worst comment ever made about your weight



  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    I can think of a ton, but the most recent...

    My wife and I had our friend on the phone long distance...my wife was trying to build me up and bragged "Keri is now blonde and has been working out, tanning and losing weight.." our "friend" replied and said "no don't! I like the chunky dark haired pale Keri better! " and continued on...my wife watched my color drain and me get upset. This was supposed to b my friend who is supportive....
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    And BTW--- you are ALL beautiful and congrats on all of your guys' success! Be proud of youselves!!:flowerforyou:
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I have 2 as a teen -

    1. For prom, a whole group of us rented out cabins in the woods for the weekend after prom. We bought all sorts of food, hamburgers, hotdogs, potatoe salad, all sorts of really fatty foods. I would eat the stuff but I didn't prefer that type of food. I'm fat because I like to eat a lot of what I do like, may be not those foods specfically. Anyways, during the entire weekend, we ended up eating out most of the time because no one wanted to cook for everyone. At the end of the weekend we had to get rid of the food, one of the guys that were with us turned to me and said "you should just take everything" me, "I really don't like that stuff", him "if you don't like this, why are you so fat???"

    2. Same guy mentioned above, during the same prom weekend, we were drinking and telling stories about the funniest sex moment (I know, we're kids, no drinking and sex allowed), when it was my turn, I started with "well, me and my boyfriend did....." before I could finish my sentence, the guy looked amazed and said "wait, you actually have had a boyfriend??" Needless to say, this guy was a major a**hole.

    As an adult - My husband's best friend, this was when we first started dating each other, all his friends liked me because I was one of the guys. His one friend and him were talking, and for some reason they alway bring up the past when they could've had any girl they wanted. When the coversation settled, his friend said to him, infront of me, "well you did always prefer the heavy girls"

    Point made!!!
  • siddyb75
    siddyb75 Posts: 5
    My mom in my 20's when I was upset about being single..."Men don't like overweight girls."
    When I was about 30, I was at a flea market in the summer, wearing shorts and t-shirt. I walked by this kid, maybe in his teens, that said "every roll weighs 600 pounds." :(
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    bump to read later
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Are you anorexic or do u ever eat?? Annoying, used to happen in high school alot.......
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    In high school my friend was referred to as "the hot girl next to the fat chick" (the fat chick being me). I was only about 5 lbs overweight at the time. I never told anyone but I started starving myself after that and lost 50 pounds that summer, and even on the border of "underweight" I still thought of myself as the fat chick next to the hot girl. I never had any idea that I was thin. Now looking back at pictures of myself I can see how frail and ill I looked.

    PS I gained all the weight back as an adult, and then some.
  • Jendusi
    Jendusi Posts: 9 Member
    How about the numerous times I have been asked how far along I am. Do you know how many times I have been tempted to answer with 5months?? Unless someone is clearly, without doubt preganat, do not ask that question.:mad:
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    Rode somewhere with a coworker and her 4 yo in the backseat said "You're kinda big for this car"...(lil hefa)

    Laugh now, but I tripped her that day, wth my big @ss foot!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    When I was about 10 or 11, I had some puppy fat and was just moving into puberty, and my father who was quite overweight at the time, told me as I ate my ice cream, that I will end up looking like him.

    And last Summer, soon after I met my bf, he commented on how he had noticed my *kitten* looked big in a summer dress I was wearing. I was 144Ibs or so at the time and I am almost 5'10.
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    How about the numerous times I have been asked how far along I am. Do you know how many times I have been tempted to answer with 5months?? Unless someone is clearly, without doubt preganat, do not ask that question.:mad:

    ^^^THIS. A co-worker (worked in a different part of the building than me but saw me quite frequently) asked me when I was due. I had to remind her that I had given birth a YEAR ago.
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    Talk about a slap in the face: At my last job, I told my boss, at the time, that I couldn't do my job, because one of the people I needed input from (a Director) would not return my phone calls, and closed the door in my face, when I went to her office.

    My boss replied, "Perhaps she's intimidated by you."

    Me: "Why would she be intimidated by me??? She's a Director."

    Boss: "Well, maybe because you're - you know - BIG."

    Me: "What?! Do you mean fat?"

    Boss: "Well, yes. Some people are intimidated by 'larger' people."

    She later told me that "some people" are of the opinion that if you're overweight, you don't respect yourself, so why should anyone else have respect for you. Most of the upper management at the company felt the same way - which is why they let me go.

    Mother Effer
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    prob not the worst but last summer discussing an upcoming Grand Canyon vaca with a 'friend' who says - 'I've already done the donkey tour into the Canyon, we can't do that this time because you can't ride the donkeys if you're over 250 lbs' I was around 195 at the time- heavy yes, but NOT 250.
    ouch. I went (against my better judgement) on the vaca anyway- I was on MFP at the time & had lost about 20 lbs but still she commented EVERY DAY AT EVERY MEAL about what I SHOULD eat etc, even tho I TOLD her it's vacation & I'm NOT LOGGING.
    As soon as we got home, I told her to eat **** & die. This is someone who looks like one of those garden gnomes- I am NOT exaggerating. what a clown-faced *****.
    After I told her off, she cried for WEEKS, called ALL my friends (she knew) asking WHY .... really?!
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    I am half Chinese... I don't speak Chinese though... at a big family lunch the rellies were talking about me. Nodding my way... I heard my name... so I asked my cousin what they were saying and he said, "Oh, they're just saying you're fatter than ever now."

    Ouch. Not just that they were saying it but that the cousin actually repeated what they were saying. Double Ouch.

    Edited to add: In November same relly that said that I was fatter than ever told me "You too skinny." What the hell????
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    My worst critics are my family. Seems to be a theme here! I have to say that my parents are tiny as are my two brothers. My dad is 5'11 and 110 pounds! He is actually scary tiny. Eats everything but can't put on weight.

    My mom asked me how much I weighed and then assured me that It is okay to let my self go since I am married! Thanks mom!

    My dad keeps telling me that his mother and her family were big people so I have to be careful cause I take after them.

    My daughter is 3 and underweight, she has had to see specialist, she is on a high calorie diet. My 5 month old is larger now (13 pounds) then my first was at 18 months. My mom keeps saying that #1 takes after her and #2 is going to take after me and be big. She even said that #2 is going to be as large as #1 by the time she is one. So even before my kids know what weight issues are my parents are putting it on them! Cause it is not hard enough to be a girl!
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I had a part-time job at a donut shop - and these young girls come through the drive through at like 1 in the morning. After they recieve thier food they told me that they though it was disgusting when overweight women wore tops that showed thier arms and stomach (this wasn't a belly top mind you, but a sweater that just rode up a bit when you reached up high).

    They then took off, drove around the building, through the drive through again and started honking thier horn and yelling at me calling me all sorts of obsene names, so I refused to open the window.

    Then then called the donut shop demanding to speak to my boss and I am like "It's 2 AM - do you really think she is here?" and then they told me off and told me I had to call Jenny Craig, and started oinking into the phone.

    I look back on it and it was really embarrassing, because I was being harrased by this girls, a few years younger than myself, in this negative and condesending way, but I just have to have pity on them.

    How sad is thier life if trying to put someone else down is considered a matter of enjoyment. It doesn't speak well of a person.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Rode somewhere with a coworker and her 4 yo in the backseat said "You're kinda big for this car"...(lil hefa)

    Laugh now, but I tripped her that day, wth my big @ss foot!

    I had to rent a geo metro once, I'm driving down the road and some guy screams out.


    Sad part was that I agreed.
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    I bought some painkillers one day for toothache and the woman said you shouldnt take these when you are pregnant.
  • jenhort
    jenhort Posts: 1 Member
  • helpmelose2011
    helpmelose2011 Posts: 125 Member
    Mine was "ohh when are you due? You look like you're going to pop! I bet you're excited?!"

    "umm, I had him 3 months ago but thanks for the confidence booster!"