Just found out bf doesn't like (super) skinny girls?



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    don't even start with the "skinny" bashing. Thin or "skinny" women CAN have curves, boobs and a butt!

    It's not "skinny bashing" it's promoting EVERYONE have healthy and realistic goals and discuss an issue that came up for this particular person in her own life. It's not like someone suddenly was like "I hate all those skinny B'tches because they're freaking ugly." It was a question regarding personal preferences.

    perhaps you should read the posts above saying words like "frail" and "no curves".......so tired of reading crap like that! What if I stated that "fat rolls" gross me out? I don't think too many people would be appreciative! Just say.......

    ...so don't read it. Everyone else was being quite respectful and giving honest opinions until you posted. And honestly if you said that fat rolls gross you out a lot of people here would agree. A lot of people use this site specifically for similar reasons or did you miss the part where this is a sight used primarily for weight loss?

    you must have missed that the site is called myFITNESSpal! I'm out-no need to reply. No time for your BS-just stating my opinion like EVERYONE else!

    Cheers and good luck to you OP.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    don't even start with the "skinny" bashing. Thin or "skinny" women CAN have curves, boobs and a butt!

    It's not "skinny bashing" it's promoting EVERYONE have healthy and realistic goals and discuss an issue that came up for this particular person in her own life. It's not like someone suddenly was like "I hate all those skinny B'tches because they're freaking ugly." It was a question regarding personal preferences.

    perhaps you should read the posts above saying words like "frail" and "no curves".......so tired of reading crap like that! What if I stated that "fat rolls" gross me out? I don't think too many people would be appreciative! Just say.......

    ...so don't read it. Everyone else was being quite respectful and giving honest opinions until you posted. And honestly if you said that fat rolls gross you out a lot of people here would agree. A lot of people use this site specifically for similar reasons or did you miss the part where this is a sight used primarily for weight loss?

    you must have missed that the site is called myFITNESSpal! I'm out-no need to reply. No time for your BS-just stating my opinion like EVERYONE else!

    Cheers and good luck to you OP.

  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    I completely agree with your Boyfriend, super skinny girls are not attractive, as pretty as the may seem to be, you want your gf to look healthy

    i am with this guy.. skinny girls are just... gross?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    The other night my boyfriend threw a party, which I attended. After I'd had a few drinks a girl from his work came over to the party and, I'm not normally a jealous person but she was really pretty and I felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that they worked together. I trust my boyfriend completely, that was just my insecurities talking :P

    Anyway, I was a bit tipsy so I confided in him that she was really pretty and I was jealous. He laughed and said, "Seriously? Her? No way, wayyyyy too skinny. I'm not even close to attracted to her." I was kind of taken aback because this girl actually looked the way I hope to look one day! So I jokingly said, "So if I get that thin will you still like me?" He said, "Of course I'll still like you, babe. But I honestly think you have the perfect body right now. I love your curves."

    I mean, I am at a healthy weight now (lost 15 pounds) and starting to get more toned. I think he was more talking about the fact that I have boobs and a butt (I am proud of both - and the other girl was pretty curve-less in those areas). So, I think even as I continue to tone up and hopefully lose some more stomach fat I will still have those "curves" that he likes. I know he's really attracted to my hips and those are just part of my bone structure, so it shouldn't really be an issue if I continue to get thinner. Still, I'm a little nervous about getting smaller now because I don't want him to get any less attracted to me!

    I feel like this is an odd problem to have, haha. Has anyone been in a similar boat?

    ETA: Also, I know this journey is for ME, not him. I am going to continue to work towards my goal because I want to be happy with myself, first and foremost. But I can't deny that his opinion of me does matter.

    Oh honey...

    He only said it to calm your insecurities. Guys (the ones with brains) aren't really out there going "I like her because she has curves, I don't like her because she's too skinny." There are a myriad of reasons to be interested in a woman and body shape is just one very small one.

    Do yourself a favor and work on loving yourself a bit more. I don't mean to sound rude, but you sound very insecure. You were worried about the fact that he worked with an attractive woman and then when he tried to reassure you you became worried he'd no longer be attracted to you in the future.

    Relax. Breathe. He's with you. Probably because of all the wonderful things you have going on. Learn to love yourself for them. There's more to you than your hips.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    btw, your very pretty! dont let some twig make u jealous!!! lol

    I love how its totally ok to call thin women names,and when a woman is calling another woman twig,bag of bones ect it does not make them petty at all
  • kristenlees122
    my boyfriend always said the same thing, but then i lost weight and he loves the way i look now too. i wasnt fat before, i'm no twig now, but i guess it made me realise, after being together for awhile, its me he loves, not my body :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    He only said it to calm your insecurities. Guys (the ones with brains) aren't really out there going "I like her because she has curves, I don't like her because she's too skinny." There are a myriad of reasons to be interested in a woman and body shape is just one very small one.

