worst comment ever made about your weight



  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I was at the amusement park when I was in my teens, settling into my seat for the ride, and the carney says to me "suck it in, fatty" as he closed the harness (which, might I add, was not having difficulty closing.)

    I HATE carnies! some of them are so rude...

    That's true, and I had a bad experience once with my butt being too fat for the swing ride at a carnival. Then this past Christmas my parents bought us tickets to Universal Studios for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and I was SO nervous about the size restriction I read about. They installed a few new seats for the bigger people, but I wasn't sure I'd even get in that. But mostly I was afraid of the rejection... just hearing the words "you are too fat to ride." But the gal who took me to the "test" seat was very nice and not rude at all. I fit in the seat and had a nice ride. What a difference one pleasant attitude can make on a person's whole day!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'd dump my girlfriend if she was half your size

    Everyone just thinks youre nice, youre only nice because you have to be since youre not attractive

    Im sorry, as soon as you take your clothes off, I just lose my erection <~ this past January, mid bj, after dating for 3 weeks


    The nerveeeee!!!!! WOW. AND not a GOOD wow but ... shocked ... wow!

    yeah, in broad daylight, about the 16th time we'd slept together, new year's morning, all I could think was.. but youre still in my mouth...

    You cant just say something like that to a girl and not expect it to mess her up for awhile.
  • A co-worker, who was fired shortly after...wonder why, came into my office one day and said "ooo, whats that smell?"

    I had a mint-chocolate candle burning from Bath And Body Works. And, yes it smelled wonderful. I said "its my candle, mint chocolate!!"

    She says "oh, well no wonder you can't lose weight!!"

    I almost fell over. I was too stunned to say anything. We were having a biggest loser contest at work and that day happened to be weigh-in. I had gained 3 pounds that week, water weight I'm assuming, and she overheard someone talking to me about it.

    Must have just been water weight. I went on to lose 27 pounds in 3 months and got 2nd place in our competition.

    I feel sorry for people who have to make comments like these in order to feel better about themselves.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Too many to mention. I was never THAT heavy... and the comment I hear today the most is, "you've lost 50 pounds? really?" because I carried it ok. But my highest weight was 185 at 5'7". And my family was incredibly athletic and into sports while I was the bookish one. I don't think I went through high school without hearing a comment about my weight from either my mother, my little brother, or little sister. My father usually didn't say anything to ME but would make comments about other women in front of me who were obviously fit and in good shape. My grandmother often commented on my weight and how pretty I would be if I could lose the weight. Sigh. Family.

    My brother and sister were the WORST. They constantly called me "fat *kitten*" and whenever we had an argument, the FIRST thing they commented on was my weight. Here are the top two stings in my life, and none of them SHOULD have mattered. I've had MUCH worse said to me over the years, but for some reason, these two stick.

    1) While walking with another larger friend of mine and my husband, some guys leaned out of their car window and shouted to my husband, "Hey, I like big girls too." (My husband is quite slight.) It just FELT wrong. I wanted to crawl under a rock.

    2) While walking in a sketchy part of London on my way home from volunteer teaching at an inner city school during my study abroad, two guys started to follow me and cornered me in an alley. They kept asking me to go get a beer. I was just wanted to get away so I ignored them and got to a public area of the street. They called after me, "It's alright sweetheart, you're too fat for us anyway." Seriously? Ugh.

    Then there are the non-verbal cues that add up. Not being asked to dance at a club. Not getting free drinks while your skinny girlfriends are swimming in them.

    It's all in the past now. But it is good to think back about the moments in life that remind you why you do the things you do for yourself and your health today!
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I'd dump my girlfriend if she was half your size

    Everyone just thinks youre nice, youre only nice because you have to be since youre not attractive

    Im sorry, as soon as you take your clothes off, I just lose my erection <~ this past January, mid bj, after dating for 3 weeks


    The nerveeeee!!!!! WOW. AND not a GOOD wow but ... shocked ... wow!

    yeah, in broad daylight, about the 16th time we'd slept together, new year's morning, all I could think was.. but youre still in my mouth...

    You cant just say something like that to a girl and not expect it to mess her up for awhile.

    I agree... wow! The nerve. I'm sorry but if I had a guy in my mouth said that, he'd be missing one very important body part right about now.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Two months after I had my first son, I was a bride's maid at my sister's wedding. My dad told me I was fat and needed to lose the baby weight.
  • blondie_girl14
    blondie_girl14 Posts: 198 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    That is awful, the people that should love us the most should be our family, no matter what we look like!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    This weekend, my god-daughter called me fat.

    Actually it went like this:
    "Look at your belly, Ali! It's big and fat like a balloon! Look how fat it is!!!"
    ...in front of everyone (of course...)

