Over 5'10" Ladies - What is your Goal Weight?



  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Hey Ladies! :happy:
    It was so wonderful to login and see this topic on my home screen. I am 5'10 like most of you and trying to get healthier and smaller. I weighed 230 lbs at my highest and lost down to 200 lbs before Christmas. That is when I started using MFP and I now weigh 191-192. My short-term goal is 180 and my long-term goal is 165/170 (or a size 10). However, MFP states that I can only have 1290 calories a day to lose down to 180. How do you girls do that? It is so hard for me to stay under 1290. I know that losing 38 lbs is wonderful, but I am still very frustrated with losing weight. I feel like I have been maintaining 191-192 for weeks and the scale isn't going down. I don't have a gym membership at this time, but I do walk several times a week and ride my bicycle on the weekends. Any advice would be helpful.

    Good Luck to all of you!! Don't give up.

    I think the key is to exercise so that you can eat more. The deficit is assuming no exercise in addition to whatever your regular activity level is. Then, if you exercise, you get to eat those calories back. It's helpful in that you can sink your teeth into bigger portions or enjoy treats you otherwise would have trouble squeezing in to 1290 calories a day, but of course exercising may well make you hungrier.

    Are you trying to lose one pound or two pounds a week? If you find it hard to stick to such a low limit, and you're set at 2 lbs a week, you might try setting it to 1lb.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I'm just over 5'10'' and I am 330 lbs. My goal weight is between 150 and 170
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    5'10.5. My first goal is 125. I'm currently 115.
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Height: 6'0
    CW: 210
    GW: 175

    My highest weight ever was 236 in 2009. I got down to 170 and then enrolled in college last year, went back to work this year, and am currently buying a house.

    Would love to add more friends who are tall!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am 5'10" and I was 294 pounds (Size 24W in pants, 56% Body Fat) at my heaviest.

    My original goal was 180 pounds, Size 12, and 25% Body Fat.

    I passed that a long time ago.

    I weigh somewhere between 155-160 (I'm avoiding the scale for a while) and am a Size 6 in pants (smaller in dresses and shirts) and have around 21% Body Fat.

    I actually think ideally I would like to be around 165 with 20% Body Fat... that means building some more muscle.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello.. I am 6ft :smile:
    sw: 335lbs (size 24 pants and 4x shirt)
    cw:246lbs (size 12 pants and 1x shirt)
    gw:200lbs ( was a size 8 pants and L shirt)

    I have a large frame and when I was 200 a few years ago I felt soo great in my skin! I am looking for that feeling again rather it be 215..200.. or even 180 who knows? I am not going to base my goal off of a number I am looking for when I feel healthy and happy!! :bigsmile:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Height: 5'11
    Highest Weight: 190 (Pushing a size 16)
    Current Weight: 160 (Comfortable size 8)
    Goal Weight: Where I feel comfortable.

    I'm thinking 155 would be great for me. I'm not concentrating on what the scale says and pushing myself on the fitness side now. I've got the dietary stuff down.
  • GladImTall
    GladImTall Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all-

    I'm 5'11" and looking for other tall, motivating friends :)

    GW:165-175 range

    I'm large framed and active... I'd rather not look at the scale very often so I'm going by how my clothes are fitting (better!) and my enegery level (higher!)... Good luck y'all!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Hey Ladies! :happy:
    It was so wonderful to login and see this topic on my home screen. I am 5'10 like most of you and trying to get healthier and smaller. I weighed 230 lbs at my highest and lost down to 200 lbs before Christmas. That is when I started using MFP and I now weigh 191-192. My short-term goal is 180 and my long-term goal is 165/170 (or a size 10). However, MFP states that I can only have 1290 calories a day to lose down to 180. How do you girls do that? It is so hard for me to stay under 1290. I know that losing 38 lbs is wonderful, but I am still very frustrated with losing weight. I feel like I have been maintaining 191-192 for weeks and the scale isn't going down. I don't have a gym membership at this time, but I do walk several times a week and ride my bicycle on the weekends. Any advice would be helpful.

    Good Luck to all of you!! Don't give up.

    I think the key is to exercise so that you can eat more. The deficit is assuming no exercise in addition to whatever your regular activity level is. Then, if you exercise, you get to eat those calories back. It's helpful in that you can sink your teeth into bigger portions or enjoy treats you otherwise would have trouble squeezing in to 1290 calories a day, but of course exercising may well make you hungrier.

    Are you trying to lose one pound or two pounds a week? If you find it hard to stick to such a low limit, and you're set at 2 lbs a week, you might try setting it to 1lb.

    You need to calculate your BMR and TDEE - your limit's way too low. I'm eating 1700 calories and 50% of my exercise calories back - very do-able, I'm never hungry and steadily losing weight.