    I definitely think this!
    Work to whatever shape you want to be! As long as it is healthy, he will love you regardless. He is not just with you for your body.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    We can appreciate the beauty of curvy women without diminishing the beauty of women who weren't fortunate enough to have been born with larger breasts and backsides. It's not the thin girls fault that she isn't shaped like jlo anymore than its the curvier girls fault for not looking like Victoria beckham.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    My husband moved overseas for a job when we were first married. I was finishing my degree and decided to get in really good shape. I was always small I just though I would step it up and try to get to the lowest BMI without going underweight. It seems foolish now since I am a mom and about 10 years wiser but I saw it as a fun challenge. Either way the first night back with my husband we were fooling around and he looked at me and said, "have your breast gotten smaller". This after working my butt off! That was what he noticed! I went right back to eating my old ways and gained back the 10 or so pounds I lost. I think it is a personal preference that depends on the guy. Some like guys like small girls and some guys like women with more curves! That is how the race has survived! I wouldn't worry about it too much. And if he doesn't like you for your size or shape then you are together for the wrong reasons.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Woah, left for a meeting and came back to so many replies! I think there are a few things I need to address/clarify, so please bear with me.

    First of all, I want to apologize to anyone I may have offended with this topic. When I posted it, I was telling the story as it happened and I didn't stop to consider that it could be hurtful to girls with naturally "skinny" body types. It was not my intention in any way to put those body types down! I think all body types can be beautiful, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because my boyfriend said he doesn't particularly like skinny girls doesn't mean other guys feel the same. Everyone has different preferences and again, I'm sorry if this was upsetting for skinner-type people to read.
    Seriously though... Is your goal weight healthy? Fit? Or just skinny for the sake of being skinny?

    You'll find that most girls think guys like super skinny, so they set that as a goal, only to find out that in reality, guys like something that looks healthy. It's human nature for guys to be attracted to a girl with some curves (not meaning fat) or an athletic build.

    My goal is definitely to be healthy and fit. I'm actually already at my goal weight; 130 pounds at 5'4", which is directly in the middle of the "healthy" BMI range. However, I have started working out a lot more and am trying to tone up, so I'm assuming in the process I'll lose some more inches. That's what I meant when I referenced getting thinner. Right now I still have some belly fat and around 21% body fat, and I'd like to see that number go down.
    Do yourself a favor and work on loving yourself a bit more. I don't mean to sound rude, but you sound very insecure. You were worried about the fact that he worked with an attractive woman and then when he tried to reassure you you became worried he'd no longer be attracted to you in the future.

    I definitely see how my post came off that way, but that's actually not a good representation of my personality. Honestly, I feel HOT in my new body and I can't wait to finish my journey! I do love myself plenty and have very few self-esteem issues. It also doesn't hurt that my boyfriend tells me I'm beautiful every single day, notices my progress and congratulates me, etc. I've actually never been jealous of another girl - I really think this was kind of the alcohol talking. She honestly was really attractive - pretty face, long shiny hair - the kind of girl I'd envy even if my bf wasn't involved in any way, haha.
    If he likes your body shape now, you should be fine, because generally you keep your shape as you lose weight. Women who are pear shaped won't suddenly become apple shaped because they lost weight, they'll become a smaller but still pear shaped woman, if that makes sense.

    That definitely makes sense, thanks. I think your'e right - he likes my body type and that's not going to change. As I said in my first post, he seems to have quite an affinity for my hips, and they're not going anywhere :laugh:

    Honestly, I posted this because I thought it was just kind of interesting - most people don't want to get bigger because they want others to be attracted to them; not the other way around. I'm not that worried about it because I know he loves me for me - I'd still love him if he gained a ton of weight! (He is very lean now and that's the type of guy I'm most attracted to). I was just kind of interested to see if anyone had similar experiences :tongue: Thanks for all the replies!
    btw, your very pretty!

    Thank you, you're very kind!
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    and you guys make a very cute couple btw...i admit i am jealous..not of your looks but that you seem to have a nice man..something i can never seem to find no matter what my size :explode:
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I honestly agree with your BF. Theres a fine line in being skinny and too skinny. Most folks cant tell it themselves because we are our own worst judge sometimes. I consider myself a pretty shallow person and even I have alot of times said "please go eat a burger before my breathing blows you away woman..."

