What do you think is the biggest misconception about where y



  • lisalis626
    lisalis626 Posts: 19 Member
    The 'guido' type is def a minority here and yet the stereotype persists.... I hate when I go traveling and people find out I'm from NJ. That show has given the whole state a bad rep :(

    This!! Awful awful awful! I can't even watch it. I also lived in Maine for years -- a lot people have no idea where Maine is even located.
  • I am from California and therefore I must be, blond-tan- have a perfect body. I have one out of three. HA!
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    Try being from Fargo...do you have any idea how many wood chipper jokes I hear? And EVERYONE thinks i have the accent. *sighs*


    You must be from Minnesota too, huh?

    oh yeah, sure ya betcha. Dontcha know.:wink: born in Minnesooohta...my 'accent' gets made fun of.

    Otherwise, raised in South Dakota - I've often gotten, I don't know anybody else from there, do yall have indoor plumbing? oh boy
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Lived in Louisiana almost all my life (I was born in Colorado but both parents are from Louisiana) and I hear a lot of stuff about New Orleans, mostly, where people think it's like a smaller version of the Vegas Strip where you can gamble and see naked chicks walking around and get smashed. Mardi Gras is the worst, we have tourists who come in thinking the whole thing is to show boobs for plastic beads and that's how we do it but they end up being just about the only ones doing it (minus your atypical drunk fool) and just reinforce it even though they're the ones doing it! And look, I'll admit parts of New Orleans are not as clean as they could and should be and a lot of the city residents don't like it, but New Orleans is a clean city and a lot of Louisianaians are family-oriented people. Often times at Mardi Gras you'll see more kids than adults, because it's a family thing.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Well being from Canada, everyone thinks we're super polite and that we say "eh" a lot. The sad thing is that it's kind of true. I've literally caught myself apologizing to inanimate objects that I've walked into on multiple occasions.

    If that's true then I must be Canadian, I apologize even when I wasn't involved or it wasn't my fault. Though I'll admit I have heard that most people from Canada are nicer than, say, people from the States. I went to Canada before they made it mandatory to have a passport at the border and I can't say I saw the attitude difference, though.
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    I'm in Wisconsin. Not everyone here is fat and stupid. It's not just dairy farms, either.

    The part about drinking a lot of beer is totally true though... :tongue:
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    Kentucky here! We're all toothless hillbillies living up a holler in our trailers and married to our cousins! NOT!!!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm not sure if Maryland has any stereotypes or misconceptions. :laugh:

    I'm from Virginia...I can think of a couple about Marylanders :wink:
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm from a tiny town in Wisconsin (~800 people), and everyone is convinced that we're just a bunch of beer-guzzling rednecks.

    When people meet me and see how well-read and informed I am, they claim that I'm the "exception" to the rule lol
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm in Wisconsin. Not everyone here is fat and stupid. It's not just dairy farms, either.

    The part about drinking a lot of beer is totally true though... :tongue:

    And we're not all Packer Fans! (Me)

    Yeah, the drinking is pretty ridiculous. Our pre-game would be someone else's entire night out!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    People presume I live in an igloo and am essentially American.

    Neither is true.

    Canadians are not Americans.
    Despite living in the 'extreme north', I have never even seen an igloo.

    Well, technically you live in North America, so you are American. :wink:

    PSSSSHHHT. Technicalities... Why on earth did you have to be the United States of America! Way to make the entire continent yours anyway. :P

    Because it's the United States of the continent of America (implies geographic LOCATION OF these United States, not POSSESSION of the continent BY these United States).
  • khuckaby1
    khuckaby1 Posts: 69
    I am from Oxford, Mississippi and people automatically assume we are all racist. The University of Mississippi, which is located here, is the site of a battle when James Meredith, an African American, tried to enroll. People still believe that everyone here is racist and that is just not true. People also believe Mississippians are dumb and can't read and write. I had a guy from Florida tell me the other day that he would never visit the state of Mississippi because he knew how horrible of a place it is. To me, that was way more ignorant than anyone who is from here. I am very proud of my southern heritage and don't believe you should judge a place until you investigate it for yourself.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I live in Colchester Essex and thanks to stereotyping everybody thinks women are blonde bimbos in white stiletto heels called Chantalle and have boyfriends called Gaz or Jez or Baz who drive flash cabriolets with R&B music pumping from the stereo.

    That might be the typical image of a certain faction who live in the south of the county in Basildon, Romford or Billaricay and appear on a pseudo-reality show called The Only Way Is Essex (for the US contingent think Jersey Shores with London accents).

    North Essex is a lot more rural and Colchester's got quite a mix of folks from all over the UK, such as myself - originally from Scotland.

    And of course because I come from the West Coast of Scotland... I obviously eat deep-fried Mars bars!
  • I grew up in California, so was seen as a hippie. But now I'm in Kansas and I think people who don't know I am not from here think I'm naive and Republican. LOL Both misconceptions.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    People think saying 'eh' to me every second word is the best joke ever, and you wouldn't believe how many people have asked if I have ever built an igloo, or how I can stand living in a place where it snows all year.
    Born and raised in vancouver, we do not talk like that and we get very little snow, lol.
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    I'm from Texas.. we do not all wear cowboy hats, nor do we all have accents. Lol But we do say YA'LL! (:
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    I'm from York (in England) and because its in Yorkshire people seem to think that we all wear flat caps and say "eeee by gum" and all live on farms and drive tractors. Either that, or people think you are really really common and live in a hovel... York is one of the poshest places to live in the country!

    The other annoying thing about York is that because its such a tourist hotspot any time you say when you're from York people say "ooooh York! I went to visit York in..." and then go on to tell me a really cliche boring story about what they did in York that I have heard a million times before and, to be frank, really dont care about!

    And if you speak to anybody from the US, they say "oh, New York!" ...Er no... just regular York...

    I am going to whip out another cliche -- DOWNTOWN ABBEY RULES!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Being from WV originally..... people always ask if my husband and I are related....lmao. NO! We're not!
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Well being from Canada, everyone thinks we're super polite and that we say "eh" a lot. The sad thing is that it's kind of true. I've literally caught myself apologizing to inanimate objects that I've walked into on multiple occasions.
    Oh my goodness, I say sorry so much! Sometimes instead of 'hello', a 'sorry' will pop out, for no reason at all!
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    I'm in Phoenix and most everyone thinks it's hot here. I have no idea where they get that idea! Psshhh please... It's a DRY heat people!