I need some opinions on implants or not...



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I would say just wait and see how you look when you've lost the weight. My boobs went from a 38D to a 34C...the reduction in cup size fit the rest of my body and I think they're just fine the way they are. :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    No. Definately not:noway:
  • missfancy1980
    I don't think bringing a BA into this makes any sense btw

    BA = Breast Augmentation
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I have not read through the posts but since it is the right topic I think I could add my questions here.

    I am soon to be 10 years post op. At age 19 I got saline implants under the muscle. I have never had any complications. They have been fantastic. I am so happy that I had them done.

    But now I am wondering about long-term care. Is there a reason to replace them just because it's been 10 years? Or do I don't have to have them replaced? Anyone else that have had them for 10 years+?

    Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.

    nope if everything is good leave good enough alone! :)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I happen to be Pro Choice on this issue, it is your body and you should do what you want to do. If losing weight has changed the way that they look and you no longer care for them, then see a few good plastic surgeons and get their opinions.

    I would like to say to those that are insulting women that get them saying implants are a stupid choice, I think for some women and in some cases, it can be a stupid choice. But that is not the case for all augmented women.

    I just got mine done 5 months ago. I breastfed 6 kids from 14 months -2.5 years. I went from A to DD 6 times. That does a number on them. I did not care that they were small again but they looked awful and they felt awful. Emtpiness...not even sure if you could call them boobs anymore. So, I got my first set at age 41 after having 6 kids!

    And to those that say natural feel and look better, again that is not always the case. I promise you that mine feel and look better now, than they did 5 1/2 months ago.

    I just think it depends on if your breasts are pretty. Small breasts and large breasts are beautful. But sometimes we lose our beautiful breasts from weightloss or pregnany and breastfeeding. If mine had gone back to the cute prebaby boobs, I would not have done anything, but since they were destroyed, I got implants. I do not regret my decision nor am I ashamed that I did. I did this for me!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I happen to be Pro Choice on this issue, it is your body and you should do what you want to do. If losing weight has changed the way that they look and you no longer care for them, then see a few good plastic surgeons and get their opinions.

    I would like to say to those that are insulting women that get them saying implants are a stupid choice, I think for some women and in some cases, it can be a stupid choice. But that is not the case for all augmented women.

    I just got mine done 5 months ago. I breastfed 6 kids from 14 months -2.5 years. I went from A to DD 6 times. That does a number on them. I did not care that they were small again but they looked awful and they felt awful. Emtpiness...not even sure if you could call them boobs anymore. So, I got my first set at age 41 after having 6 kids!

    And to those that say natural feel and look better, again that is not always the case. I promise you that mine feel and look better now, than they did 5 1/2 months ago.

    I just think it depends on if your breasts are pretty. Small breasts and large breasts are beautful. But sometimes we lose our beautiful breasts from weightloss or pregnany and breastfeeding. If mine had gone back to the cute prebaby boobs, I would not have done anything, but since they were destroyed, I got implants. I do not regret my decision nor am I ashamed that I did. I did this for me!

    I :heart: this, so much right now. Good for you!!! This is exactly why I want mine done. It's really nice to see a woman coming from almost the same experience as me with positive things to say. Thank you!
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I am a DDD and it hurts my back all of the time. and bras kill me. I can not wait to get home and take them off. I want to get a breast reduction. I even wanted to do that while I was a DD. think very long and hard before you make that choice.Is the pain worth the vanity.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I have not read through the posts but since it is the right topic I think I could add my questions here.

    I am soon to be 10 years post op. At age 19 I got saline implants under the muscle. I have never had any complications. They have been fantastic. I am so happy that I had them done.

    But now I am wondering about long-term care. Is there a reason to replace them just because it's been 10 years? Or do I don't have to have them replaced? Anyone else that have had them for 10 years+?

    Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
    I know some one that had one spring a leak and is very lopsided. She can not afford to have the surgery to have it fixed.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    Here's some info on implants. I didn't realize they need maintenance which can be expensive. Hopefully, you really educate yourself before just going and getting it done. They don't last forever.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member

    Here's some info on implants. I didn't realize they need maintenance which can be expensive. Hopefully, you really educate yourself before just going and getting it done. They don't last forever.

    They do not last forever and you do have to decide are you willing to accept this. You do need to educate yourself.

    Silicone/ Saline
    Over muscle or under muscle
    Mod, Mod +, HP or UHP
    Incision location

    There is a lot that one should know before they just get implants stuck into their body. I educated myself too much before I got mine! haha! But, I am glad that I did because I understood everything that my PS told me!
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    I'm 5 foot 4 and wear a 38C bra. Currently I'm about 155 and plan on losing more weight as well. I am debating if I should get implants to make me feel better about myself. I have been exercising, eating right, and making lots of positive life changes in the last 2 years. I was just wondering how others felt about implants. Ladies and gentlemen, please share your thoughts with me. :) What do you think about real boobs vs. implants?

    I don't want giant kick balls either...lol...I just have always wanted larger boobs and I thought this might be a good time to get them. It might also make me relax about my stomach and not have such a complex about it. I'm not trying to e a porn star or anything like that, I just think it would enhance my shape some.

    I have a plastic surgeon that I have used before and am totally confident in his work. He knows what I am interested in and suggested a breast lift as well. He was totally and brutally honest with me, and I needed to hear that. :)

    well, if you think they will make you feel better about YOUR body then i say go for it! i have them and i definitely feel better about my body! i don't think i need to justify why i got them. i paid for them and it is my freakin body! it is your decision. do your research. also, not that it matters but many dudes who say they hate fake boobs probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a real vs fake. except for mine- mine are ridiculous but i don't give a *kitten* what anyone else thinks because i love them and incidentally- so does my husband. good luck with your decision. :)
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow...I must say I'm surprised by some of the comments here. Some people are really, brutally honest.