How has having a child affected your life?



  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I am much stickier and having experienced natural childbirth I now have a deeper understanding of the song, "Burning Ring of Fire".

    I literally laughed out loud at this! You know, i was one of those new moms who was determined to do drug free natural child birth. The good old "ring of fire hit" and half a second later I was screaming for an epidural and claiming my undying love for anyone who came into the room with a needle. Ha!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    And yet you have money for a computer or a phone that connects you to the internet?
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I do feel the need to add more info so my statement about my daughter being a chore can be properly understood.

    I never really felt like my daughter was mine, which has made dealing with her disability extremely difficult. She was whisked away to the NICU at birth and I did not even get to see her until several hours later. I did not get to touch her for a week and I didn't get to hold her until she was a month old. She spent 3 months in the hospital, where I felt like just a visitor, before we could take her home.

    In her first 4 years, Lily was in and out of intensive care. I stopped counting her surgeries at 15...she's probably close to 20 now. All but one of those surgeries were on her brain for treatment of hydrocephalus. Because of her brain injury, Lily has physical, cognitive, and behavioral issues. A normal child grows out of the "terrible twos"...Lily did not. Caring for Lily is like caring for a perpetually bratty toddler who can not walk. She weighs 50 pounds now and is getting difficult to lift. She hits, screams, and throws things. More than once she has blacked my eye. It's never really intentional, but horribly painful and frustrating all the same.

    Yes, I love her, but the lack of ability to properly bond with her as a newborn has had a profound effect.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    That's terrible! You know, it's not your son's fault you decided to have sex at 14? You brought him into the world. Why make his and your mother's life a living hell just because you decided to have sex? Poor kid.
    Reading what you just posted makes me sad. A lot of kids grow up having emotional issues thanks to the irresponsibility of their parents.
    Then maybe she should've let me put him up for adoption when I said I wanted to. WAY before he was even born. No it's not his fault but my mother should have just listened to me.

    Btw you have no idea how my life is or how I feel. Until you switch bodies, minds, souls, hearts with me you'll NEVER know.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    my hopes and dreams became unattainable. my body was ruined. i missed out on my twenties (while all my friends were experiencing freedom and youth, i was changing diapers). i've had to work twice as hard for half the money. relationships are awkward and difficult. i rarely have time to and/or for myself.

    There's also a down side.

    Wow, I was hoping that you'd conclude by saying, "and I wouldn't trade a minute of it for all the money in the world." :ohwell:

    My wife and I would gladly trade some of these so-called "problems" for a baby. Hopefully, we'll get one before too long. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    And yet you have money for a computer or a phone that connects you to the internet?
    Phone is paid for by a friend, internet comes from library...which is free.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    I applaud you for telling the truth about how you feel. A lot of replies are the so called "super moms" who ENJOY soccer practice and helping with homework. NOT EVERYONE likes this stuff. I HATE it. I like hanging out on the couch with my son, playing video games or whatever. But I don't do extracurricular activities or homework stuff. My parents take him to all his sports, doctor's appointments, school functions, etc. Granted, it is because my work schedule doesn't allow me to easily do so, and they are available and willing and eager to, so it works out perfectly, because I am GLAD my work schedule gives me the excuse to avoid those tedious tasks.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Perfect thread to read righ now as Im ready to choke my 7 year old (joking just in case someone thinks otherwise). Having kids is hard work. I have 3 under 10 and Im on mom duty 24/7. Is it hard?? Yes!! Are there days I am at my breaking point?? For sure!
    But the smiles, the hug and kisses, and the amount of unconditional love kids give you makes it all worth it!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    Having children gave me a purpose. Not that I didn't have one before, but now i have 2 lives that look up to me, learn from me, depend on me & love me unconditionally. I have 2 people who share my appreciation of superheroes, Phineas & Ferb, Spongebob, snowball fights & so many of the little things in life that we tend to overlook.

    Sure, I've had to give up sleep, free time, doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted & being able to buy whatever I wanted for myself, but I couldn't care less. I'd give up my life for my children without a moments hesitation & have no regrets doing so.

