40+ Workout Challenge (New Every Month)!



  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Welcome back, Fitn :D I like your thought process on the moving more, and I have to agree. My job keeps me sedentary for several hours a day, and I know that makes things more challenging. Now that there is light at the other end of the day, I am very much looking forward to resuming my evening walks in addition to my morning workouts.

    The April challenge looks good, I am going to do my best to follow it!

    MnM, good to see you here! :D

    My week got completely turned upside down with a house full of sickies. I missed two workouts, and was not able to stay within my calories on those days. At weigh in today I fully expected to see a gain, but I was pleased to be proven wrong. No loss, but at least no gain.

    I had adjusted my calories last week, in an attempt to shock my body into something, and I don't think it worked. Truthfully, I am considering just focusing on the fitness end of things for a while and staying off the scale.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    fitnfun, so glad you are back!! I have to say I have not kept track of how many steps a day I take either, good for you for taking notice and making a change:) Thankyou for making us aware too!! I am going to start taking count of that.

    mspix I get the shocking the system, I never have much luck, especially if I only adjust food, I need to up my workout to see any kind of chnage. I too have not seen a drop but NO GAIN either, so I guess that is good!!

    I did get totally bummed getting dressed for church yesterday though and my fav dress was still snug on:( Gotta change that.

    Good luck this week girls!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you for the WBs!

    Mspix- My body didn't take the shock either. I am reading another book that explains things well called Ultra-Metabolism by Mark Hyman, M.D. Our bodies definitely respond better to gentler and smart changes.

    MnM - 2-3 miles would be fab! I am going for that amount as well.

    Lovestobake - I hear you on the dress. I have had this happen way too much this past year. I am hoping with more steps and fresh workouts, I will do much better this month.

    I tried the 10 minutes of the Melt it Off with Mitch. Not bad. I will see what the full workouts are like tomorrow. My Brazil Butt Lift will be here soon too!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Melt it Off with Mitch: good, but boring!!! :tongue:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Well, last week was one of the worst for me in a long while. My eating was horrid, and I didn't even try to fix it. Not sure what was going on, but I just felt out of sorts and irritated with myself and in the way of cutting off my nose to spite my face, I sank into that with a sick kind of glee. Oy.
    My logging was half-hearted at best, and I did not log a good portion of the week.

    On the flip side, I woke up today feeling better. Whatever had a hold of me seems to have let go, for now. Got a run in (first of the season, as my slow-as-a-snail pace reflects, lol) and it felt great! Spent some time in the yard pulling weeds and such. It is amazing how being outside and moving can improve an outlook.

    This week I am only going to say that I will work out at least 5 days, probably 6. If the mornings are nice enough, I am going to take advantage of them with a run. If not, I will be moving back and forth between Turbo, Yoga, and MamaWantsHerBodyBack.

    Fitn, I don't have a pedometer at the moment, but I have been making myself get up at work, once an hour and walking down to the basement and back up. It has definitely been helpful for the alertness!

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Happy Tuesday!

    Thought I would check in and post what I have been doing/plan for the rest of the week. I tell you what, I am SORE! Sunday was my first run of the 'season' (I am a fair weather runner, lol) and holy smokes! My legs, my bum....OUCH! LOL! 3.5 miles at a 13 min mile pace is turtle-slow, but it felt good to be out in the air. BTW, I am using a cool lil app called 'Map My Walk'. Very helpful to track miles and pace!

    So far this week:

    Sunday: 45 min run
    Monday: 43 min Turbo Cardio Party 2
    Tuesday: 20 min MWHBB/20 min Yoga
    Wednesday: Strenght
    Thursday: 20 min Amy Dixon/20 min Yoga
    Friday: 30 min Turbo Remix
    Sat or Sun: 45 min run
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi all! I haven't been the best either, mspix. We threw a party on Sunday so eating was out the window. I've been doing fairly good, but felt run down yesterday and had to take the day off.

    Mspix - I bet you were sore city! If you haven't done an exercise in a while, that's usually what happens. The first time I did Kettlebell after a long break - owie!!

