worst comment ever made about your weight



  • leykisgirl
    Your story made me feel so sad for you. I hope you find your confidence and self esteem back. Remember, we may be over weight but we are nice people. We can lose the weight and still be nice, sensitive and caring human beings. What are they to make those kind of remarks?

    I know, that is so true.
    great insight.
  • leykisgirl
    "Your too old to wear clothes like that and anyway only skinny girls can wear jeans like that" I am 5"10 and weighed 158 pounds. I was 41. I cried all the while we danced the night away. I cried over his shoulder, in the ladies room, all the way home. He was wearing a sign 44 pants. Today he is still emailing me, even though he has been my X for 8 years. He is probably wearing a size 52 now. He is all alone, bitter, and mean. I finally found someone who loves me no matter my size.

    Wth, that is very mean.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    It was sublte and I'm sure it was a passing comment.
    but I made a joke saying, "Alchohol goes through me, I'm small" (I'm 5'2" 140lbs)
    and the other person said " no you're not"
    that right there made me feel like Jabba the hutt.

    Oh my. That one hurt my insides. Seemingly innocent and the other person may not even know it offended you, but it sticks.
  • leykisgirl
    I can't really narrow it down to one specific comment as there are so many -

    This weekend from friends -

    'Have a cheeseburger'
    ''I don't want to hug you incase I break you'
    'You're not my type. I like girls with t*ts and a**'
    'Hey fatty' - sarcasm.

    but then I had a different friend come up to me and say -

    'You're looking really good Lucy. All that hard work is paying off'


    man that reminds me of when I was in the bus and I heard a bunch of guys commenting on my *kitten*, how it was a nice *kitten* etc.. and then later my friend told me, I should stop going to the gym because I'm losing my tush.
    I was very confused and my body felt so separate from me at the time because I no longer had a perception of it.
    Now my perception of my body is based on my OWN opinion, I think that it is strong, and not fit...but getting there.
    No one will ever define my body again.
  • leykisgirl
    I have always been big and there have been so many things that people have said or done that has about my weight.
    I NEVER heard the end of it from my stepfather. It was always "You're fat. You're ugly." I was around 9 at the time and it still continues today at 29. But some of the worst things was when he would lock me out of the house and make me run up and down the street in front of our house and around our block over and over again. Sometimes around our house and do countless sit ups and push ups and wrestle with my sisters and "I should win because I am so much bigger than them!" I was so embaressed to be seen and that continues today. I feel like I am never gonna be able to feel better about myself and I know that if he had just went about it differently then maybe I wouldnt look and feel this way now.:cry:

    hey, that is pretty abusive.
  • leykisgirl
    I was at Kings Island in Cincinnati, OH and my son was about 9, he's 20 now. Anyway, we were online for the Beastie (which if your not familiar with KI, it's the roller coaster in the kids section. Anyway after waiting for nearly an hour, we went to get on the ride, and the bar wouldn't snap in (it came over ok, just couldn't get it snapped). Well, the ride operator asked that I don't ride because I couldn't get safely in the ride. When my son and I were leaving the ride I heard a young child ask his dad, who was in the seats behind us, why they were making us get off the ride. The father told his son, who was about 5 btw..."The guy's too fat to be on here. He shouldn't have embarrassed himself like that. Fat people don't belong in Amusement parks." He said it loud enough for me, my son and a few others to hear. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

    Wow, that is a bad father, he just taught his son prejudice.. he should win father of the year :angry: :
  • leykisgirl
    I don't have any specific comments, but every time someone mentioned anything that had to do with being big or gross, I was referred to. Like, "You don't want to look gross like nikki do you?"

    wow, wtf.
    I hope that for your sanity you have kicked these losers out of your life!
  • caralynnxo
    "watch out, shamoo is on her way over to the bathroom. she's gonna crush the toilet bowl"
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Unfortunately I have a library of them. The pinnacle would be when my ex wife and i were getting it on, she stopped me and ran to the toilet to vomit. She said that being with me made her sick because I was so big and it disgusted her.

    I have an assortment of others over the years from people that help get me through workouts.
  • leykisgirl
    I went to a resturant once with my mom and my sister. My mom placed her order than I put mine in and my sister ordered a salad. The waiter said to her "are you sure that'll be enough?" I was like excuse me! Yes it is more than enough go put the ********* order in *$$***. I was so0o mad. To this day I can believe someone would have so much nerve. Let alone some ugly old guy. My sister didn't say anything but it hurt me deply and it wasn't even me he said it to.

