Guys, how young is too young in terms of dating?



  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    When I was 19 I was dating a 39 year me back then that was hot....I couldn't do it the other way....

    I know two guys who are 40, one in engaged to his 19year old fiancé, the other one has a child with a 17 year old.

    All legal and each to their own.....

    If one of them was my daughter, he wouldn't make it to see 41... just my opinion tho :)

    Lookin' good to have a 19yr old daughter...

  • SlimSammy2012
    *Getting on the funny jokes*

    If she is asking you to give back her Pail and Shovel and to get out of her Sandbox, She's too young for you!
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    older guys are soo sexy tho.... :bigsmile:

    But how "old" is old?
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I was 18, I never would have dated someone 18... now that I'm 32, I never ever ever ever would date someone that's 18 or 19 or very much younger than me at all. It's a complete culture shock for me to even be around younger people like that. I think a lot of that has to do with the area in which I live. People around that age, in this area, tend to think that partying, drinking and doing drugs all night is a good thing. Even the dorky kids are snorting coke on the weekends and swapping pills. Not my thing. My sobriety is more important than anything else. Granted, if I was in a different area with a different experience growing up, my mindset may be different as well. For now, I prefer someone older than me at all times.
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    When I was 19 I was dating a 39 year me back then that was hot....I couldn't do it the other way....

    I know two guys who are 40, one in engaged to his 19year old fiancé, the other one has a child with a 17 year old.

    All legal and each to their own.....

    If one of them was my daughter, he wouldn't make it to see 41... just my opinion tho :)

    Lookin' good to have a 19yr old daughter...

    My daughter is 8, but I will still feel that way when she turns 19... but I will still take the compliment :wink:
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    18 and up works for me. Depends on maturity level. My last girlfriend was three years older than me, and yet I felt like her babysitter the entire time we were dating. I would take a mature 18 year old over that any day. I tend to date close to my age though.
  • curiousgirl0985
    curiousgirl0985 Posts: 9 Member
    My husband is 11 years older than me. I had a crush on him when I was 15...he was smart enough to wait until I was older before we started dating. Got married when I was 22, he was 33, and we've been happily married for 20 years. The only time age is an issue is when he talks about things like JFK's assassination or man landing on the moon...nope, I don't remember those! :laugh:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm 24 and my husband is 28. :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I don't understand why people in their teens want to date people much older. Those that are older should recognize the immaturity and those that are younger should recognize the difference in generations. 20sometimes go out to bars and have jobs and maybe kids. 18 year olds are looking for education, starting out on small jobs, probably don't have kids.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    older guys are soo sexy tho.... :bigsmile:

    But how "old" is old?

    well for me id prolly say late 30's for an 18/19 year old prolly should stay within 10 years... 10 years is a good difference after that really it just depends on communication and what you have in common.
  • SlimSammy2012
    My husband is 11 years older than me. I had a crush on him when I was 15...he was smart enough to wait until I was older before we started dating. Got married when I was 22, he was 33, and we've been happily married for 20 years. The only time age is an issue is when he talks about things like JFK's assassination or man landing on the moon...nope, I don't remember those! :laugh:

    So True! I know about the JFK, Moon landing and other dates thing that predate younger people.....LOL
  • SlimSammy2012
    I'm 24 and my husband is 28. :)

    Your Hubby is Cradle robber!!!! LOL
  • BecciJG
    BecciJG Posts: 55 Member
    I don't think age should matter. Some people r more mature at a young age n some people are immature at an older age! I've dated men my age (29) but yet the last guy I dated was 49 so 20 years older than me! He was hot n lots of fun so age didn't matter ha!! My friend is 30 and her bloke has just turned 21, they're happy n make a great couple. Some people find it hard to understand, I just think if that person makes u happy, what does age matter!
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member

    My daughter is 8, but I will still feel that way when she turns 19... but I will still take the compliment :wink:

    So's mine...looking forward to THAT conversation....."So YOU want to date MY daughter???"
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Age is just a long as its legal.

    However for my own personal preferences, I don't think I could deal with someone who is not out of college and been in the real world for at least a couple years ~25ish. I'm 31. There's a lot to learn and I don't think there is enough maturity in the typical female in her late teens to early 20s either.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    older guys are soo sexy tho.... :bigsmile:

    But how "old" is old?

    well for me id prolly say late 30's

    DAMN...two weeks too late......

  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186

    My daughter is 8, but I will still feel that way when she turns 19... but I will still take the compliment :wink:

    So's mine...looking forward to THAT conversation....."So YOU want to date MY daughter???"

    Steve just use my advice, works pretty well. :happy:
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    When I was 20 I briefly dated a 30 year old, and despite me being a "mature, organized, fill in the blank, young adult" you know what it was for me?

    It was fun, it was pretend.

    I had a boyfriend who could get me into bars, I could stay over at his place after drinking and feel independent, he had a great job, good money. Hell, I felt FANCY. He was separated from his wife, kids were involved, he was an ex vet that had been on active duty. Looking back I couldn't FATHOM things he had been through. It never would have worked as a real, genuine relationship, because his life was eons ahead of my experiences of high school and college life.

    But thats just my experience.
  • Kev383601
    Kev383601 Posts: 39
    I'm 29, and happily married. Would I date an 18 year old? Probably not. Having an 18 year old that likes me enough to date me would be quite flattering though. I think it really depends on the girl. Some 18 year old girls are really mature and can handle that type of relationship...most, however, can't. I personally wouldn't date anyone younger than 24 or 25. My rule has and always will be + or - 5 years. When I was younger, I would have dated someone older, but now, I'm 29, my wife will be 30 in a few months, I don't think I'd go any older than that. Never been an older woman guy.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member

    My daughter is 8, but I will still feel that way when she turns 19... but I will still take the compliment :wink:

    So's mine...looking forward to THAT conversation....."So YOU want to date MY daughter???"

    Steve just use my advice, works pretty well. :happy:

    I have that as a wall paper on my PC at home :laugh: