toxic family or friends who try to undermine your weight los



  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    Your sister... has HATER written all over her face... My god... First off.. " Sis.. what are you doing in your life that's so grand...?" That's what you should say.. She's trying to gain something off of you to make herself look and feel better.. Ain't no way in *bleep*ing hello kitty, I'd let my sister talk down to me like that... But then again, I'm a hot head.. A family should be your FIRST support and Your Last! EVEN THE MIDDLE! That's all, The little chick is just jealous of you having motivation, team spirit, effort, you wake up in the morning saying .." I want to do this!" and she wakes up in the morning probably saying..." Why did I even wake up!" Don't .. Please.. I know family isn't easy to brush off... But her... She's done for.... I love my sister, but I don't have to like her, talk to her or acknowledge her presence.. She's JEALOUS... Just look her in the eye... Smile and say .." what are you so afraid of...dear..sis of mines..?" If she keeps with the snide comments.. say it over..and over again until she shuts up...
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I have a similar situation with my grandmother. She has always cut me down, belittled me and said really mean things to me about my weight in front of other family members. Most of my family cannot stand to be around her, but she seems to have always targeted me. She's 95 years old and still as mean and b*tchy as ever. I have very little to do with her. At family events, I make sure I'm always in another room than where she is. I never visit her. Over the last 5-10 years, she has made attempts to "play nice" with me, but then reverts to putting me down. Once bitten, twice shy. I avoid her at all costs. I finally told my mother (my grandmother is her mother) that the best way I know how to love her is from a very far distance and I will not spend more than 1 hour with her at any given time. My mom is very supportive and understands that my grandmother and I are never going to get along.

    I don't have much advice for your situation. If your goal is to maintain some level of relationship with your sister, I think you may just have to limit how much time/effort you give to her. Start setting boundaries now because trust me, it gets much harder as time goes on. However, I would consider cutting her out of my life completely. At the very minimum, un-friend her on Facebook.
  • modernartemis
    modernartemis Posts: 37 Member
    I am so sorry you had to go through that. I have had a similar experience with my own family. My mother is morbidly obese, and her health is not so great. She has high blood pressure, and pre-diabetes. I love her and I have tried to encourage her to lose weight but she refuses, I try not to pressure her but just last week she told me she thought she was having a heart attack. She eats fast food daily, and eats around 4-5 large meals per day. She hardly moves around, and I am very worried that being bedridden might be in her future if she continues.

    My little sister has always had a very fast metabolism and can eat whatever she wants. She weighs around 100 lbs (5'1). They both have been extremely unsupportive throughout the entire experience. They get offended when I opt not to eat dinner with them, when a typical dinner consists of hamburgers, or fried chicken, french fries, etc. They act like I am being a stuck up *itch when I want to eat something healthy.

    My mom makes bacon literally every morning. When I come up to make myself a healthy breakfast, she taunts me with it. She will ask me how I can eat that "cardboard thing" or some other term for my health food while she eats delicious bacon! She did it so much that the smell of bacon now literally makes me want to vomit now! When I go jogging, they would always discourage me, acting like I am pushing myself too hard. Well I ended up getting a foot injury a little while ago, and low and behold it took my mother no time to say "I told you so"

    I am pretty good while on a diet but there are a few things that really trigger me- Chips, and pizza. I have asked them not to leave chips lying around, if they could hide them from me so that I wouldn't see them. My sister rudely said "Why should we have to suffer because you eat too much? I don't get it, just don't eat it!" It made me so mad! She has absolutely no IDEA how hard it is to diet. I have been trying like crazy to get my mom to join this site, figuring she would find motivation and be supportive, but she won't do it. She refuses to acknowledge that her lifestyle could eventually kill her. I have told her I love her and am worried about her, but she just gets mad at me whenever I bring it up. It breaks my heart to think that she believes there is no hope for people like us.

    I can't wait until I graduate nursing school and can get out of this place! It will take so much stress out of my life! It's really sad when your own family tries to stand in the way of your progress. It makes it that much harder to succeed, but I have been trying to use it as motivation. Whenever my mother compares me to one of my "thin" cousins, or my sister makes fun of me for being "husky" I just imagine punching her in the face while I do kickboxing! Lol- hey it works!
  • Microfiber_wechange

    Not saying you have to do this but if it was me i would stop talking to them completely, cut them out of my life and continue my weight loss journey with out them. they are mean people and you dont' need them.

    That's what I'll do. Ditch the lot of 'em :mad:
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    You need to cut your family out of your life.

    There's nothing but evil intent there.

    This. Tell your sister that until she can be respectful to you and your efforts, you will no longer speak to her. She is doing her best to sabotage you. She is clearly used to being "the skinny sister" and is feeling extremely threatened. My sister is very supportive of me and I am horrified at the thought of her turning on me like that. I'm so sorry you're going through this. *hug*
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm sorry but I would be opening up a big ole drum of whoop @ss on them.
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    ive got to the ripe old age of 62 and yes ive seen this problem over and over again.
    you seem to be a lovely strong person who has a very supportive husband. keep going and be brave. your sister doesnt seem to be a very good person but that is her problem not yours. i know we all want to be loved especially by our families but sometimes this doesnt happen. but if you are strong they do come around, it may take time and all i can say is you have done so well so keep up the good work and give yourself a pat on the back. you can become the person you want to be
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Sounds like you have the support, it's just unfortunately not with your sister or your mom (fully). I agree with other comments, drop them like the 50 lbs. you dropped! It's not going to be easy but losing weight is hard enough without all of that going on. I wish you the best of luck in your journey! Hopefully one day they'll realize how heinous they were and come around but until then focus on the task at hand. Good luck on your journey!
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    You need to remove yourself from this situation until they figure out what b!tches they are being. Seriously. I understand that this is your family, but cut them out of your life until they get it. Don't communicate with them, don't do things for them, live for yourself. It's hard at first, but it is so liberating and freeing. People like that are truly toxic and it will only do you more harm than good to stick around and take their There will come a point when they will wake up one morning and realize, ", I've been a HORRIBLE mother/sister." Then, it will be on THEM to make the first step to forgiveness/change. Right now, live for yourself. It's okay to do that. You got this. :heart:
    ^^^^ THIS!!!! Stay the heck away from them until they get that they have hurt you!! You should not subject yourself to that abuse!!! :mad:
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    She sounds like a horribly insecure person. People who are secure don't need to treat others like such crap. Don't let it get to you! You've done a great job so far, and she's probably angry about that because if she can't make fun of you, then she might have to explore her own insecurities.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    That's really sad that your very own sister does those things to you. It's very mean and it sounds like she has something against you and likes humiliating you and making you look bad. If it were my sister, I would avoid her which would make it hard for her to try and humiliate you if you're not around her. I would use every little thing she did as motivation to get to my goal, and I would get a camera out and let my husband snap a picture of her face when I show up at the next get together at my goal as well. ;)
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    im sorry that you have had to experience this. you dont deserve that kind of treatment. keep your head high and keep doing what you've been doing. you're doing great!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    First off I dont do politically correct and am know for my bluntness. Second I dont tolerate psychic vampires that thrive of the pain and misery of others typically through actions they cause.

    I learned long ago to put a stake in those ****ers. I dropped a few friends and one sister out of my life who are like this or worse- some people cant stand success in others in any form.

    Your mom came around but your sister didnt? Tell her to **** off and the next time she whips out that camera to take a nasty picture rip it out of her hands and drop it in a a pitcher of water. Then hold your head high and refuse to pay for it.

    And grats on the half marathon! I do mine the end of June and I'm hoping I can do a sub 12 minute mile!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    First, keep doing what you're doing. It's working. Your sister is likely terrified.
    Second, cut the little twit out of your life as much as possible. See your family without her, change your facebook privacy, etc.

    If you really try you can probably avoid her until next fall and the winter holidays. That's the idea. Keep working, keep pushing and cut her off so she can't see your progress. You have another 6 months before you have to see her again. You will look FANTASTIC.

    And when she starts with her sh--, you can tell her that you know she's pissy because you have the looks, the brains, the personality, and the great husband. And she's just jealous because she still looks like a little boy.
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Sounds like your sister is desperately trying to find someone she sees as worse than her to make herself feel better about some inferior part in herself. She is the kind of girl who is painfully superficial and always wanting to have someone around that she can make herself feel superior to. The fact that youre loosing weight and actually doing things to make yourself better is angering to her because she is loosing the edge she has over you. The best thing to do is to keep going with your good streak because come a year later and 100+ pounds gone and nice lean muscle and healthy lifestyle that you are in will make you the prime example of "You are only pretty on the outside, outside pretty can be changed, but your inside are the fattest piece of crap that I think I will ever see, dear sister." Now, be nicer when you tell that to her, dont turn into her lol. And if keeping with the great goings to show her up isnt your style, then keep at it for yourself and your husband. Thats the important part right? To make yourself healthier for the ones you care for?