    Having children has helped me respect my father even more, and has helped me be a better father, husband & most importantly, a better person. I just hope I can prepare them for the lives they have ahead of them & be there whenever they need me.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    I applaud you for telling the truth about how you feel. A lot of replies are the so called "super moms" who ENJOY soccer practice and helping with homework. NOT EVERYONE likes this stuff. I HATE it. I like hanging out on the couch with my son, playing video games or whatever. But I don't do extracurricular activities or homework stuff. My parents take him to all his sports, doctor's appointments, school functions, etc. Granted, it is because my work schedule doesn't allow me to easily do so, and they are available and willing and eager to, so it works out perfectly, because I am GLAD my work schedule gives me the excuse to avoid those tedious tasks.
    Btw everyone, I'm not saying I hate my son. I love him to death and would protect him with my life. All I'm saying is, I'm still not ready to be a mother. Sure, maybe I need to grow up, but I'll do that when I'm ready, NOT WHEN YOU TELL ME TO. My mother doesn't complain. As long as I pay for his things she's fine. He's nanna's love bug and always will be. When I'm ready to be the super mom the rest of you are I'll be that. But right now I hate it. I want to randomly jump on a plane to visit an out of state friend. I want to live on campus, drink at frat parties, live like the movie college students. I want control of my own life, whatever that might be.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    I applaud you for telling the truth about how you feel. A lot of replies are the so called "super moms" who ENJOY soccer practice and helping with homework. NOT EVERYONE likes this stuff. I HATE it. I like hanging out on the couch with my son, playing video games or whatever. But I don't do extracurricular activities or homework stuff. My parents take him to all his sports, doctor's appointments, school functions, etc. Granted, it is because my work schedule doesn't allow me to easily do so, and they are available and willing and eager to, so it works out perfectly, because I am GLAD my work schedule gives me the excuse to avoid those tedious tasks.

    Not everyone woman is cut out to be a mom or even likes it. I think what seems wrong about HorrorChix replies, is the blaming of others for her situation. That retarded video in the 4th grade, she was not in the popular group, she had sex to be liked, taking no responsibility for her son and pushing him off on her mother even though she wanted to give him up for adoption.

    There comes a point where a person should no longer be selfish. She even blames him for her not being in the same school (I am assuming the same school that did not accept her into the popular group). Her son is a person with feelings, and trust me, he will be able to detect her vile feelings for him. And it truly breaks my heart for that child.

    I had a friend that got pregnant at 17. She wanted to give him up, her parents begged to not do it. She kept him. She hated him and eventually gave him up to her parents. She said he was her little brother, but she did not even treat him like she treated her real brother. I was in her wedding, she took pictures with every single family member but her own son (and knew at that point that she was his birth mom) All he wanted was his mom's love and she shunned him. Still makes me cry when i think about it.

    Our kids were not asked to come into this world. But when you CHOOSE to bring a child into this world, you better make damn sure that you love that child and not blame them because your life sucks!!!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    Btw everyone, I'm not saying I hate my son. I love him to death and would protect him with my life. All I'm saying is, I'm still not ready to be a mother. Sure, maybe I need to grow up, but I'll do that when I'm ready, NOT WHEN YOU TELL ME TO. My mother doesn't complain. As long as I pay for his things she's fine. He's nanna's love bug and always will be. When I'm ready to be the super mom the rest of you are I'll be that. But right now I hate it. I want to randomly jump on a plane to visit an out of state friend. I want to live on campus, drink at frat parties, live like the movie college students. I want control of my own life, whatever that might be.

    I'm not much on using bible verses, but I'm going to paraphrase. Let those without sin cast the first stone. Nobody else can tell you how you should live your life. Everyone has made mistakes in theirs, so if they think they can sit & judge you, they can take a big spoonful of STFU.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Not everyone woman is cut out to be a mom or even likes it. I think what seems wrong about HorrorChix replies, is the blaming of others for her situation. That retarded video in the 4th grade, she was not in the popular group, she had sex to be liked, taking no responsibility for her son and pushing him off on her mother even though she wanted to give him up for adoption.

    There comes a point where a person should no longer be selfish. She even blames him for her not being in the same school (I am assuming the same school that did not accept her into the popular group). Her son is a person with feelings, and trust me, he will be able to detect her vile feelings for him. And it truly breaks my heart for that child.

    I had a friend that got pregnant at 17. She wanted to give him up, her parents begged to not do it. She kept him. She hated him and eventually gave him up to her parents. She said he was her little brother, but she did not even treat him like she treated her real brother. I was in her wedding, she took pictures with every single family member but her own son (and knew at that point that she was his birth mom) All he wanted was his mom's love and she shunned him. Still makes me cry when i think about it.

    Our kids were not asked to come into this world. But when you CHOOSE to bring a child into this world, you better make damn sure that you love that child and not blame them because your life sucks!!!
    I NEVER blamed my son for anything. I have no idea where you get that from. And I NEVER said I hated my son or have "vile feelings for him." Maybe you should go back and read what I said, then read it 3 more times over.
  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    I have been incredibly humbled. I was the perfect parent 5 years ago. My oldest is 4.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Not everyone woman is cut out to be a mom or even likes it. I think what seems wrong about HorrorChix replies, is the blaming of others for her situation. That retarded video in the 4th grade, she was not in the popular group, she had sex to be liked, taking no responsibility for her son and pushing him off on her mother even though she wanted to give him up for adoption.