    Yes, she's 5, and yes, kids say the darned'est things, but it made me feel like ****. This is the second time in a row that I've seen her when she's called me fat.

    Last time was at a winter carnival with a bounce house, and she told me I couldn't go bc I'd "probably break it since I was so fat". Ugh. She's like a 5-yr-old bully.

    And while I know I shouldn't be irritated with her...the fact remains that she couldn't say it if I WASN'T fat. So...........HELLO, NEW MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've needed this, maybe. While her comments DID make me go to the bathroom and cry in the middle of dinner out...she also gave me the new drive I needed.

    It was mean of her to say, and rude, and her mom didn't do a thing to stop it. I would have been MORTIFIED if my kid ever said that.

    Regardless, I WILL lose this weight, and she will NEVER be able to call me fat again. (little brat...)

    I gotta disagree--you SHOULD be irritated with her. Five years old isn't too young to be taught manners. If her mother won't do it, you probably should. Any child who said "you're fat!" to me would get the answer "and you're mean--you make me sad when you say mean things, you make me want to cry, you make me not want to be around you anymore. When you say mean things like that, it makes people stop liking you. Do you want me to stop liking you?" Sounds harsh, but it's the absolute truth, and better she learn it from someone who cares about her than she learn it in a few years from kids who want to kick her behind for her rudeness.

    I'm sorry--I wish she hadn't said those things to you, and I wish her mother would step up and PARENT.

    I can tell you that my Comadre would never let her daughter/my god daughter talk to me like that. Parents stepping up and teaching their kids would make all the difference in the world today.
  • I was 9 or 10 and took a gymnastics class. The instructor was teaching us all to do a one handed cartwheel and we were in line and as each child moved forward to do the cartwheel he would reach out and help them by holding onto their waist and slowly moving through the cartwheel with them to provide the support. When he got to me he said, "whoa, your on your own, you're too big for me to help."


    Only one of many rude comments I received during my formative years.
    APPLETON29 Posts: 20 Member
    When I was 12 my 'so called' friend invited me round her house for the afternoon. I went round and we were listening to music. She then had a knock at the door and when she came back she had 5 other of her friends with her. (Parents were out). They then started asking how I could bare to be seen out being to fat (I was plump, uk size 14-16). I then felt intimidated and said I had to go. The ring leader of the 6 girls told me i was going no where. I made a run for it and couldn't open the front door in time. I was then dragged up the stairs by my hair into the bedroom where the ring leader tried to force me on a pair of scales and when refused she picked up the scales and smashed them over my head repeatedly until another girl made her stop. She then threatened to knife my fat *kitten* unless i screamed out the window at a group of boys i went to school with that I am a fat *****. Still I got off lightly really as she is now in prison for running her boyfriend over.

    I've also had my own dad tell me (when I was about 18) if he was to line up a 100 men outside my house they'd all pick my sister as she is slim and beautiful and I was not and that in fact he would rather I was anorexic than overweight!

    Still let's not dwell and remember I am VERY HAPPILY MARRIED with a beautiful Son who love me for me! Plus I'm not in Jail!!! Horray for me!!!
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    I was in the market for a new Ob/Gyn to tie my tubes. I ended up going to one that came with glowing recommendations, but when I went to see her she took one look at me (dressed) and said that I was "too fat" for her to be able to do the surgery I had a (41" waist). I was shocked that she would phrase it like that but she explained that her equipment wasn't long enough to get through my stomach fat. After much rolling her eyes and attitude ...she told me to eat less and maybe I could get it done next year. I went to a different doctor and my surgery is in two weeks.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    This weekend, my god-daughter called me fat.

    Actually it went like this:
    "Look at your belly, Ali! It's big and fat like a balloon! Look how fat it is!!!"
    ...in front of everyone (of course...)

    Yes, she's 5, and yes, kids say the darned'est things, but it made me feel like ****. This is the second time in a row that I've seen her when she's called me fat.

    Last time was at a winter carnival with a bounce house, and she told me I couldn't go bc I'd "probably break it since I was so fat". Ugh. She's like a 5-yr-old bully.

    And while I know I shouldn't be irritated with her...the fact remains that she couldn't say it if I WASN'T fat. So...........HELLO, NEW MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've needed this, maybe. While her comments DID make me go to the bathroom and cry in the middle of dinner out...she also gave me the new drive I needed.

    It was mean of her to say, and rude, and her mom didn't do a thing to stop it. I would have been MORTIFIED if my kid ever said that.

    Regardless, I WILL lose this weight, and she will NEVER be able to call me fat again. (little brat...)

