Guys, how young is too young in terms of dating?

Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
Tonight, I was watching New Girl (one of my favorite shows) and one of the characters (who is like early 30s) freaked out when he found out the girl he was dating was only 18. This got me thinking because I'm 18 (though people always tell me I look a lot older) and the guys I usually am attracted to are mid 20s to early 30s.

So guys, Would you date a girl who's 18? How young is too young for you? Would it depend on the girl? Discuss.


  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    No chance.

    I know a lot of people will say age is just a number, but when you are talking say me at 28, dating an 18 yr old its different stages of life. Not so much an issue say if you were 40 dating a 56 yr old. You are midlife, done the partying, may have been mairried/had kids moved out of home.

    Im looking for someone I can do fun stuff with but also look to settling down into something much more solid than I will ever get out of someone who has just left high school in the last couple of years.

    After my experiences, everyones will be different, I probably wouldnt date anyone younger than 22-24. Thats just me though :glasses:
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    It depends on the guys age. I would encourage more than a couple of years..
    But as for 18 year old girls dating.. In Australia, 18 is 'adult' so yeah, most girls are dating by then. :)
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    18 is not too young to date a 30 year old. It is a person's maturity, or sometimes lack of, which counts. I used to train recruits entering the Royal Air Force, and you would see some 18 year olds who had the maturity and look out of somebody in their 30s. I would also see some in their mid to late 20s who acted like teenagers!

    I guess the only problem with such an age gap is that the younger partner is likely to have goals and aspirations that will change, whereas the elder partner will probably already be on a path they are unlikely to deviate from much, creating the chance that they will grow apart.

    Personally, I still think of myself as being 21, even though that horse bolted years ago :)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    im 34, partner is 26.
  • crestfaller
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    + or - about 5 years for me gives a decent age range that more than likey ill have somthing in common with the person.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    im 31.. and no way i would date a 18 year old guy. I feel like im babysitting or something.. no way!
    I like mature guys, either my age, older (up to 10 years older than me), or even younger than me for a couple years BUT they gotta look and act mature.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm going to assume its regarding serious relationship rather than just a one-night stand thing.

    For me, age is just a number but at the same time its not also. I am currently 28 and my ex that broke up with me in Jan was 22. She was more mature than most 30 years old I've dated and thats what I go for. I like to date MATURE minded girls. Ofcourse theres the whole being young and having the youthfulness but that shouldnt excuse you from doing dumb stuff.

    But then age does become a factor. When I was 19, I dated a 35ish old year woman for a month or so. It was fun and I think in alot of ways it helped me grow as a man but in the end...I was just a kid. I mean, she had kids of her own and no matter how mature of a person I was, there were just things that her and I couldn't see eye to eye because of age difference
  • paulyarwooduk
    I personally think it's blind and a little silly to say no outwright. It depends on the two people involved and how much they have in common. I would only date someone that I got on well with as a friend; befriend them first and date them later. Maybe that's old fashioned but for me it's one partner for life and I'd rather get it right first time - so age isn't really that important.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I personally think it's blind and a little silly to say no outwright. It depends on the two people involved and how much they have in common. I would only date someone that I got on well with as a friend; befriend them first and date them later. Maybe that's old fashioned but for me it's one partner for life and I'd rather get it right first time - so age isn't really that important.

    I completely agree with Paul. In my opinion when you meet the right person you will fall in love with them and not even consider their age or their looks, that's all superficial. My friend is 32 and is married to a 58 year old man, and most people who don't know them always gasp, but they have a lovely marriage and 2 lovely little boys and their relationship is a lot closer and more cherished than some other people I know who married because it was expected and perhaps didn't wait for the right person to come along. They fought it for a while, Martin was insistent my friend should find someone her own age but they had so much in common, they're like soulmates so they followed their hearts in the end, and they're both so happy now.

    I have tried internet dating before and probably would do again, just to meet new people and see if anything comes from any of the friendships, but I would never go looking for an "instant boyfriend" as you can't make that sort of thing happen, it occurs naturally. I would like someone with humour and wit, a nice smile and someone who will accept me and love me for all that I am. Perhaps I'm living in fairytale world, but I still believe that it will happen one day. I would never rule out someone just for their age.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    I'm 35 in 3 weeks... my fella is 27.
    I was 30 when we got together and he had just turned 23.

    I wouldn't swap him for the world. The age difference doesn't even get acknowledged.

    Definitely down to the individual I say.
  • paulyarwooduk
    I'm 35 in 3 weeks... my fella is 27.
    I was 30 when we got together and he had just turned 23.

    I wouldn't swap him for the world. The age difference doesn't even get acknowledged.

    Definitely down to the individual I say.

    N'aww that's lovely :flowerforyou: Someone I work with is 27 and her boyfriend is 20. His family object very strongly and make her feel very unwelcome when they see her but despite this they're still going out after 12 months. Sometimes it is just true love and soul mates and like you said, age doesn't come into it.
  • zooblflot
    zooblflot Posts: 131
    half your age +7 = good to go.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Legally? `17 is too young; Dead is too old.

    Beyond that I don't see how you can set definite boundaries. If you have common interests, common goals, etc., I'd refrain from drawing lines in the sand.

    Having said that, the perfect age for the woman I date is 49. In September it'll be 50.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Date? No.

    Fling, sure.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Doesn't matter, it's about the girl i think.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I have had two relationships with partners 20 years older than me (one male one female). Both started beautifully and ended horribly.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I was 19, my boyfriend was 34. I had always said I wouldn't date older than 10 years my senior and then I met him.

    I think ultimately, people say what they would and wouldn't do but it all goes out the window when they meet someone they like. I have been a single mother since I was 17. I have dated several men over the years who at one point said they would never date a single mother.

    Oh, and I have friends who are married: She's 31 and he just turned 60.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,589 Member
    I'm 29 and my hubby is 18 years older than I am. We say it depends on the maturity and interests of the people involved.
    If you can make it work. Go for it. But know that there are some serious obsticles out there for those who choose to live and love with people that far apart in age. Especially when peer pressure is involved.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I dated men in their thirties when I was 18. I can't say it was the best experience. My husband is two years older than I am. It works out.