    My Brazil Butt Lift was damaged so I have to wait for a new set. It seems like BB is having these problems lately. They were nice about it. I should get it later this week.

    So, I'm using the other set, Rockin' Body, and I love it! It doesn't feel like a workout, but I'm sweating up a storm! If you like dancing, you will like it. It does need some stretching after since they only give you a cool down, but that's okay.

    This week started off badly with the sitting in my seat for long hours. I had so much work to do! I have to start setting an alarm or something. However, I have started to not eat after 8:30 pm, and I think this is helping a bit. We shall see. I'm not going to weigh myself for a while. Probably not until the end of May. I don't want to chance bumming myself out.

    I've been getting into seltzer water lately. I'm liking the natural flavors that they have out like Grapefruit.

    Okay, this week is all about the new program:

    Sunday - Cleaning/Shopping
    Monday - Off
    Tuesday - Party Express (25 min. cardio) and Booty Time (28 min. cardio/lower body)
    Wednesday - Disco Groove (cardio) and Hard-Core Abs
    Thursday - Shaun T's Dance Party and Hard-Core Abs
    Friday - Party Express and Disco Groove (Cardio)
    Saturday - Yoga/Pilates/Tai Chi for 20-30 min. and walk/hike or bike ride

    I will try to get a walk in most days starting tomorrow. :O)

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Sherrill - Have a safe trip!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Yay! I received my second set of Brazil Butt Lift today. I'm embarrassed to say, but I think my DVD player is the culprit. Lucky I have a second one downstairs, and the set works. I'm still working the Rockin' Body this week, but over the weekend, I will try some of the Brazil Butt Lift to give it a go. I'm concerned that the cardio isn't hard core enough, but the toning moves look brutal! The good news is the cardio on Rockin' Body is at a good level. I was sweating buckets today during the 42 minute session!

    MNM - I hope you are feeling better. I have had an on and off week too in terms of feeling good.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Next week, I need to eat cleaner. I had too many bad leftovers from our BBQ party. Blah! :tongue:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    It's been quiet in here. I hope it means you are working it this week! :wink:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for a bit, life has been interesting to say the least! I have been offered a position that is filled with potential and opportunity. It is going to be a lot of blood/sweat/tears for the first few months. It also requires relocating about 130 miles north of where I am now. Big changes! That will also create big challenges on maintaining my quest for overall fitness and health.

    The downside is that I caught myself slipping back into bad patterns when things got a bit hectic. Ungood :/ The result is that I gained back about 1.5 and that puts me back at pre-holiday weight :( *heavy sigh*

    The upside is that I caught myself and I am reeling myself back in. This last week I have done better on my eating, though I think the 1200 calorie restriction is not for me as I did not budge one pound. Not even a fraction of one. Blast it! But, I did get almost all of my workouts in and I only went over in calories on the day that I was not able to work out.

    I am working on re-adjusting some of my goals, one of which to stop obsessing on the dratted scale!

    My week went like this:

    Monday: 30 Min Cardio Remix/ 30 Min walk
    Tuesday: 40 Min Amy Dixon
    Wednesday:40 Min Cardio Pary 2
    Thursday: Missed
    Friday: 30 Min TJ Cardio Remix
    Saturday: All day community project working outdoors

    I hope you all had a great week!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, so the good news is that by standing and moving around more during the week, I am starting to lose weight again, albeit slowly. I lost a pound during time of the month! The bad news, time of the month once in a while is brutal on the first day and I ended up taking 2 days off. So this week I will only have 5 days of working out. Boo. If I attempt to add to this week, it will be too many days without a break. I will have to just leave it as is.

