept Innocent whats the harm . Im so tired of society perverting the innocent things and making lite of the perversion !!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I pretty much adopt the same philosophy you have, although my husband and I don't walk around or sleep naked often. On the other hand, we don't hide it...he peeks on us in the shower, and we do walk around naked/in towels after our shower while we're ironing or getting ready to get dressed.

    We use the correct terminology and I have pretty strong opinions about my child not growing up calling his penis a "bird", "peepee", or any other ridiculous name.

    Like you mentioned, this means that my 2.5 year old has informed all the other kids in his daycare class that boys have penises and girls do not, but other than that it hasn't created a problem and I DARE a parent to be upset at me b/c my son taught their kid the correct terminology for their body parts.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    gooch - the area between the balls and butt hole...boys, did you wash your gooch?

    Favorite term of the day.

    Thank you!!!

    And, I was thinking the parents that can't stand seeing kids call their "privates" stupid vagina actually correct? Should our daughters actually call it their vulva, since the vagina is inside and not the outer part. And the labia and *kitten*? Just curious....haha! Yep Tootie is more fun to say!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660

    As far as the naked thing, i was SHOCKED at how many people said they "can't" sleep naked since they have kids. Our kids have seen us both naked. We sleep naked, we walk to the bathroom naked, they know, they don't care. We also shower with our kids, though my husband doesn't with my daughter anymore, now that she's in school. cause the last thing we want is her to say something about showering with Daddy and having someone get the wrong idea. To us, it's no different than her and her brother bathing together. They'll continue to do that until either they're too big or one of them isn't comfortable with it. Right now, they get upset if they can't bathe together.

    My $.02

    My husband sleeps naked. I'm not brave enough to, though. I figure that's for two reasons - it's often freakin' cold in this house and I get up a few times a night, and it is a sure thing that if I do sleep naked my house will start on fire. I'm just that kind of lucky.'s a personal preference thing. I've NEVER liked sleeping naked, unfortunately for my husband who would love some naked cuddling at night. Having kids has nothing to do with it...I just don't like the way it feels and I always wake up in the middle of the night and my boobs feel too floppy or something.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    My son is 5 and I've begun to cover up more when he's around. He knows to knock on my bedroom door first if it's closed before coming in because I might be changing. I never really thought about covering up in front of him, until he started staring one day and asking questions about "boobies." Then I figured it's probably a good idea to teach him why girls and boys keep their private parts covered.

    Right now, he knows that it's called a penis, but he usually says "pee pee" or "privates." I made sure he knew what the correct word was as soon as he started getting curious, because I watch too much Law and Order SVU and I thought "what if something happens! He needs to be able to correctly identify where the bad person touched him!" Yeah. Those are the normal things I think about.

    My parents were always very straight forward with me, and while my father was never naked around the house, my mom seemed to be all the time. Then again, my dad was the only male in the house with me, my mom, and my sister, so had my sister and I been boys, it might have been the opposite.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    gooch - the area between the balls and butt hole...boys, did you wash your gooch?

    Favorite term of the day.

    I prefer the term "Nacho". It's nacho butt, but it's nacho balls, either.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    My son is 13, he says penis. My daughter is 5, she calls it "China" even thought I keep saying Vagina.

    I don't walk around naked. Maybe when I lose the weight, but not around my kids.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I am not a parent.. BUT...

    My mom and dad said "peepee" till I was like 8, than started to say everything by their anatomical names gradually.

    My mom walked around in her underwear when we were younger.. Not so much when my brother got older though.

    She still walks around in her under garments if I'm the only one home though :cry:
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    " pannie drawls"

    Her what??!! :huh:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    We had names for their parts while they were young. My son is 8 and knows his is called a penis. But when he was younger, he called it his pee pee. My daughter calls hers her "nu nu" @ almost 5

    I think It is easier for them to really be comfortable with their parts if you give them a silly name when they are kids? IDK I had some crazy names for mine. But like I said, my son and I talk pretty regularly about penis, erections, testciles, everything! And he knows the name for everything. In my personal opinion my daughter is too young.

    About the naked thing? My son hasn't seen me naked since he was about 3. My daughter sees me naked all the time.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I use the term 'privates.' I'm a single mom to a 6 year old son. He's seen me in my underwear before if I'm trying to find a shirt, or go to the bathroom from my room, or he walks in my room needing something and I'm not completely dressed yet.

    I would never feel comfortable naked around him though. Ever. And anytime he has walked in my room where I'm not 'decent' we both do 'freak mode' where I cover up and he walks out quickly..."sorry mom."
  • ItIsJessMe
    I have 2 boys, 6 and 8. We call everything by their proper names although the kids prefer using wiener or wienie. But the older one announced one day "you know those balls near my penis? well, they look like a chipmunk's cheeks with nuts in it so now I'm going to call my penis a chipmunk". So there's that too.
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    So what your saying is my 11 year old boy should stop calling his "stuff" his "Palinky"...but it makes us chuckle ever time!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have 2 boys, 6 and 8. We call everything by their proper names although the kids prefer using wiener or wienie. But the older one announced one day "you know those balls near my penis? well, they look like a chipmunk's cheeks with nuts in it so now I'm going to call my penis a chipmunk". So there's that too.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That is awesome!!!!
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I have a 9 month old son, we use the terms winkie for a boy and wuhu for a girl. We decided that starting with potty training we will use the anatomical terms. When my son has diaper rash or something like that I will say "his little boy parts look red" or something like that to my husband. But it is hard for us to change because we've been using winkie and wuhu since before we were married.

    As for the naked thing, we're more underwear people. My husband and I will both walk around the house in our underwear but not naked. And we don't lounge in our underwear, it's more of a from the bathroom to the bedroom, or I will just start the coffee machine then go get dressed kind of thing. My husband more so than me. I have a tendency to walk around in my pants and bra for most of the morning, especially when getting ready for work so I don't get toothpaste, oatmeal or coffee on my shirt and have to change.
  • tarak83
    tarak83 Posts: 40
    My girls see me naked on a daily basis. Living in a house full of girls (Me, 4 & 5 year old daughters, and two female cats) it's not that big of a deal. I don't even think it would be possible for them not to see me naked to be honest unless I locked the bathroom door every time I showered, changed, and used the toilet. If I did that I'd be listening to them pounding away on the door wanting to ask me or tell me something the entire time, which would probably be more trouble than it's worth!

    I told myself that we would use the correct terminology, but somehow "pooty" stuck when my eldest was potty training. Besides, it's much less embarrassing for them to be shouting pooty in the middle of the supermarket than vagina! :)
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    I'm right on with the OP. My kids have always known the proper names for their body parts and for the female counterparts. Before I had kids I learned a good lesson from a terrible situation, that's all it took! BTW, A friend of a friend told their son "it" was called an of course he is 16 now and just LOVES to talk about his elephant. :laugh:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    We use the proper names. My husband works for child protective services, and we've learned that it's better for your child to know the proper names in case they ever have to explain where someone touched them (God forbid). I can't imagine a child getting into trouble for using a proper term! After all, it isn't vulgar, it's just biology.