Any Working Moms?



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I am a thirty six year old mom of two as well, ages 4 and 5. I get up at 5 and work out. If I don't do it then, chances are really good I won't have time later. I try to get a walk in during my lunch or breaks at work. I work M-F, so on Sunday, I will make and pre-package my home-made freezer meals. I keep my carb, protein and veggies separate, so I can mix and match and grab what works well if I don't have leftovers from another meal to take to work. At night, we usually have chicken or fish. Either of these can be made relatively quickly with little effort. Add som veggies, maybe some barley, and dinner is served. While dinner is cooking, the kids are taking care of whatever they need for school and we make their lunches for the next day. If I am still in one piece after the kids are in bed, I'll try to get in a little more exercise.
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    38 year-old; full-time working mom of 3. Ages 9, 6 and 2.5. It's tough to manage the household and take care of yourself at the same time. I'm finding though that if I take care of myself right, I have the energy I need to do everything else..and feel good about it!

    Anyone feel free to friend me.
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    working mom as well for quick lunches i started buying bagged salad that can be opened right before eating a can of tuna with low fat mayonaise in it as well as multi grain or whole wheat bread all that needs to be made is the tuna and it takes 3 to 5 minuetes
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Woop-Woop Moms!! I'm a working mama of two, girl 11 and boy 9. Love being a mom, but I have learned to make exercise my "me" time. Luckily I was able to invest in an elliptical, so I can work out while the kids are watching TV or watching a movie during family night. Feel free to friend, support is a good thing!.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I'm 48 and a working mom of a 3 and 4 year old. Friend me if you'd like:bigsmile:
  • susieq_pt
    susieq_pt Posts: 12
    I am a full time working mom of twin girls age 5. IT is hard to eat healthy, work out, and be a mom. Find myself feeling guilty when I don't spend as much time wih the girls as I think I should.
  • TennisQtpye
    TennisQtpye Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 35 working mom of 5 kids!
  • Hi, I am a working mom of one (3 -- soon to be 4), also mom to 4 dogs, 1 cat, 2 fish and 1 hamster.....LOL ---- I stay very busy at work and at home -- not to mention t-ball season right now. I would love to be a friend!!!!
  • cgmom22
    cgmom22 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 39 year old working mom of two boys 8.5 and 7. With work, helping with homework, taking care of the house, running the boys to's difficult to plan and provide healthy meals all the time, let alone squeeze in any time for exercise. So, I have now found myself at the heaviest I have ever been and am miserable about it. I've had success before with Weight Watchers, but only when I was part of a group doing the program together. I think it was the competition that motivated me. So, I'm looking for some buddies that can help to keep me motivated and on track to feeling better about myself and being healthier for my family.
    Please add me if you are interested :)
  • I'm 24 and work full time 5 days a week and a mommy to a very active 2 yr old. also have 4 dogs :)
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    I'm a 36 y-o working mom of 3 boys (13, 12, and 9). Every day is an juggling act for a family of five w/increasingly busy schedules and lifestyles. Somehow I manage to make it work.

    Sundays has become my day of preparation. All my shopping is done by then and I plan out all our meals. The crock pot is most definitely my best, best friend. I tend to do make-ahead soups and stews, because the family will eat them without complaint (usually, :wink:).
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi! I'm very interested in having more working mum friends!

    I have 3 little ones aged 5, 3 and 14 months. I went back to work in January and work 4 days a week in a very corporate job so long hours, commute the whole she-bang. I manage ok with exercise since returning, but my eating is increasingly haywire. I lack willpower when there are treats in the office (which there are a lot!), I'm also bad at being hungry and nibblling while preparing a snack for the kids etc. I also use a crock pot a lot, and batch cook and have things in the freezer for when I just cannot be bothered. The juggling is generally ok but it all falls apart spectacularly sometimes eg when all 3 of mine had a diaorrhea and vomiting bug one after the other!! :sick: We have no family locally, so mangae everything ourselves, and haemorrhage more than most people earn in childcare :sick:
  • wofford16
    wofford16 Posts: 63
    Welcome to the Working Moms who perform mircles club :-) I work full time and have 3 daughters 24, 12, and 9 and all of them are very active.
  • dre3173
    dre3173 Posts: 26 Member
    I am a full time working mom of 4. I have single girlfriends at work and girlfriends whose kids are grown so they can't relate. But I wake up super early in the morning at 5:30 to get a workout in, i have a treadmill at home and I have set up other equipment like a excersise ball and a kettle bell in my garage. I usually make two dinners in the evening eating healthy is expensive and I can't afford it for the whole family. So I make my kids dinner and let it simmer while I am in the gargae working out,serve them continue my workout and then about 7- 7:30 I make a low calorie healthy dinner for me and my husband. It's alot of work but I try to time it just right so that I am done with it all by 8:30 including cleaned kitchen. I retire to my room early every night about 9-9:30 to shower and unwind and start all over the next day. I started to buy alot of dinners for the kids that I can bake so that it cuts down on the prep time and the time I have to actually be in the kitchen cooking. Also take 100 calorie snacks to work and keep them there for you to eat between meals to suppress your appetite. I have been at this about 28 days and have lost 12 lbs. My next weigh in is tomorrow so maybe it has been more. keeping my fingers crossed. Good Luck.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I'm a FT working mom of four kids. I am still working on figuring out how/when to incorporate the fitness part of my regime. But, I've gotten a pretty good handle on the meals part of it. :) All I can say is that Pinterest and the crockpot are my best friends! ;) I also do meal planning - I plan a month's worth of dinners at a time and shop for 2 weeks worth of food at a time.
  • Tonimb77
    Tonimb77 Posts: 5
    Full time working single mom of two very active boys. I also would like to add some friends that are in the same boat. Totally understand how hard it is to find time to fit exercise into your schedule. I've been taking my boys to the park(weather permitting 3-4 times a week and let them play while I walk around the park trails. I also try to fit in a work out on my stepper(a cheap workout machine from walmart but it works) after I put them in bed.
  • snc1212
    snc1212 Posts: 38
    I'm a working Mom of 2 girls, ages 6 & almost 4. Friend me if you'd like.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I work full time and am a mother of one. I have a very supportive hubby, but I'm still struggling to find the balance of taking the time for myself to exercise and eat right. Feel free to add me!
  • mae1020
    mae1020 Posts: 234 Member
    Feel free to add me. Mom of 2 girls and I work full time. It can be stressfull trying to find time and energy to work out after work.
  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
    I work full time & have 5 children, 17,16,15,15,12. My husband works nights so that leaves me to take care of them & all their practices.