    There comes a point where a person should no longer be selfish. She even blames him for her not being in the same school (I am assuming the same school that did not accept her into the popular group). Her son is a person with feelings, and trust me, he will be able to detect her vile feelings for him. And it truly breaks my heart for that child.

    I had a friend that got pregnant at 17. She wanted to give him up, her parents begged to not do it. She kept him. She hated him and eventually gave him up to her parents. She said he was her little brother, but she did not even treat him like she treated her real brother. I was in her wedding, she took pictures with every single family member but her own son (and knew at that point that she was his birth mom) All he wanted was his mom's love and she shunned him. Still makes me cry when i think about it.

    Our kids were not asked to come into this world. But when you CHOOSE to bring a child into this world, you better make damn sure that you love that child and not blame them because your life sucks!!!
    I NEVER blamed my son for anything. I have no idea where you get that from. And I NEVER said I hated my son or have "vile feelings for him." Maybe you should go back and read what I said, then read it 3 more times over.

    I'm glad you love him! A lot of kids end up in these sh!tty situations where they get treated terribly because the mother didn't know how to close her legs or say no. No, I don't know your situation, how you live, where you live but I can only imagine that having a kid at 14 must of have been VERY hard. Extremely hard.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I got pregnant when I was 14.

    No friends in High School
    Teased Everyday (more than often, I use to be teased in Middle School for having short hair and glasses)
    Having the boys avoid me cause they thought I wanted to make them my baby daddy
    No sleep
    No fun
    No real college life
    No real teenage life
    No life what so ever
    Tell a guy you have a son they soon forget that they ever liked you

    I wanted to put my son up for adoption when he was born cause I knew I wouldn't make a good mother on my own. My mother said I had to keep him. Now I throw him off on her whenever possible. Not on purpose but because well...I'm still trying to make up for the life I lost when I was 14.

    14?! Aren't kids suppose to be pretend to be kids at 14?! Yiiikes!
    Also, I do hope you are joking about putting your child off to your mom because you are trying to play catch up. She raised you, she needs a break too, you know.

    Since that retarded video we had to watch in 4th grade and everyone started to change randomly, I fell into the "unwanted" group while everyone else fell into the popular crowd (and still are to this day). I thought sex was something I had to do to be liked by others. Found out the hard way that I was terribly wrong.

    And NO I'm NOT kidding about putting my son off on my mother. I told her I wouldn't be a good mother. I cried to her and begged her to put him up for adoption so he could at least have a normal life. She said no, that if anyone adopts her grandson it would be her. Well now look, 8 years later and 10 more to go.

    I hate helping with homework, going to doctor appointments, reading, writing, all that. If I didn't have a child I'd still be in school at the school I want to be living the life I want to live. My mother wouldn't have an extra mouth to feed and we'd probably be able to afford to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    I applaud you for telling the truth about how you feel. A lot of replies are the so called "super moms" who ENJOY soccer practice and helping with homework. NOT EVERYONE likes this stuff. I HATE it. I like hanging out on the couch with my son, playing video games or whatever. But I don't do extracurricular activities or homework stuff. My parents take him to all his sports, doctor's appointments, school functions, etc. Granted, it is because my work schedule doesn't allow me to easily do so, and they are available and willing and eager to, so it works out perfectly, because I am GLAD my work schedule gives me the excuse to avoid those tedious tasks.
    While they are tedious, I guess when people sign up to become parents, they are aware that they will be sacrificing their time to raise a good person. I mean who has children and says "Well, I want to do the fun stuff but someone else has to do the tedious sh$t. Yeah, I don't want to do that."? :huh:
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Not everyone woman is cut out to be a mom or even likes it. I think what seems wrong about HorrorChix replies, is the blaming of others for her situation. That retarded video in the 4th grade, she was not in the popular group, she had sex to be liked, taking no responsibility for her son and pushing him off on her mother even though she wanted to give him up for adoption.

    There comes a point where a person should no longer be selfish. She even blames him for her not being in the same school (I am assuming the same school that did not accept her into the popular group). Her son is a person with feelings, and trust me, he will be able to detect her vile feelings for him. And it truly breaks my heart for that child.

