What is YOUR motivation to lose weight?



  • Baybbee123
    Baybbee123 Posts: 57 Member
    LOL Vanity reasons.......I think we all have a bit of those! It's really hard trying to find a place with all of the "skinny, pretty" people!
  • Baybbee123
    Baybbee123 Posts: 57 Member
    To be able to ride amusement park rides with my daughter.

    Amanda I love that! P.S. that's my name toooooo :)
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I've been overweight my entire life. I want to be healthier and live a longer life. Also to fit into any clothes and still look good :)
    Good luck on your journey!
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    Being able to do all the activities I like to do and of course to look and feel great!
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    I want to be fit and healthy. In better shape than I have ever been. I don't want to develop diabetes (which is genetic in my family) or have anymore issues with my liver, or any other organ for that matter. A part of me just wants to wear the cuter smaller clothes etc. To feel sexy naked etc.
  • AmyJo54915
    AmyJo54915 Posts: 103
    I want to play outside with my youngest and not get winded right away.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    My boyfriend and I are going on our first cruise the end of next month. I want to look good in a bikini. I want him to be smug and happy that I'm all his. I want other girls to be jealous. I'm losing weight to have better self-esteem and to be happy when I see myself naked.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    My health, to be a good rolemodel for my 3 year old daughter, and of course vanity reasons. :wink:

    This one! :) I also have a 3 year old daughter.
  • YoungTarnz
    Well today is my first day of a new chapter! I brought my flight ticket to move to the Gold COast from New Zealand in July, signed up at my local gym and signed up to this - everything is looking up. I currently am weighing in at 127.5kg my aim is to lose 15kgs in three months - before i fly (5kgs a month). This way i wont be squashed into a seat to much on the plane - or will have to ask for an extra belt (shame). Then I will set my next target. I look forward to support and guidance by everyone that has already started thier journey.
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    1. To be happy with myself
    2. To have more energy
    3. To not shop in the plus size section anymore!!!!!
    4. My Godson! :heart:
  • xrenatoxx
    :wink: New School, New look
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Wow, me too ! I'm not married, but I can't imagine having kids at the weight I was before
    (& I'd still like to lose a little more).
    Also, I just want to be able to not have to shop at Torrid/the plus-sized sections of my favorite stores.
    I get so mad when I find something cute not in my size.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Skinny clothes!!! :bigsmile:
  • vernessie
    vernessie Posts: 47
    To be able to play with my grand children pain free, walk up and down stairs, and to live a long healthy life.
  • Winterviolin
    I'm afraid of gaining weight, so I'm gonna lose it. I'm currently trying to lose 15 lbs and more.
    Gaining weight has a lot of health risks, and I want to be healthy for the future.
    my motivation is also to look good in a bikini ;D
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    There is a plan to go to the caribbean in september/october, and for the first time in years I wanna be able to wear a decent bathing suit.
    Also to buy small sizes, I wanna reach size 4!. I hate shopping cause sizes are always made for smaller bodies, and I used to hate looking at the mirror while trying stuff in the dressing room. Looking at all those skinny girls at the shopping malls made me feel jealous. I now wanna be one of them :)
  • jocelyn_martin
    My motivation is being able to wear the clothing that I like, but that don't flatter me right now...like shorts. I also want to get in great shape because I'm not a mother yet, but we're planning to start trying in the fall. I want to be able to have a healthy pregnancy and bounce back after the baby.
  • jillellice
    jillellice Posts: 16 Member
    To be healthy again. To be able to wear whatever I want and not have to shop in the plus size section. To be able to be active without losing my breath or being in pain. I want to enjoy life again.
  • chnkytim42
    chnkytim42 Posts: 127 Member
    i have a few, my first of course is health reasons, i am in goo health now, sides for a little bit higher blood pressure, but there are alot of medical issues in my family that if i dont start to worry about, will kill me. the next is because i haven't bein happy with myself in a long time. i want to be happy with me again, and the last is i am turning 25, i am running out of time to join the miitary, i want to go marine or airforce, i need to do it now, or i never will
  • InTheNameofCosplay
    I've never been a skinny person even once in my life, I'd love to see myself at average weight. Even though I hate the saying, you only live once, and I don't want to go through my entire life without knowing how looking good feels.