Shakeology - your opinions and feedback please



  • lcxlolo
    lcxlolo Posts: 13
    Honestly I thought Shakeology was the biggest scam in the world a few months back. I decided to purchase p90x 30 days ago and with that came a trial of shakeology. I figured I would try it since I had originally been making shakes in the morning with whey protein, some fruit, yogurt, and milk. First off the taste is amazing compared to my protein powder - shakeology literally tastes like a chocolate desert. I only used half the suggested serving size each day I did p90x for the first 2 weeks and had increased energy, my IBS I had for years was regulated and I couldn't believe how this was helping so much. After I ran out of shakeology I figured I would test to see how I felt going a week without it. My third week I didn't have as much energy as I did with shakeology and I wasn't feeling as full as long as I was with shakeology. I decided to become a beachbody coach just to get the discount on shakeology and got my bag for 89 instead of the full price. I don't agree with the whole "omg this is amazing let me sell you some" salesman crap. I hate it as much as all of you do. I just love shakeology so much that I decided to become a coach to get a nice discount on it. Just my 2 cents.
  • I recently bought the tropical version which is vegan. Since I am extreamly sensative to lactose products this is a great meal subsititue especially if made with coconut milk. I find it to be good in flavor and filling. Like others i don't use a full scoop of the product, but that is mainly because I try to make a smaller portion to fit in my insulated mug. When i substitue breakfast with the Shakeology I find I am not hungry for the mid morning snack that I usually go looking for.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    No, I have no experience with Shakeology...
  • beckysuefit
    beckysuefit Posts: 4 Member
    I LOVE my Shakeology... it's not just a "SHAKE" It gives me the nutrients to get through my entire day with 0 crashes... I drink it for breakfast or sometimes right before a tough workout!!!!! I think you should try it for a's risk free if you don't like it on day 29 call and send it back empty bag and all for a full refund!!! WHAT CAN IT HURT!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    Are we having a rough day? Or do simple, non offensive questions always offend you? Is it the question mark? Is that what it is? You don't like questions and question marks? Would an exclamation point have been better? Would it still have read as a simple question if he would have used exclamation points? Why don't you like questions? Why do they offend you? Are you ok? Do you need some real food?
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have friends who sell it and they sing the praises. However, when I saw how much it costs I about choked!! I don't mind a protein or nutrition shake from time to time (currently using up some Herbalife Sport also purchased from another friend) but it has to fit my budget! I did invest in an awesome new blender (The Ninja) to make my smoothies. Just understand the folks that are selling it may or may not have any other fitness/nurtition/health related training than what the BeachBody folks send along with the training kit. It certainly can't hurt to give it a try if you can afford it.
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    A lot of things (like Shakeology) that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, you aren't actually absorbing a lot of those vitamins and minerals because your body can only absorb so much of each at a time. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with this sort of thing, but I don't think anyone should rely on it as a total replacement to real food. Getting your vitamins from real food -- whole veggies, lean protein (be it meat or beans), fruit, whole grains -- is #1. If you're eating whole foods most of the time and you want to supplement with something like this -- go for it.

    Personally, I LOVE the Beachbody company. Someone mentioned it's sort of like a pyramid scheme -- true, but their workout DVD's are primo. I do Insanity and P90X all the time. But paying that much for a protein shake is pretty silly, in my opinion. I usually just make my own with some whey protein, almond milk and a ton of fruit and veggies. It's a LOT cheaper.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    Are we having a rough day? Or do simple, non offensive questions always offend you? Is it the question mark? Is that what it is? You don't like questions and question marks? Would an exclamation point have been better? Would it still have read as a simple question if he would have used exclamation points? Why don't you like questions? Why do they offend you? Are you ok? Do you need some real food?

    Not trying to be rude, but you also sound like you are having a rough day. Hope it gets better!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    not rude at all! thats actually great advice!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I personally take Shakeology and love it! I dont drink it so much to lose weight but to give me nutrients that I dont get because I am very picky and sensitive to foods. Its gives you some energy and since im not a huge breakfast eater thats usually the meal i supplement it for. If you want to look more into it you can go to my website and check it out its . Im not trying to sell you anything but only trying to help you out :)

    Interesting 1st post.......with a link that takes you to an on-line order site.

