what food can you NOT give up?



  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    fresh bakery white bread. yum!!!
    that being said the only things I have given up are cake & cheesecake - everything else in moderation has been working for me so far.

    oh God yes, that's another thing I save for cheat day, my favourite white bread is Ciabatta with marg or butter of course!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Definitely bread but I found a cheat. I got a recipe for no knead ciabatta bread and I make it quite often. It's much healthier this way and I don't even eat as much b/c I have to plan to make it due rising time.

    Ooh yum are you willing to share your recipe with us?
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I haven't really given up anything, I still have pizza, Chinese food, chocolate (these are things I couldn't give up completely) but there are a few things I avoid having in the house because I can't stop at just one:

    Biscuits / cookies
    Bread and cheese at the same time (I'd go mental with cheese on toast)

    I will still have these things occasionally if I'm out or at someone else's house but if I have them at home it's too hard on the willpower. Yes I CAN eat a whole pack of jaffa cakes in one go.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    Dark chocolate.

    It will have to be ripped out of my dead hands!

    yup , mine too !
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    peanut butter!! it is too yummy not to have plus nutella yuuum mx them together and I am in heaven :laugh:
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    There's no reason to give anything up. So I don't.

    In my opinion, unless you were eating heroin or urinal cakes or plutonium before, there's really nothing that you absolutely must give up in order to eat healthier and lose weight.
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 366 Member
    Chocolate.. I would go crazy without any :)
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    To be totally honest, I haven't really given anything up. I've just been eating the same things but less of it :) Unless you put pizza in front of me.. then it's all over for the day lol

    ^^THIS^^ Totally. And even then I'm still not doing too great! :/
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Potatoes. I don't have them often because once i start eating them i just can't stop :grumble:
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Chocolate - I have a couple of squares almost everyday - it makes me happy:)
  • BaldyLover
    Cheese for me. Odd because I thought it would be chocolate but not touched any for two weeks now and not bothered. I just have a thin slice of cheese half way through the day and I'm good :)
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Why give up anything? The key, surely, is moderation.
  • amortize20
    amortize20 Posts: 62 Member
    nothing it's all about moderation

    but by god it's been difficult to cut back on the cheese :sad: i do love my brie, chedder, mozza
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    Why give up anything? The key, surely, is moderation.

    Very true indeed! I havent given up pizza I just make it at home and make it smaller with salad.
  • HellsBells61
    Oh great thanks guys! I haven't had any chocolate for a week and now it's all I can think about! :cry:
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member

    Same here! I loooooooove bread! But it has to be white! The worst kind!
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
    bread, bagels and cheese. I do like some lower fat cheese like philadelphia but sometimes only a strong cheddar will do :(
  • LittleElephant
    LittleElephant Posts: 106 Member
    Pancakes and crepes - I still eat them daily. Not about to give them up!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Sushi and noodles.
  • plisha729
    plisha729 Posts: 50 Member
    sour patch kids and cheese (all kinds)... nope nope nope, I'm not letting go! lol!