    Rockin' Body is a very good program. The cardio does make you sweat, I am never bored, and the circuit training workout is tough! I recommend it! I have 2 more weeks and then I switch to Brazil Butt lift.

    mspix- I'm wondering if you are getting enough variety in your workouts. I made the mistake of sticking with the same ones for a long time. I guess your MWHBB set is newer. The TJ workouts, although beloved, maybe not be doing the trick for you right now. You might want to switch it up completely and get another dancey type of workout instead for a while. It seems to be working for me to get out of this plateau. That and moving and not eating after 8:30 or 9:00 (2 hours before bed). I can always go back to TJ a little later and it will be fresh again!

    The other trick that is helping is doing a mini-workout before breakfast. That is supposed to help burn more calories, especially belly fat, during the day. Even just 10-15 min. helps! I'm now doing a little bit of target toning at the end of the day while watching tv. This can be certain yoga moves too.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Check in when you can!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member

    The upside is that I caught myself and I am reeling myself back in. This last week I have done better on my eating, though I think the 1200 calorie restriction is not for me as I did not budge one pound. Not even a fraction of one. Blast it! But, I did get almost all of my workouts in and I only went over in calories on the day that I was not able to work out.

    I am working on re-adjusting some of my goals, one of which to stop obsessing on the dratted scale!

    Great job for reeling yourself back in! :flowerforyou:
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Fitn: Congrats on the loss! I am glad you have found your way through the blasted plateau! Me next, me next! LOL!

    Rockin Body sounds like a good program and I am looking for new cardio. I think you are right, my body is just not responding. I think it is bored. I am also looking at adding QiGong. I think a change up is much needed for myself!

    For now, though, Turbo Jam is the best cardio I have at hand, so until I find something else, I will keep TJ 1-2 times per week. I recognize that I need to change it up, tho, so have tried to incorporate more strength/yoga as well as tossing in an evening walk when I can.

    The next few months will be a definite challenge, but I think I am up to it!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi mspix. Rockin' Body is such a great workout program. You will love all the cardio! I've decided not to weigh until my last week, but I do notice some changes in my body. Keep your eyes peeled since they sometimes put this one on sale.

    Does the MWHBB program not have cardio, or is the cardio too wimpy? Adding more strength and stretch should help a bit too.

    How is everyone else? Did we lose the others?

    One more week. I can't wait to see the results next Sunday.

    I'm still reading the Ultrametabolism book. I'll summarize a few things after I'm done. This book is extremely thorough!

    Have a great week, and I hope some of the others check in again!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hi Fitn. I am also not weighing until the end of May, for similar reasons :)

    The MWHBB does have cardio, and it is an effective workout. It is just not quite 'it', if you know what I mean. I like to use it on days when I am not all that motivated because it is only 20 minutes but covers all the bases, lol. I am rotating Amy Dixon back in more frequently, her workouts are intense. Simple, but intense.

    Looking forward to your review on Ultrametabolism.

    I hope the others pop in and update soon!

    Happy Wednesday!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm wondering if I need to repost or send them a message. Maybe they thought the thread was done for some reason?

    Mspix - it sounds like that is not enough cardio for sure. Now I hear you! I still haven't purchased the Amy Dixon workout. Maybe in my next round of new stuff.

    I have 2 more days left for the Rockin' Body. I'm proud that I got through this program since it wasn't completely easy. It fools you in the beginning since it starts out with a 15 and then a 25 min., but it goes to 36 and then up to 46 and adds 2 together. Youch!

    My body is literally shaking from the Rock It Out. I saw on the BB message boards that people tend to make excuses and skip this one since it is really hard. I almost fell into that trap too, but I pushed today. The program ends with this one too so I have one more day of it.

    I hope I have at least shed one more pound. I'm still having a challenge with this, but at least I know what to do to get in the right direction.

    Do we want to start thinking about the June challenge? Perhaps we can pick up some people and announce it when we are ready. We are rattling around in here since Sherrill, MNM and LovestoBake are MIA on the thread. (Come back!) LOL!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I decided to weigh and measure since I ended the program. I didn't lose any weight really. I think I do need a new scale since it is wigging out a bit.

    I did lose about 5 3/4 inches total for my chest, waist and legs. However, I gained a little on my hips. My arms are about the same.

    Last week, I didn't walk as much, and I think this one thing was the only point that changed. I was still standing in intervals at my desk like before, but the weather wasn't great for walking and I didn't want to add on another DVD workout.

    So, if you don't move during the day, this is what really makes the difference for us, and standing will at least maintain weight, but not really help you to lose.

    I'm such the experiment. LOL!

    Next up is Brazil Butt lift. The program only has one Cardio, so I might get bored more easily, but I will give this one a go. I will have to add walking in to verify my theory this week.

    I'm debating if I should take a rest week to get back on a weekly schedule and only walk and see if this makes a difference. Maybe walking and pilates for the rest of this week!
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Ladies!!

    Sorry i have been MIA as of late!! A lot going on!! My Husband has been home for the month recovering from surgery and therefore I have been taking on more things at home! Plus with working I just have a lot on my plate!! My health has been ok...Having my ups and downs as usual!! A few pain flare ups cuz Im overdoing it but not much I can do there you know!! I haven't been good about logging my food but I am working out and I have definitely lost some inches! All my clothes from last summer are way too big so Hubby took me shopping for new clothing.. Yahhh! Its weird tho cuz I haven't lost much by way of pounds but clothing is way looser!! I am eating better tho! I have been trying to incorporate more veggies into my diet cuz I am lacking in that area!! My Boss gave me a cool idea!! He gets a Lean Cuisine i think its a pasta chicken meal, and then you add like a bag of steam fresh veggies of your choice and mix that in with the meal and its awesome!! The meals have plenty of sauce so you dont need anything additional!! I only used half bag of like Birds Eye broccoli cuts and I got the Lean Cuisine Apple Cranberry chicken with whole wheat orzo and it was really good! Im not big on pre packaged meals but once in a while like when i work at least Im eating way more veggies! Anyway, I have had so much stress lately and I had to cut back on some things i was doing! Work has become stressful cuz they are changing our schedule around1 Not sure if Im gonna like it so we shall see how it goes! Stress is not good for me and I saw my Doc the other day and he said i was so tense everywhere no wonder my pain had flared so badly! Anyway... Sorry for not being around..I was trying so hard to balance work and home and dealing with the stress along with my health i was struggling a bit! So, anyway Im here just finding the time has been tough! i hope you all are doing well! I read some posts! seems you all are trying new DVD's and stuff??? Any of them worth getting?? I need to try some new things! I have been concentrating on weight lifting and thats where I think its helped me lose inches! Still have my belly but its slowly shrinking lol!! Well, take care and i will try and post more often! :smile:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    MNM - Good to hear from you, and we completely understand. I hope your husband is recovering nicely. It is amazing how you are still getting your workouts in during the stressful time and your Lean Cuisine schedule sounds just fine.

    I also hope you can find some time to de-stress. Do you use compress packs? I have no idea if this would help your headache situation. They help me if I get a bad one.

    Mspix - I hope you are doing well. Did you decide to add something new?

    Sherrill - I know you are traveling a lot. You are doing so well despite being on the road. It's always a challenge to work out when away.

    Brazil Butt Lift is turning out to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be. The Cardio Axe was okay, but it usually is the pre-workout before one of the other ones, which makes the second workout more intense. The program is looking like 40-60 minutes per day with a day off. I would recommend it if you want to tone done a bit.

    Have a good week ladies!
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    MNM, glad your hubby is doing well. So impressive on how you are managing your health amidst all the chaos. I like the lean cuisine idea, I may do some of that in the coming weeks!

    Fitn, Brazil sounds interesting! I have not added anything new at this point, I haven't had time, lol!

    Hi everyone :) Things are crazy with a new job, working away from home, and averaging 12 hour days. I love it! LOL. Except that my workouts are taking a hit :( and the company is feeding us, which is not bad except it is all fast food stuff. I am trying to modify when possible, and controlling what I can. I can feel myself losing ground.
    This pace will only last another month or so, so hopefully I can regain lost ground without too much difficulty.

    Hope you all are doing well!