    And while we're at it, can you ladies please for the love of all that is holy stop worshiping Victoria Secret models?!? Yes they're attractive on TV but good god, they have more makeup than their own weight... (I make Alessandra Ambrosio an exception, if I ever meet her in person I am definitely taking my chance and asking her to marry me:)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Woah, left for a meeting and came back to so many replies! I think there are a few things I need to address/clarify, so please bear with me.

    First of all, I want to apologize to anyone I may have offended with this topic. When I posted it, I was telling the story as it happened and I didn't stop to consider that it could be hurtful to girls with naturally "skinny" body types. It was not my intention in any way to put those body types down! I think all body types can be beautiful, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because my boyfriend said he doesn't particularly like skinny girls doesn't mean other guys feel the same. Everyone has different preferences and again, I'm sorry if this was upsetting for skinner-type people to read.

    OP-YOUR post was not offensive in anyway. It was the comments from other posters using words like "twig" "frail" and "no curves" when talking about "skinny" people. Unfortunately the word skinny is used here on MFP with such a negative attitude far too often. It has become an insult just as using the word "fat" can be. People need to be considerate of ALL body types! Nd again-you said nothing negative or insulting. Good luck to you in your journey.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    "Skinny girls look good in clothes, fit girls look good naked!"

    My husband loves me at all sizes...he never thought I had to lose weight. That being said....he is AMAZED at my body now...I look like I did and even better than when we went back in the dark ages..haha
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    The other night my boyfriend threw a party, which I attended. After I'd had a few drinks a girl from his work came over to the party and, I'm not normally a jealous person but she was really pretty and I felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that they worked together. I trust my boyfriend completely, that was just my insecurities talking :P

    Anyway, I was a bit tipsy so I confided in him that she was really pretty and I was jealous. He laughed and said, "Seriously? Her? No way, wayyyyy too skinny. I'm not even close to attracted to her." I was kind of taken aback because this girl actually looked the way I hope to look one day! So I jokingly said, "So if I get that thin will you still like me?" He said, "Of course I'll still like you, babe. But I honestly think you have the perfect body right now. I love your curves."

    I mean, I am at a healthy weight now (lost 15 pounds) and starting to get more toned. I think he was more talking about the fact that I have boobs and a butt (I am proud of both - and the other girl was pretty curve-less in those areas). So, I think even as I continue to tone up and hopefully lose some more stomach fat I will still have those "curves" that he likes. I know he's really attracted to my hips and those are just part of my bone structure, so it shouldn't really be an issue if I continue to get thinner. Still, I'm a little nervous about getting smaller now because I don't want him to get any less attracted to me!

    I feel like this is an odd problem to have, haha. Has anyone been in a similar boat?

    ETA: Also, I know this journey is for ME, not him. I am going to continue to work towards my goal because I want to be happy with myself, first and foremost. But I can't deny that his opinion of me does matter.

    Sounds like he'd love you any size you are. So take the complement, and I'm sure you'll get more from him as you reach your goals. He sounds like a good man who will always make you feel like the sexiest woman on earth.
  • toabetterlifestyle
    my bf loves something to grab onto! haha he loves my hmmm...for lack of a better word, *kitten*. sure, im not too gifted in the boobage department but he works with what I got haha! but i agree with jamie (staytrue), you want to look HEALTHY. and sure, they could be pretty, but who wants a gf that has the body of a 12 year old, come on now.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My husband doesn't like muscular girls. Good thing he doesn't have to be one if he doesn't want to.
  • bigredhearts
    when the hubs and i first met, i brought a friend of my to his house. when we were walking up the street he could see us and once told me he thought from afar he had chose the wrong girl because i was twice her size (she was very thin). he then realized how thin she was and was thankful he chose me... kind of a compliment, kind of a kick in the teeth... lol and i was jealous of her too (not her body, but her ability to eat whatever she wanted, i now know that was what "we" call skinny fat)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    My husband doesn't like muscular girls. Good thing he doesn't have to be one if he doesn't want to.


    I'd also just like to say... there are plenty of men who enjoy women who are fit AND "skinny". Nothing wrong with that at all. It's kinda effed up how so many women assume "no man wants his woman to have the body of a 12 year old boy" or "sleep with a skeleton" etc. Just because a woman is small framed doesn't mean she has the body of a 12 year old boy... that's really rude.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I looked at your pictures. You are pretty, and you look healthy. Why do you want to lose more?