LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • melmel12
    melmel12 Posts: 21
    awesome thanks for the info! I'm going to look her up
  • i'm very interested in joining this group! Over the past year i was diagnosed with a medical condition & the medicine they gave me for it made me gain weight. I am only 18 years old & i've never had a weight problem until now. In total i gained almost 80 pounds and i am determined to lose them all. Since joining site a week ago i have lost 5 pds so far. Any recipe recommendations would be great(:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Hey girls!

    I was just curious if anyone has any crockpot recipes that they want to share. I know that we are all super busy with life and babies and families and school, and everything else...:wink: and crock pots are sooooo helpful for me when I am busy! I can just put it on in the morning, forget about it, and then have a healthy dinner for me and my family in the evening. LOVE IT!!:heart::heart: :heart: Anyhow, here is a yummy recipe that I found - hope you like it:smile:

    Low Carb Crockpot Stew

    2 lb skinless chicken breasts cut in 1 inch cubes
    2 cans fat-free (and/or low sodium) chicken broth
    3 cup potatoes; unpeeled and cubed
    1 cup onion; chopped
    1 cup celery; sliced
    1 cup carrots; sliced thin
    1 tsp paprika
    1/2 tsp pepper
    1/2 tsp rubbed sage
    1/2 tsp dried thyme
    6 oz no-salt-added tomato paste
    1/4 cup cold water
    3 Tbs cornstarch

    In your favorite crockpot, combine the first 11 ingredients; cover and cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours. A half hour before serving, mix water and cornstarch until smooth; stir into stew. Cook, covered, 30 minutes more on high or until the vegetables are tender.
  • Mausie
    Mausie Posts: 38
    *sigh* What a day ... week ... month ... there for a while I was doing really good on the "couch to 5k" program ... than I got sick, started tacking the dogs on 2 mile walks every night, than it got hot ... too hot for them ( and me ) ... now I need to start again ...

    SW = 148
    CW = 142
    GW = lower 130ish

    Well ... as one may see ... I guess you can call it commitment issue ... I dunno, but I know that by next yr April I need to be in shape ... and I dont mean round ( as thats a shape too) ... after 6 yrs I be going home to see my family ... and I sure wanna look great when I see them again!!!!

    Well ... hopefully that will keep me motivated!!! Glad I lost some ... but surely could lose a bit more =)

    Hoping to be closer to 140 next wednesday =)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Morning ladies!

    m2kJenn- thanks for the recipe! :love: sounds great !! I'd like to get into the couch to 5k program. I googled it and was pretty interested - I think I'll start it after I get back from vacation. I'm glued to the shred for now! I'll be doing that until we leave :smile:

    jtodacheeny- your recipe sounds good too! Crockpot meals are great for my husband - he's a SAHD so anything that makes his life easier makes my life easier. After 8 months as a SAHD he STILL calls and asks ME what's for dinner?! :tongue: Back when I was the one cooking I didn't consult him, I just cooked. lol but I guess its good bc if I didn't tell him what to cook the kids would probably be living off a diet of pudding & mac/cheese. :huh:

    melmel12 - you can also 'youtube' some of her workouts. I know you can with the shred. I don't have cable - we've just got the DVR antenna. lol it works great for local shows but that's it. we're cheap! But, we do have netflix so before I decided to order the shred I 'youtubed' it and did it a few nightsl ike that before my copy came in the mail. Just an idea.

    I can't WAIT for this weekend to start! :bigsmile: I get to have a shopping day with my Mom - haven't spent a whole day with her alone since my son was born. :bigsmile: I'm excited! Hope you guys all have a GREEEEEAT weekend!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    *sigh* What a day ... week ... month ... there for a while I was doing really good on the "couch to 5k" program ... than I got sick, started tacking the dogs on 2 mile walks every night, than it got hot ... too hot for them ( and me ) ... now I need to start again ...

    SW = 148
    CW = 142
    GW = lower 130ish

    Well ... as one may see ... I guess you can call it commitment issue ... I dunno, but I know that by next yr April I need to be in shape ... and I dont mean round ( as thats a shape too) ... after 6 yrs I be going home to see my family ... and I sure wanna look great when I see them again!!!!

    Well ... hopefully that will keep me motivated!!! Glad I lost some ... but surely could lose a bit more =)

    Hoping to be closer to 140 next wednesday =)

    Hang in there - 2lbs is totally doable by next wednesday!! I have issues with the heat around here in NC too, working out it the LAST thing I want to do - my a/c feels SO much better than the sun! My dog has gained a LOT of weight over the winter & she gets really overheated when I try to take her for a run. I livei n a cul-de-sac so when we circle it on laps she drags me towards teh driveway as if to say "please mommy, i want to go home! :sad: " LOL 6 years is a LONG time! You'll def. meet your goal before you get to see them! April is plenty plenty plenty time for you to hit your goal!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Hi all,

    Some great losses this week!

    It's great to read about everyone's background, here's mine.. I'm 36, married and have 3 boys, 8, 6 and 3. I work full time as a 2nd grade teacher. I've really been working hard this summer with exercise and eating, so I have to figure out a new routine once school starts in a few weeks.

