Is this grounds for divorce?????



  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    yey it was a mistake on her part, she had you and I mixed up, i like shellfish.

    LMAO!!!! Hilarious.

    To OP maybe she forgot. Hey it happens. My aunt served me beans once knowing I absolutely detest them.
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    This is something you should not be discussing with internet people.

    I actually agree with this 100%-- we are people trying to lose weight and change our health-- we are not specifically suited to handle matters of a personal affair with strangers. I mean, really, would you come home and say 'The concensus on the internet says I should divorce you'
  • shondadavis
    shondadavis Posts: 2 Member
    Divorce NO...........*kitten* WHOOPING........OH HELL YES.....with the pan them SCRIMPS was cooked in
    LOLLLLLLLLL, girl you crazy!!!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Oh, absolutely. That is reason #7 on the "Even if you still love them and everything else is Fine - Divorce is Imminent" list.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    GROUNDS for divorce would be if she used MIRACLE WHIP instead of MAYO....NOW THATS GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE !!!!!!!
  • margeauxhunt
    better than her giving you crabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • NoMoreFatTony
    NoMoreFatTony Posts: 22 Member
    At least she was not being shellfish. Pardon the pun
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Maybe you guys should never get married. Then you wouldn't have to be contemplating this in the first place.

    You seem cross about this. Was there a crustacean related mishap in one of your previous relationships?
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    pmsl !!!! Does the missus know your allergic? x
  • margeauxhunt
    This is something you should not be discussing with internet people.

    I actually agree with this 100%-- we are people trying to lose weight and change our health-- we are not specifically suited to handle matters of a personal affair with strangers. I mean, really, would you come home and say 'The concensus on the internet says I should divorce you'

    I wouldn't take it too seriously. I'm sure OP is trolling. If I knew how to post a picrure I'd post troll face.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Call the police.

    Also, check her texts.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    NO... It is possible she made the salad for herself and offered you some to be polite. I have done this before where I was eating something with Dairy in it, and without thinking, i asked my lactose intolerant husband if he wanted to try. .. If you are considering divorce over such an incident, maybe you shouldn't have gotten married to begin with.. Unless of course you suspect she is indeed trying to kill you... then maybe go seek a lawyer?
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Can't tell if serious...
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Let's say you were married to someone for 10 years and one Sunday you come down for lunch and your spouse says I have fixed a "shrimp salad for lunch would you like some?". You are allergic to shellfish and have never eaten shrimp in your life. Just based on this alone would you say that is grounds for divorce?

    No. If someone did based on this alone, I would question their motives.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Maybe you guys should never get married. Then you wouldn't have to be contemplating this in the first place.

    You seem cross about this. Was there a crustacean related mishap in one of your previous relationships?

    Thanks for assuming I've had a previous relationship. Sorry, I haven't :happy:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have a very dear friend that absolutely hates onions. To the point she overracts everytime one happens to get near her plate. I have from time to time completely brain farted and asked her if she wanted some of my onion rings because I had so many.

    Absent minded kind gesture I think.

    This. If she was trying to kill you with shrimp, she wouldn't have told you about the shrimp. She would have cut it into tiny pieces and hidden it in something else and you wouldn't have known something was up until you started having a reaction. Sounds like she was trying to be nice and had a forgetful moment or perhaps even didn't realize that shrimp is in the shellfish category or something. Occasionally I forget that my husband doesn't like something and offer it to him and he's like 'um, no, when have I ever eaten that?'. Granted, it's not a life-threatening allergy situation, but still, similar forgetfulness.

    Now, if she offered it to you with an evil tone in her voice and look in her eye, like she was just daring you to eat it and die, that's different. By you mentioned no tone or look of malice so I'm thinking she just wasn't thinking or forgot the circumstances when she offered it. I wouldn't suggest divorce, but I might say put some signs up in the kitchen reminding her of what foods are off limits due to your allergies.
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    nope... I'd say you're being a petulant baby.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Been there, done that, hubby has always offers me food I'm allergic to. Married for 33 yrs, you'd think he'd know by now, I just remind him what an *kitten* he is! And that if he's trying to kill me it won't work, because the crap he eats will get him first! lol!:bigsmile:
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    No, I try to feed my brother in-law peanutbutter all the time even though he hates oeanut butter. lol it's love
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member