    I had a friend that got pregnant at 17. She wanted to give him up, her parents begged to not do it. She kept him. She hated him and eventually gave him up to her parents. She said he was her little brother, but she did not even treat him like she treated her real brother. I was in her wedding, she took pictures with every single family member but her own son (and knew at that point that she was his birth mom) All he wanted was his mom's love and she shunned him. Still makes me cry when i think about it.

    Our kids were not asked to come into this world. But when you CHOOSE to bring a child into this world, you better make damn sure that you love that child and not blame them because your life sucks!!!
    I NEVER blamed my son for anything. I have no idea where you get that from. And I NEVER said I hated my son or have "vile feelings for him." Maybe you should go back and read what I said, then read it 3 more times over.

    Oh Trust me, I did read everything that you wrote and read it over a few times before I replied.

    You did post this after I posted what I wrote.
    Btw everyone, I'm not saying I hate my son. I love him to death and would protect him with my life. All I'm saying is, I'm still not ready to be a mother. Sure, maybe I need to grow up, but I'll do that when I'm ready, NOT WHEN YOU TELL ME TO. My mother doesn't complain. As long as I pay for his things she's fine. He's nanna's love bug and always will be. When I'm ready to be the super mom the rest of you are I'll be that. But right now I hate it. I want to randomly jump on a plane to visit an out of state friend. I want to live on campus, drink at frat parties, live like the movie college students. I want control of my own life, whatever that might be.

    That was good to read. The only issue that I have here is, you had a kid at 14. That was the time for you to grow up. When we have children, we have to grow up. You made that decision, not me or anyone else on here.

    And not everyone gets to live on campus, drink at frat parties, and live the college life like the movies. I didn't and nether did my husband and we didn't even have kids. Most people do not live that glamor life that we see in movies. And who jumps on a plane to visit friends? Would you really have that much money if you did not have one child? You are wanting to do things that in the big picture of life is not as important as a child's feelings and emotional well being.

    You know how you regret what you missed as a teenager...make sure that you do not miss special things with your son. He will be grown and you might look back and wish that you had done things differently.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Oh Trust me, I did read everything that you wrote and read it over a few times before I replied.

    You did post this after I posted what I wrote.
    Btw everyone, I'm not saying I hate my son. I love him to death and would protect him with my life. All I'm saying is, I'm still not ready to be a mother. Sure, maybe I need to grow up, but I'll do that when I'm ready, NOT WHEN YOU TELL ME TO. My mother doesn't complain. As long as I pay for his things she's fine. He's nanna's love bug and always will be. When I'm ready to be the super mom the rest of you are I'll be that. But right now I hate it. I want to randomly jump on a plane to visit an out of state friend. I want to live on campus, drink at frat parties, live like the movie college students. I want control of my own life, whatever that might be.

    That was good to read. The only issue that I have here is, you had a kid at 14. That was the time for you to grow up. When we have children, we have to grow up. You made that decision, not me or anyone else on here.

    And not everyone gets to live on campus, drink at frat parties, and live the college life like the movies. I didn't and nether did my husband and we didn't even have kids. Most people do not live that glamor life that we see in movies. And who jumps on a plane to visit friends? Would you really have that much money if you did not have one child? You are wanting to do things that in the big picture of life is not as important as a child's feelings and emotional well being.

    You know how you regret what you missed as a teenager...make sure that you do not miss special things with your son. He will be grown and you might look back and wish that you had done things differently.
    How about we just agree that you aren't Me. You'll never be the person I am because they haven't invented the body transfer machine yet. You can be super mom and all rainbows and sunshine, but I'm giving how ME, MYSELF, AND I feel about my experience having a child.

    I'll live what I have left of my life and you should live yours.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I'm glad you love him! A lot of kids end up in these sh!tty situations where they get treated terribly because the mother didn't know how to close her legs or say no. No, I don't know your situation, how you live, where you live but I can only imagine that having a kid at 14 must of have been VERY hard. Extremely hard.

    Exactly, and to be honest, I was afraid that was the situation here. I cold be wrong because I do not know heart was going out to the son because he needs his mom too!! I have 5 sons and moms are very important to them!!

    While they are tedious, I guess when people sign up to become parents, they are aware that they will be sacrificing their time to raise a good person. I mean who has children and says "Well, I want to do the fun stuff but someone else has to do the tedious sh$t. Yeah, I don't want to do that."? :huh:

    Haha..yeah, I mean I do not like killing bugs for a bug project or cleaning puke off of the carpet....but I am mom!! And plus, the good things far outweigh the bad stuff! Can you imagine getting job and telling the boss, I hate writing up contracts and keeping up with the money that is brought in, but I do like doing the fun stuff! Let the other people do the ****ty stuff!