    I had a great weigh in this week and lost just over 3 pounds.

    I also love Jillian Michaels and do her 30 minute Shred or the Biggest Loser strength training.


    Mini goal-175 by Oct. 16 my 10 year anniversary

    Tink-DH usually stands for "dear husband"

    Where did you find the Biggest Loser Strenght training? Have you seen the previews of the workouts at the beginning of the shred? The ones where her & bob work out with past guests? I think I'd like to try one of those out. Have you done any of them?
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning my workout was Jillian's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. Feel it in my butt and thighs, guess we can call it the thutt! :laugh: This is a tough, but effective workout. :wink:

    jtodacheeny: Thank you for the recipe, I like using my slow cooker also.

    Mausie: I think your goal of April is doable. I really enjoy the C25k program also. I am going to be on week 6 next week. I took one week off of running, just to make a change.

    Jstar513: Have a great time with your Mom and shopping. :happy: I need to take my girls shopping for school clothes. My oldest doesn't need to many new things, but my youngest grew so much this summer, that all her jeans are what one would call high waters. Biggest problem we will have is keeping track of who's jeans are who's. Oldest and youngest are the same size now! :ohwell:

    Have a great weekend!
  • Girl you can count me in. I just got back on track as well.
  • Girl you can count me in. I just got back on track as well.
  • :laugh: Im excited to be back on MFP.
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    You know those days when you just get out of bed and you are just angry with the world :mad: (I hope someones else does that) ??? Well today is one of those days, I feel very distructive :explode: ....not good. Hopefully my lunch time workout will help...for everyone's sake hahaha. My mom has been home for the past 4 days and cooking bread...which means I have been eating bread...surprisingly when I got on the scale it was down...a little...but it was down so I will take it as a "win". She goes back to work today for about 3 weeks so hopefully I can have some more structure and less temptations. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!!! And may the force be with us all!!!:bigsmile:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    You know those days when you just get out of bed and you are just angry with the world :mad: (I hope someones else does that) ??? Well today is one of those days, I feel very distructive :explode: ....not good. Hopefully my lunch time workout will help...for everyone's sake hahaha. My mom has been home for the past 4 days and cooking bread...which means I have been eating bread...surprisingly when I got on the scale it was down...a little...but it was down so I will take it as a "win". She goes back to work today for about 3 weeks so hopefully I can have some more structure and less temptations. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!!! And may the force be with us all!!!:bigsmile:

    I completely know what you mean - and today was my day too. good thing is, it usually passes. Enjoy your lunch workout!!! wish I could get one in, I am such a sweater I really can't do anything until I'm home for the day.
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I am a horrible/great sweater too...but I am able to sqeeze a quick COLD :grumble: shower in that it helps me cool off enough before heading back to my dungeon...I mean office. Take longer than an hour but I get in early and my "people" are flexible enough....thankfully!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Hope I can join you all too. I need more motivation now. I keep craving salty chips and they are sooo fattening.
    I also "weigh in" every Wednesday. Actually, I weigh myself about every day but I measure myself every Wednesday.
    Trying to get through the weekend. I never get a chance to workout on the weekend and it's harder to stay within the calorie limits.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hello all Lovely Ladies,

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Keep at your goals!!! Every day will make a difference. If anyone is interested in clean eating - take a look at the latest clean eating thread - we are having lots of fun there coming up with fresh ideas for clean foods - love to have anyone join!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    You know those days when you just get out of bed and you are just angry with the world :mad: (I hope someones else does that) ??? Well today is one of those days, I feel very distructive :explode: ....not good. Hopefully my lunch time workout will help...for everyone's sake hahaha. My mom has been home for the past 4 days and cooking bread...which means I have been eating bread...surprisingly when I got on the scale it was down...a little...but it was down so I will take it as a "win". She goes back to work today for about 3 weeks so hopefully I can have some more structure and less temptations. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!!! And may the force be with us all!!!:bigsmile:

    I hope today went better for you! I can SOOO relate!! It can be so discouraging when those days (or weeks) hit! Just keep your head up and have a great day today!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Girl you can count me in. I just got back on track as well.

    It's tough when we fall off that wagon, but it is worth the effort to climb back on and get going again!! We can dio it!!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I hope today went better for you! I can SOOO relate!! It can be so discouraging when those days (or weeks) hit! Just keep your head up and have a great day today!

    Thanks...the weekend was ok. Today is a little frustrating being that after a better week food wise and an excellent week exercise wise (7 days in a row woot woot) I gained some weight!!! Between that and being the first day of school for my 3 babies and the 1st day of kindergarten for my baby-baby...I am PIGGING OUT!!!! OMG!!!! Just silly I tell you! Oh well I will look at each new meal as a fresh start and go from there!

    Hope everyone else is having a great Monday!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    8racefan8 - ohh, the first day of school!!! It can be an adjustment, and a stressfull one too!! Well, if you have to pig out, just try to make healthy choices! ( I know, easier said than done..) It's a great thing to start new with each meal! that's a really cool way to think and I have never thought of it that way. Thx for the tip! About the weight gain - it is probably just fluctuation...don't get down!!!
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