guys on fake boobs...ya or no?



  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I've heard fake boobs glow in the dark. Put a flashlight underneath and turn it on...

    I have seen pictures of this. It only happens with saline. Silicone do not do that. do you know???LOL!!!!

    yes thats true...they light up like a jack o lantern...scary ville!

    anyways fakies are great naturals are great...pretty boobs are great! fake boobs just have an awful stigma. not sure why, and not sure I care why!
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    What actually is a 'boob job'?...........And are they hiring?
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    LOL I don't know why but this thread is funny to me :)
  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    I have no experience with fake boobs I'm sad to say. So I can't have an opinion unless...
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    In before the lock!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Theyre real if I touch them. (jimmy kimmel)

    Implants can look very real if you go low-projection and behind the muscle. Fake doesn't have to look fake. Beware of lost nipple sensation, though.
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Boobies are beautiful fake or not just saying!!!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Boobies are beautiful fake or not just saying!!!

    And she knows from personal experience! :flowerforyou:
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Boobies are beautiful fake or not just saying!!!

    And she knows from personal experience! :flowerforyou:

    Offfff course I do!!! :wink: Jealous?? :tongue:
  • mijo32002
    mijo32002 Posts: 42
    ive lately been seeing alot of post on boobs" "should i get them or not" and guys what do you like...fake or real...or maybe just a particular size? A? B? D? lets hear this im soo interested by this b.c it seems the girls with big fake tits get more attention but then guys say "oh i dont care for them" lol soo confusing

    I gotta say, I'm not a fan. I haven't had any experience with them, but they look like they don't move, which would kinda freak me out during "grown-up, special hug" time. Having said that, do what makes you happy....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Every time I see this topic, my dyslexia reads it as "fake boobs on guys," and maybe I'm narrow-minded, but I might have to draw the line there.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    No, I dont like the feel of them, feels unnatural and breast are not what i consider to be my top physical attribute that im attracted to , dont care whether flat or large breasted woman, not the feature i care about, its the eyes, hair and face to me-Ty
  • bkc714
    bkc714 Posts: 3 Member
    no don't do it real is much better
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    okay .. I will bite, I had amazing natural and Large breast before children.. willingly gave them up for their nourishment and went from amazingly abundant breast that people use to ask if they were fake to .. skin like sacks.

    I had an amazing DR perform augmentation , through the belly button under the muscle.. and unfortunately he had to fill them up even more because he wanted them to appear natural. they are HUGE perky but larger than I would want all the time. I can still breastfeed , and have no problem with nipple sensation.

    No one ever guesses that they're fake. and I have never had a complaint..

    If feel to each's own.. I just wanted my "breast back" and so I got them .. ;D
  • whiplashpcw
    whiplashpcw Posts: 126 Member
    I am a leg and *kitten* man myself. ;)
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I like to be on boobs, fake or real. That is all.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I think men def like natural boobs better than fake boobs. But for me, fake boobs are better than no boobs, which is why I have silicone implants. Getting implants was the best decision for me, I only regret not getting them sooner.
  • pachamb
    pachamb Posts: 52
    As long as you are happy with the end result and you are doing it for yourself.

    I don't mind either way, is what's inside that counts.

    Awwww. Love this answer :)
  • AssembledIncorrectly
    AssembledIncorrectly Posts: 64 Member
    I can see why guys' reactions might seem confusing, but consider this:

    A woman in a tight dress with big fake boobies is eye catching.

    Someone walking down the street dressed as a clown is also eye catching.


    Fake boobies are like a fantastic trailer for a movie which turns out to be crap.

    ^^^This is Perfect!^^^