How do you report a group?

I have a small group on here that I started for hypoglycemia. Yesterday when I went to check on it, I noticed a new group called "Very Low Calorie Dieting." By very low, it seems to mean the most anyone eats on there is 1100 calories.

I know this sort of thing is against MFP's guidelines but how do I report it?

Unfortunately I do feel like I'm sticking my nose in the business of other people but as a person who was once anorexic and currently struggles with ensuring that I eat enough, this is a major thing for me. It's not healthy and no one should be encouraging this. NO ONE.


  • Your concern is understandable based on your personal history, but I cannot see where this would be against any site rules.

  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I would imagine there are a select number of people on the planet with very low BMR's and high weight loss goals that probably put them in this range.

    Not every person fits into every single doctor's chart for what they need and what they should do.

    Just my two cents.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Under the MFP community guidlines...

    "3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) No pro-anorexia or pro-bulimia posts, groups, profile names, or profile bylines. Photos intended to promote or glamorize extreme thinness are also not permitted."

    I sincerely believe this is promoting an unsafe weight-loss technique.
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    not sure where to report it, just check the people in that group are not small and have sedentary life, i.e. under 5ft with a desk job, as an 1100 calorie goal would be normal for a calorie deficit for that type of person.

    I'm 5'4", with a desk job, working from home, so I dont even walk to a coffee shop in the day, which means for my height/weight/lifestyle I maintain at 15-1600 calories and need 1200 to create a deficit for dieting.

    A low calorie group for concern would be below 1000 cals.
  • kaz123sing
    kaz123sing Posts: 20 Member
    dont know how to report a group but like you do feel concern.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    not sure where to report it, just check the people in that group are not small and have sedentary life, i.e. under 5ft with a desk job, as an 1100 calorie goal would be normal for a calorie deficit for that type of person.

    I'm 5'4", with a desk job, working from home, so I dont even walk to a coffee shop in the day, which means for my height/weight/lifestyle I maintain at 15-1600 calories and need 1200 to create a deficit for dieting.

    A low calorie group for concern would be below 1000 cals.

    Some are as low as 800.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I would imagine there are a select number of people on the planet with very low BMR's and high weight loss goals that probably put them in this range.

    Not every person fits into every single doctor's chart for what they need and what they should do.

    Just my two cents.

    The OP is correct.. even in Groups, they must follow all of MFP's guidelines....
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    Well, if you look at the very bottom of this page you'll see a "Contact Us" link. That would be a good place to start.

    You can also message this guy as he is listed as a forum moderator & MFP employee
  • Not everyone who eats 800-110 calories/day is going to develop an eating disorder. I believe your opinion is tainted by your own history. You can report it, but I doubt MFP will make it go away.
  • hauntgoddess
    hauntgoddess Posts: 109 Member
    Not everyone who eats 800-110 calories/day is going to develop an eating disorder. I believe your opinion is tainted by your own history. You can report it, but I doubt MFP will make it go away.

    ^^^THIS!!! If you don't like it, don't join the group!!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Are you sure they aren't using something like HCG? with that you have to eat a very small amount of calories.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    It's a group and they don't go on the regular forums promoting this, they are doing the right thing and minding their own business...
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    It's a group and they don't go on the regular forums promoting this, they are doing the right thing and minding their own business...

    Groups are still subject to the same MFP rules that are in place:

    In addition to the Main Forums, MyFitnessPal also offers Groups which contain their own message forums. Group forums are self-moderated. Each group appoints it’s own moderators who are responsible for ensuring the group’s (and MyFitnessPal’s) guidelines are followed. The guidelines below are in two sections: those that apply site-wide, including Groups, and those that apply only to the Main Forums.

    Group-Specific Guidelines
    21. Groups Can Establish Additional Group-Specific Guidelines
    Group Administrators may establish additional guidelines for their Groups as long as they do not interfere with MyFitnessPal’s sitewide guidelines. Members of the group must adhere to these group-specific rules.

    22. Group Moderators Must Uphold Site-wide Guidelines
    All group moderators are required to uphold the MyFitnessPal site-wide guidelines to the best of their abilities. Failure to do so will result in the loss of their moderator privileges and possibly the shutdown of the group.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    It's a group and they don't go on the regular forums promoting this, they are doing the right thing and minding their own business...

    Groups are still subject to the same MFP rules that are in place:

    In addition to the Main Forums, MyFitnessPal also offers Groups which contain their own message forums. Group forums are self-moderated. Each group appoints it’s own moderators who are responsible for ensuring the group’s (and MyFitnessPal’s) guidelines are followed. The guidelines below are in two sections: those that apply site-wide, including Groups, and those that apply only to the Main Forums.

    Group-Specific Guidelines
    21. Groups Can Establish Additional Group-Specific Guidelines
    Group Administrators may establish additional guidelines for their Groups as long as they do not interfere with MyFitnessPal’s sitewide guidelines. Members of the group must adhere to these group-specific rules.

    22. Group Moderators Must Uphold Site-wide Guidelines
    All group moderators are required to uphold the MyFitnessPal site-wide guidelines to the best of their abilities. Failure to do so will result in the loss of their moderator privileges and possibly the shutdown of the group.

    Are you part of the group or go in there? If not why do you care? leave them be! they aren't bothering anyone!

    Video games made me fat and promote sitting down and watching tv, we should close those groups too while were at it!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    1000-1200 is in the normal range for a lot of people.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member

    Unfortunately I do feel like I'm sticking my nose in the business of other people

    You could take your nose out of their business.

    The group will probably end up getting taken down but a new one will be back up soon, guaranteed. Waste of time reporting it.
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    I think it's best to leave the decisions up to the people making them. It's nobody's business but their own. You may be alarmed but it's not your choice. Don't make decisions for others. The government gets jealous.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Are they drinking pregnant lady pee? If they are, that's an HCG group so that makes it ok. However, a group promoting annorexia without the pee is against site rules.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Not everyone who eats 800-110 calories/day is going to develop an eating disorder. I believe your opinion is tainted by your own history. You can report it, but I doubt MFP will make it go away.
  • I agree it is unhealthy. I went and checked it out and most of the people that have posted are eating 800-900 calories a day. Just seems too low to me. But the creator of the group said that if anyone posts in the group disagreeing or trying to argue that it is unhealthy, she will ban them. Not sure if you can report a group.. Or even if they would take it down.