    I gotta disagree--you SHOULD be irritated with her. Five years old isn't too young to be taught manners. If her mother won't do it, you probably should. Any child who said "you're fat!" to me would get the answer "and you're mean--you make me sad when you say mean things, you make me want to cry, you make me not want to be around you anymore. When you say mean things like that, it makes people stop liking you. Do you want me to stop liking you?" Sounds harsh, but it's the absolute truth, and better she learn it from someone who cares about her than she learn it in a few years from kids who want to kick her behind for her rudeness.

    I'm sorry--I wish she hadn't said those things to you, and I wish her mother would step up and PARENT.

    I can tell you that my Comadre would never let her daughter/my god daughter talk to me like that. Parents stepping up and teaching their kids would make all the difference in the world today.

    My niece once told my aunt, "I'm better than you, Aunt Barb, because you're fat and I'm not." I took my niece aside privately, and calmly yet sternly assured her that, if I EVER again heard her tell anyone else that she was better than them for ANY reason, she wouldn't be able to sit down for quite some time. I also explained to her that she has the same genes in her as Aunt Barb, which means that, if she isn't careful (by eating healthy and getting regular exercise), she could very well end up with a weight problem herself when she gets older. I further explained that physical appearance is not an accurate measurement of a person's worth, so we shouldn't make judgements about someone's personal character based on physical appearance (whether attractive or unattractive). Then I made her go and apologize for her comment.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    i get cmnts all the time but guess they're compliments... ppl ask me why am i working out when im so thin...im thin but bad built thin lol..i dislike it when they think i want to be a bag of bones etc..gets old hearing it but anyone to make a rude cmnt about someone's weight should be slapped in the face! :D
  • jmadre83
    jmadre83 Posts: 4
    When I had to have a C-Section with my son because my bone structure in my pelvis is narrow, my husband's great aunt said, "Just goes to show that big houses don't always have big doors." Howww rude!
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 137 Member
    I commented earlier but I had two others real quick. Right after the birth of my son I was headed to the NICU to see him and some teenage kids yell at me in the parking garage "Hey fattie!" I replied I wasn't fat I had just had a baby to the jerk and he responded "Well did it taste good?" The other was when I was a teenager and I wasn't 'fat' I was just thick (I was a weight lifter) and I was at summer camp and rooming with these four girls who were cousins. They spent at least 30 mins each putting on makeup and doing their hair and one day when I tried to squeeze in to see myself for a second in the mirror one of them told me it didn't matter how I looked because I was so fat no boy would look my way anyways. (Just deserts: I met my husband the same day! And he thought I was beautiful even with my hair looking bad because I didn't get to use the mirror!)
  • Mollyirl
    Mollyirl Posts: 6
    When I was 8, I accidentally tripped and fell forward on a male classmate and he yells in front of the whole class, "Oh my god, a blue whale just fell on me!"
    When I was 11 or 12 my friend's older brother told me I had the eating habit of Fat Albert.
    When I was 18, my little cousin asked me (as I was opening the fridge, no less) "Molly, do you ever wish you were skinnier?"
    My grandmother has always maintained I have too pretty of a face to weigh so much.
  • JJNette76
    JJNette76 Posts: 11
    My husband's best friend's wife tried to lend me a dress for a special occasion by saying "I'm sure it'll fit. I wore it when I was pregnant." Needless to say I wasn't pregnant, nor are we friends now.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'd dump my girlfriend if she was half your size

    Everyone just thinks youre nice, youre only nice because you have to be since youre not attractive

    Im sorry, as soon as you take your clothes off, I just lose my erection <~ this past January, mid bj, after dating for 3 weeks


    The nerveeeee!!!!! WOW. AND not a GOOD wow but ... shocked ... wow!

    yeah, in broad daylight, about the 16th time we'd slept together, new year's morning, all I could think was.. but youre still in my mouth...

    You cant just say something like that to a girl and not expect it to mess her up for awhile.

    Did you bite it off? I would have made a valiant attempt at removing his bits from his body.

    When I wasn't eating in high school my friend's mom told me that laxatives would help me lose my "pouch" now, when I say "not eating in hs" I mean, I was anorexic and running at night until I passed out and this woman just wanted to help me lose the rest of the weight so I could "eat like a healthy girl, ya know, salad and fruit and sometimes grilled chicken or fish" her exact words. *sigh*
  • Oh, that is rotten coming from an adult.

    Last week, my husband and one of his good friends were at our house doing some work in our back yard. While they were doing work, I was at my husband's friends house watching his 3 kids. The 4 year old said to me. "you and Jeremy are fat. You're fat because you don't exercise." I said, "who told you that?" and the 4 year old said, "daddy."

    I felt so bummed all day about it. I told my husband what he said. My husband just said oh well and said we shouldn't say anything to the dad and to just let it go.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    My aunt once thought it would be funny to grab hold of my belly rolls and ask, "What's this? What this? Why do you have this?."