    I'm 6'0 exactly, starting weight was 208 and so far I'm down to 194. My first goal is 180, to get into healthy BMI, but if I can keep focused I would idealy like to be 160. We'll see...
  • carolina2768
    carolina2768 Posts: 12 Member
    Height: 5'11''

    SW: 186.6
    CW: 167.2
    GW: 155

    That is honestly my goal as of right now...that may change! I am working hardest on focusing on getting smaller in terms of inches, since that is a sign that I am losing fat and gaining muscle. I work out 6 days a week, lift heavy, drink a lot of water and have recently been into HIIT cardio intervals which help a ton. I wear a size 10. I hope this helps! Good luck & you should visit mybodygallery.com, since you can enter height and weight in and see a photo of someone at that size. xo
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I can't believe how many other tall women there are on here and how much we vary in weight and sizes. As for me...I am 5'11" and I currently weigh 210. My goal is 160-165 but I know that if I were honest I would much rather be 155-160. This would mean more lean muscle mass and less fat. But, the last time I weighed that was almost 20 years ago =) Since I have been an adult the lightest I have been is 175. But I was fat. At 210 I am a 16 but when I was 175 I was a 10! I don't think I have ever been a size 6. I think the key is what kind of body shape you have and what your base structure is like...Are you a small, medium, or large frame? This is not just bone size but the muscle shape and content you have as well as your fat both subcutaneous and visceral fats. So if you can be a size 4/6 at 160 then awesome for you! Just focus on being the best you that you can be! Every body is different. Good luck girl! Thanks for your post
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    I'm 5'11" ... I weighed 187 when I got married 12 years ago, did Weight Watchers after my 2nd child and stayed around 173 for about the last 5 years. I started MFP 6 weeks ago and have lost almost 8 pounds. But, more importantly to me, I've lost 2.5" off my waist and 1.5" off my hips!!! That's better than the pounds in my book. I'm a pretty active person. I work out 3-4x a week on average... walking, running, hiking, and I've just started with yoga a couple days a week to increase my flexibility. I've been a lot more active each day though since starting MFP. I want those extra calories back from tracking my exercise!!! My goal weight is 155, but I plan on it taking a while to get there. I want to lose it slowly, the right way, so it stays off for the long haul. Oh, and my body is pretty average, I think - a medium frame. I carry my extra weight in my hips/thighs/butt, so of course I always lose weight in my chest and waist first! :-)
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    You were a size 4/6 when you weighed 172?? I'm currenlty 170 and I'm having a tough time fitting into my size 12's! Even when I'm 160, I'm still a size 10/12

    I thought the same thing. I'm 5'10 and when I was 175, I was really lucky to fit in a 12, but I also have wide hips and a bizarrely large rib cage. Actually, I've been wearing a 14/16 whether I weigh 180 or 230 (my highest). I'm current 219 and would like to get back down to my college weight of 175-180. Honestly, I just want to be under 200, and anything after that is just vanity. My ob-gyn suggest I try to get to 210 before getting pregnant again, which I totally agree with. So, that's why I'm here!
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5"10; I started out at 240, and my goal weight was 180. Now I'm hovering around 165, and my goal weight is 150. It may be too skinny for me, but I'm determined to get there and then I'll decide if I want to go back up.
  • Height: 5'11"

    SW: 236 lbs
    CW: 177 lbs
    GW: 165-170 lbs

    I'm currently wearing a size 10 in pants, but still need a 12 for my jeans. So my goal is 8 pants/10 jeans and building lean muscle. I don't quite have the beach body I was shooting for, so now I have to start toning to accomplish that goal. I have been able to keep the weight off, so I hope I can continue. This has been the most success I've ever had in weight loss using MFP. I guess I was really determine to drop the pounds and I'm happy with the results. BTW, feel free to add as a free, can never have too many motivators! :-) Keep up with the great work ladies!
  • I am 5'10 and my goal weight is 160! :0)
  • @jayne_mel - Good luck. My SIL is very slender and she says that people don't realise that it is sometimes harder to put on weight than it is to lose it and, worst of all, no-one has any sympathy. Hope you make your goal weight soon :-)
  • I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is just about where I'm at now, 145 lbs. I started at 185 and over two years have gradually changed my eating and workout habits and the weight came off slowly but surely and is staying off :) I owe it ALL to zumba and strength training usually 5 days a week, and eating in moderation. No fads or gimmicks...yes I will eat chocolate, just not the whole candy bar :)
  • amelbo
    amelbo Posts: 8
    I'm 5'11" and my goal was 155, which is where I currently am after losing 50 pounds last year. I'm a size 8 and not quite satisfied. I'd like to hit a nice even 150 and see if that helps!
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