    " Im not trying to sell you anything but only trying to help you out " that's on a par with "Trust me, I'm from the government" :laugh:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I personally take Shakeology and love it! I dont drink it so much to lose weight but to give me nutrients that I dont get because I am very picky and sensitive to foods. Its gives you some energy and since im not a huge breakfast eater thats usually the meal i supplement it for. If you want to look more into it you can go to my website and check it out its . Im not trying to sell you anything but only trying to help you out :)

    Interesting 1st post.......with a link that takes you to an on-line order site.

    " Im not trying to sell you anything but only trying to help you out " i that's on a par with "Trust me, I'm from the government" :laugh:

    Bingo! That was my thought from the first post. Between Shakeology People and the Body by Vi people, they just never stop. I had a friend request out of the blue a wee or so ago. I state in my profile please send me a message with any friend requests. nothing. I looked up the person's profile and it was all about Body by Vi. I'm sure the request was a very exclusive one that went out to 200 or so other people too! LOL
  • crawls
    crawls Posts: 3
    I'm not selling shakeology but I do use it. I would rather drink this shake than take pills/vitamins every day. I have found that I have more energy when i drink it and that I digest food alot better. I don't have cravings to munch until lunchtime and I'm not hungry. Yes, it is expensive. But it certainly is convienient when you work 45 min. from where you live and don't have the time to make breakfast and do not want to go through the drive thru. It cuts down on calories and tastes delicious (the chocolate w/ milk and peanut butter anyways. ) I dont drink it every day but I do about 3-4 times a week. So a months supply usually lasts me about 2 months.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    It is best to understand what is first- I did some homework on this topic

    It is WAY more than just a protein shake
    It builds your immune system, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, cuts down on food cravings, provides energy, works as an antioxidant and loads the body with ESSENTIAL great nutrients.

    Reality is most people just are not going to get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals needed day to day to truly FUEL the body with great nutrition. It would be great to have 4-6 purely fresh, organic and foods all day but who has time and the money to do that? The concept of putting it all in one shake makes sense. Cost is $4 per shake, what does Starbucks cost?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    It builds your immune system, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, aids digestion, cuts down on food cravings, provides energy, works as an antioxidant and loads the body with ESSENTIAL great nutrients.

    Are there studies that demonstrate these assertions or are these claims made by the maker of the product? (There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of truth in advertising these days, especially in relation to dietary supplements and weight loss products)
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Hiya - I have started reading up on Shakeology and am considering giving it a go - does anyone have any experience or feedback that they can share?


    I signed up to be a beachbody coach because of the discount so I could get shakeology. It seriously is great!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Hiya - I have started reading up on Shakeology and am considering giving it a go - does anyone have any experience or feedback that they can share?


    I signed up to be a beachbody coach because of the discount so I could get shakeology. It seriously is great! If you want more info please message me :)

    Last I checked, it's against the forum rules to advertise in here.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hiya - I have started reading up on Shakeology and am considering giving it a go - does anyone have any experience or feedback that they can share?


    I signed up to be a beachbody coach because of the discount so I could get shakeology. It seriously is great! If you want more info please message me :)

    Why don't you just share the info in this thread, can you answer my questions about it?

    I was wondering how the forms of vitamins in ShakeO compare to some of the better multis out there, such as AOR Orthocore?

    And since all their superfoods are in prop blends how do I know any of the ingredients are in efficacious dosages?

    I have some more questions, but let's start with these
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    thats quite a rude response.

    Have you ever thought that maybe their using a shake to just help them get extra minerals and vitamins?

    Its not always about using a "quick fix" to lose weight.

    Shakeology is crap. If your diet sux, fix the diet.

  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    Why not stick to real food?

    ^^^ THIS!
    If you work on learning to make good food and good food choices, then you will not be stuck depending on a product
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    Hiya - I have started reading up on Shakeology and am considering giving it a go - does anyone have any experience or feedback that they can share?


    I signed up to be a beachbody coach because of the discount so I could get shakeology. It seriously is great! If you want more info please message me :)

    Why don't you just share the info in this thread, can you answer my questions about it?

    I was wondering how the forms of vitamins in ShakeO compare to some of the better multis out there, such as AOR Orthocore?

    And since all their superfoods are in prop blends how do I know any of the ingredients are in efficacious dosages?

    I have some more questions, but let's start with these

    Write the company. I am not a doctor and do not claim to be. I am just trying to lose weight and get fit like the rest of us. These questions would be for a doctor or Team Beach body themselves. Thanks!