What food did you give up?



  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 51 Member
    CHIPS! I love chips. My husband used to laugh at me because I would buy three different kinds at one time and sample them all on the way home. Horrible! I haven't missed it. It was hard at first but now I grab a bag of pretzels every once in a while and most the time I won't even go down that isle in the grocery store. It doesn't have much nutrition down that isle anyways.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    The only thing I "gave up" was my 8 soda's a day. I eat whatever I want, in moderation, and I am never going to give up any food. If I want a bite of cheesecake, I will have a BITE. If I want to splurge one day I will. I changed the way I cook certain things, but my family and I eat mostly the same.
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    I haven't given anything up entierly, but I have cut back on a bunch of thing because I don't think they are worth that much of my calorie alotment. Mainy soda, sweets, and fried yumminess! If I want something like that I'll look it up first and decide if it is worth my calories for the day. I can't cut things out all together, I'm just not wired that way. :drinker:
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Nothing!!!!!!!!! :-) I gave up absolutely nothing. I'm trying to live my life now the way I will want to live it until I die. Do I really want to go my entire life without a single bag of buttered popcorn, not one oreo cookie? Nooooo... moderation, baby.
    ^ THIS. Though replace buttered popcorn with ice cream, and "one" with "a few" oreo cookies :devil:
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Nothing really, I try to eat everything that's 'bad' in moderation. only thing really is Soda, I guess, I only drink it maybe once or twice a month now. :) and I used to drink 3 diet dr. peppers a day probably!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    White bread, rice and pasta. I don't buy these and usually avoid them when eating out. I wish more restaurants offered whole grain bread and pasta selections.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i gave up fastfood, thats about it. oh and white bread and candy and chips and anything else not beneficial to the human body. sodas for sure.
  • I gave up pasta, rice, juice and sodas!!!!!!
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    I've given up regular bread, regular pasta, sugary items, juice. But I feel much better without it.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Nothing. Just watch portions, make treats treats (not every day), and work the calories just like a budget--work out more, then eat more. Can't work out? Then eat less.

    I'm not big on being hungry, so naturally I make more good choices, that fill me up for fewer calories, than bad.
  • nekoxvampyx
    nekoxvampyx Posts: 163
    I gave up nothing. food is not the enemy.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I actually haven't totally given up any foods, I just changed how often I eat them. I was getting really bad with pizza, so when I start MFP I wouldn't let myself have any pizza. Now that I'm learning more about the program, I have let myself have pizza a couple times, but stop myself after two slices maximum. It's all about learning how to control yourself, more than restrict yourself.

    Exactly, I love my pizza too! I have just learned to get the vegetarian variety, have a big salad before-hand and enjoy my 2 slices of veggie pizza. I also LUV LUV LUV my ice cream. At first, I wouldn't let myself have it, until I discovered the skinny cow products. Single serving bliss and no angry deprivation mode for me that way! It's all about finding replacments or moderation for some of us for sure, but I know there are others that feel lke they shouldn't even go there with certain foods- cuz sometimes it can be hard to stop. I guess it's just knowing your own limits and will power!
  • I just try and balance everything so I don't have to give things up.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Alcohol, Pizza and McDonalds french fries.......those three things pretty much made up my diet!
  • StaceyisRad
    StaceyisRad Posts: 2 Member
    I don't drink any calories but coffee anymore (and wine lol.) Mostly, as long as it's in moderation and my calories allow it, it's good for me! Bread is always wheat or grains, as well as pasta. You just have to change your way or thinking! Before I was a junk food junkie... shoveling doritos, mocha frappes, boston creams and whatever else in my mouth mindlessly.... I've been dorito and crap free for at least 10 months now, and I feel great! Never thought I would say that!!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member

    Although we do have a small visit together from time to time.
  • I have just joined, and am loving MFP ! It is really focusing my mind and i'm feeling very positive that i will lose the weight i need to.

    This week i have stopped having my 2 daily cappucino's at work and have cut down on my carbs by not having bread. It's day 4 of my diet and i have lost 2lb. It really shows that small changes do make a difference, and i truly believe that it is habits that need to be looked at and addressed.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    When I first joined MFP last July, I was almost fanatical about what I ate and didn't eat in an attempt to bring down my cholesterol and triglyceride levels (which is what brought me here to begin with). Then, I realized that I could still eat some of the things I liked because denying oneself is a sure recipe for failure. The key words here are "portion control"/"moderation"...really! I have pretty much given soft drinks but still, on occasion, have a Dr. Pepper. Now, it's more of a treat than anything. Same with fried foods (I LOVE fried shrimp)...I rarely eat it, but when I do, it's certainly in moderation. By researching different foods, I've found breads that are lower in sodium, yet high in fiber...bonus!...so that I didn't have to give up bread. When I have pasta, I make sure to measure it out first and load up the plate with veggies. If I'm craving chocolate (and what women doesn't?!), I'll have one truffle, not the serving size of three. I've even baked cakes and brownies using applesauce or pureed pumpkin in place of the fats and when cooled, immediately cut the goodies into small portions and freeze for later enjoyment. Speaking of the freezer, I've even found a low-fat, low-calorie ice-cream that I love...Edy's Slow Churned Chocolate...so rich and creamy and chocolatey and only 100 calories a half cup.

    There are so many ways to literally have your cake and eat it, too! : ) Best wishes on your journey here!:flowerforyou:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's really no such thing as "good" or "bad" food, so I haven't given up anything.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 123 Member
    Soda pop, fast foods, french fries, pastas, white bread, cheese, sugar, desserts.... I had a long list. Not so much "gave up" but realized I had to seriously monitor and curtail the intake of in order to have a healthy lifestyle. I will allow myself one of these things in moderation (as in maybe once or twice a month, very small portions) but NOTHING like how I used to consume this stuff.
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