    You are the best sister ever. Id have done the same!
  • leykisgirl
    Unfortunately I have a library of them. The pinnacle would be when my ex wife and i were getting it on, she stopped me and ran to the toilet to vomit. She said that being with me made her sick because I was so big and it disgusted her.

    I have an assortment of others over the years from people that help get me through workouts.

    Omg, what an abusive woman.
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Most of the adult company I keep these days wouldn't ever say anything rude, and I think that with America being so fat these days, the general public is sort of desensitized to seeing obese people. However, I did have one comment made since high school (when the comment "do you wear a garbage bag to the beach" was considered quite clever!!). I was at an office Christmas party. Normally I wore slacks and blouses to work, but for this party I wore a "little black dress" and a coworker (the queen of passive-aggressive mean!) announced excitedly for the whole room to hear "Omg, are you pregnant?"

    I coulda slapped the *****!
  • sallytx
    sallytx Posts: 43 Member
    sorry to read this.......your comment is something that sticks with you forever.....just like all of the other ones on here...I guess all this time I thought I was the only one hanging around people that make horrible comments.

    Mine have all come from women.

    The first for me also at 10. From my gymnastics teacher! I took gymnastics during the fall and spring, but not summer. And EVERY fall when I would start again, the coach would tell me in front of the whole class that I had gained weight again during the summer and that she was going to have to get me back in shape.
  • runwithitwerewinning
    runwithitwerewinning Posts: 39 Member
    I took my shirt off after a tough kickboxing class at my new MMA school. Immediately, one of the guys started calling me "Fedor." Another guy took a picture and posted it on Facebook. Someone commented Ï didn't know that Fedor started training there." For those that don't know, Fedor is considered a great heavyweight MMA fighter that should be fighting at a lower weight class because of the extra fat he carries.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I really hate reading all of these and it makes me super angry at the people who have made all of you feel this way! I hope every single person on here knows that they are wonderful, amazing, powerful, beautiful people. I dont know a single person on this thread but I am proud of every one of you for taking the necessary steps to being the best you there is and for getting healthy and getting over people and their mindless rude comments!
  • leykisgirl
    I was at the amusement park when I was in my teens, settling into my seat for the ride, and the carney says to me "suck it in, fatty" as he closed the harness (which, might I add, was not having difficulty closing.)

    I HATE carnies! some of them are so rude...
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    When I was younger my grandfather use to say, "Don't eat that or you'll get fat". My mom's boyfriend use to say, "If you keep gaining weight, you're going to weigh 300 lbs by the time you're 18." (right in front of my mother, who did nothing).

    Now that I'm at a healthy weight (my BMI is 24.3 and I'm aiming to lose 17 more lbs to get down to a BMI of 22), my mom says things like, "OMG! You're a size 4??? Even at my thinnest, I was not a size 4! You need to eat something!" When I explain to her that I weigh 137 lbs while also explaining vanity sizing, she says, "You don't look like you weigh that much" ... I know she didn't mean it as a jab, but it felt like it.

    or my grandmother says, "If you lose any more weight, you're going to blow away in the wind". My Aunt says, "The reason why you're so cold all the time is because you don't have any body fat!" (I am 28% body fat and have always had poor circulation. I was cold even when I was 50% body fat and 280 lbs.)...
  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member
    having "you fat slut!" shouted at me whilst i was walking to the shop and also being spat at whilst out running (i kept my cool finnished my run home and just cried) - by complete strangers! honestly there is no need for it! people can be so cruel
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    Was meeting a guy in person that I met on an online dating site. Within the first 5 minutes he says "I'm sorry, my penis has a mind of its own and it doesnt like beer bellies"

    This was like a slap in the face to me. Also this dude was overweight himself and had no room to talk.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I will always remember my ex mother-in-law telling me that I should be working on losing weight that maybe her son/my husband wouldn't be cheating on me. I bit my tongue ...I wanted to say, "you should have done a better job at raising him instead of creating the *kitten* hole he is today" However, I did say if he has a problem with my weight...I can show him where the door is.