    ^This! I have a rule that I use - if you wouldn't let a friend treat you a certain way, why would you let a family member? I mean no disrespect, but your mom and sister are being BULLIES...and bullies only continue to bully when they get something out of it. And, most people who bully are sadly missing something in their own lives and do it to make themselves feel superior (I've never yet been able to figure it out).

    You are doing marvelously well on your journey and I commend you. Listen to the people who support you and the others, well, they're just mere speedbumps on your way to a healthier you.

    Good luck!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    First, keep doing what you're doing. It's working. Your sister is likely terrified.
    Second, cut the little twit out of your life as much as possible. See your family without her, change your facebook privacy, etc.

    If you really try you can probably avoid her until next fall and the winter holidays. That's the idea. Keep working, keep pushing and cut her off so she can't see your progress. You have another 6 months before you have to see her again. You will look FANTASTIC.

    And when she starts with her sh--, you can tell her that you know she's pissy because you have the looks, the brains, the personality, and the great husband. And she's just jealous because she still looks like a little boy.

    ^^LOVE this post!

    Aw sweetie, I'm sorry that your sister is so horrible to you. But it would be better for you to cut her out of your life, at least for now. Your mom sounds like she's coming around, but unless she is 100% supportive and refrains from any cutting remarks, you might want to hold her at arm's length for a while. Your husband sounds wonderful! You have done an amazing job, 50 POUNDS IS NO JOKE, WOMAN!!! :flowerforyou: Keep up the great work!!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    That is not love. Tell your Sister to take a hike and try not to see her. I don't have the privilage of living close to my Sister but I can not imagine her being mean to me. We are here as your support!
  • kaspily
    kaspily Posts: 24
    I agree with the earlier posts. You should not subject yourself to this immaturity, abuse, and bullying. I would make sure to remove anyone from your facebook who doesn't support you and change your social media settings to not allow people to tag photos of you. I don't know why but your sister must feel threatened by your sucess and have very low self esteem herself. If you mother is also behaving this way I would try talking with her one more time and then if she still can't love and respect you than you need to limit or stop contact with her. No one should go through something like this!! Keep up the good work and surrond yourself with people who love and support you.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    they need sopmeone to make them feel better about themselves :) thats how insecure people make it through life. Sadly, they probably maybe even think they're misguidedly trying to 'help' you.

    I really think if you wan tot salvage a relationship with them, you need to tell them, that until they stop hurting you to make themselves feel better.... then you're taking a gbreak, we're all on a journey here, and I doubt anyone on here has not ever felt bad about themselves, but we certainly won't abuse you.

    You have to stand up to them, and if they want to continue hurting you... ditch them. I am sorry that they're *kitten* :( I feel your pain, I had a brother who picked on me relentlessly about my weight when I was a teen, and a Mom who I can never live up to her standards.

    I;ve been battling my weight most of my life, and have always managed to win .... you can too!:love::flowerforyou: :laugh: :wink:
  • hollyshields1
    Sorry to hear about your family not supporting you, but it's not the end of the world. You have to remember you are doing this for yourself, not them. On FB you can untag yourself from photos, and you can limit what other people can comment or see on your page as well. I think you are doing great and should be very proud of yourself! I use this program on my smart phone daily, I also research menu's from restaurants before I go there, so I know what I am going to eat. Sometimes it helps if you carry a picture around of yourself, to remind yourself why you are trying to get healthier, either a pic of what you look like now, or a skinnier picture, either way it works. Also, join a gym, get a few personal trainer sessions so they can teach you a few routines to help you lose weight and get tone muscles. It is important to eat, when you work out, you must eat those extra burned calories or you will gain it back. I reward myself one day a week to eat what I want, not to go too overboard, but to have a great meal. My body gets use to not eating certain foods or fried foods and they actually do not taste good anymore. There are some great receipes on Special K challenge web site for dinners too. Also, a lot of veggies and fruits are negative calorie foods, it takes more calories to digest them then to eat them. They are good snacks. It takes your body 20 minutes to realize it's slow. To cut sodas try crystal light "energy" water flavoring, it has 5 calories and has caffeine and b vitamins for energy. I hope all this helps. I have a sister and we both are trying to lose weight, I do not live by her though, I have some friends at my gym who are great support and friends on this app. Good luck!