What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • RachFace1000
    RachFace1000 Posts: 154 Member
    Dear 16 year old me. Don't smoke weed; your first joint will be laced with coke and your last will land you with the police at homecoming. Don't let your grades slip and op out on homework just to spend time with Jake (who ends up breaking more than just your heart, just a heads up.). Don't become close friends with Kaylee. She's a whoreable person and will tear you apart. Spend more time with Maureen and Victoria, they're good ****. And take Advanced Placement World History instead of International Studies so you never get landed in a room with Mr. Martin ever. Love, you're 17 year old self <3 ha
  • Presley0381
    Dear 16 year old Corissa,
    It was not her fault she got sick. And it's not her fault she had to go. She is still here with you! Go back to school. Graduate. And go to college. Be a better person. Stop wasting your time on all those losers!! The boys, so called friends, drugs, alcohol all can wait!!

  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    Dear me,
    *leave behind the "love of your life" hes no good for you... you'll figure this out in 3 more years anyway.
    *Kizz , hug and hang out with Nick, Dad, Uncle John and Pop... they will ALL be gone from your life within 10 short years:cry: RIP
    * save $$$ you will need it later.
    *Dont be so hard on yourself, keep your head up, forget the past the future will thank you, and....
    *when the time comes dont divorce your husband and hook up with that other guy...it will ruin your life and you lose everything and relapse for almost 10 years before you get clean again.

    love always, me (19 years in the future. age 35)
  • turbophoenix
    Dear Me -

    Hi, it's Me (Us?) 14 years in the future (seriously, we're about to be 30 - scary, huh?) Here are 10 things that I really want you to know:

    1. You will have a crush on a boy come about September. Flirt and talk all you like BUT when that moment comes where you have that gut feeling that says "I don't think this is long term" walk away. Quit second guessing yourself - your instincts are almost always on the money.

    2. Go to therapy and talk about your assault. It was never your fault and if you keep ignoring it, it will drag you down.

    3. I promise, you are not as fat as you think you are! If you are unhappy with your weight, do something about it in a HEALTHY way. Crash diets aren't going to help you.

    4. Ask out boys you like. Seriously - it's not as scary as you think. See also: most of the boys think you are pretty cool (and they will tell you so 5 years later)

    5. I promise that you will find the perfect guy for you and that you will get married. Just know that it's not going to happen the way you think and that's okay.

    6. Never ever EVER get a credit card. E-V-E-R.

    7. Invest in google. I know it sounds funny, just do it.

    8. Live on campus when you go to college (at least the first year!). DON'T rush a sorority. It's not what you really want. Join up with other student groups instead. And for goodness sake, major in something you actually enjoy instead of what you think your parents want. Newsflash - they aren't going to be pissed. Besides, you're the one that has to take the classes and chemistry sucks!

    9. Don't be afraid to try new things. You're smarter and stronger than you realize! (strive to wear tails! - I know you'll know what this means even though no one else will!! ;))

    10. Love yourself. Embrace your weirdness, it makes you who you are!

    Hope this helps! Love,

    You... Me... Us... WHATEVER
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Katie - don't stay in that room at school with seth only. get out of there. fast. it's not gonna end well.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
    Dear Me,

    Stop being such an *kitten* to people....remember, people DO have feelings and not everyone was raised as hard as your family was. Also, don't hate your drunk Dad so much, you lose him when you're 17. One more thing....that guy that was a "good friend'... keep him as a friend cuz you should NEVER marry him, he ends up betraying you!

    Oh and quit saying you're fat....you wear a size 10....that my Dear Watson is NOT FAT!!!

    Smile.....you're a great adult!!

    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ One slice is enough .... not easy to undo as you age .... what your about to do can handicap your energy in more ways than you'll ever understand at this age ... so slooowwwww down champ and think about the long run !

    A better body starts now ... Yeah, I wouldn't have listened either ! LOL ! :laugh:
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,
    You are beautiful and deserve to be treated better. Don't let you or your 21 year old self get treated like **** or used.

    You 25 year old self
  • countrywildflower
    countrywildflower Posts: 42 Member
    dot marry that guy. just enjoy life have fun. pursue your dreams.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Dont worry about it. It will work out better than you can imagine.
  • caytee118
    caytee118 Posts: 55
    Dear 16 year old self,

    I really wish I could tell you that college is different. That girls and boys suddenly grow up and become more mature. I know that's what you want to hear, but it's not true. If anything it get's worse. They get sneakier and can hide better. However, there are a few genuine people and you will love them with all your heart. Oh and one more thing....don't let them see you cry. Don't give them the power or satisfaction. Just walk past them and smile. Trust me that works so much better,
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    DONT EAT THAT! It'll make you fat...and 18 years later, you'll be working your *kitten* off trying to shed it.
    Also, don't waste your time on him, him, him or him!
  • FormerTurboKicker
    Don't listen 2 ur mother about ur career choice.Automechanics is ok 4 a gal 2 do.Don't get married till after age 25.(sec marriage is awesome tho.) Don't ALWAYS put others b4 urself. AND......u won't always b 88 lbs n eatin everything.Lol.
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Be kind to your joints.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Dearest Naive Teenager Self,
    Enjoy your flat stomach now it may never be the same! Quit hiding behind your boobs and your hair!! Exercise more, eat less. And quit the skipping meals business! Boys really DO like "good girls" not sluts. Stay in college. Practice safe sex. It will all work out in the end! Kids are great but wait til you are 30. Travel!!!!

    Your older, wiser, educated self
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    Dear 16 year old self,

    I am doing my best to make you love yourself in the future.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I could tell me not to make some of the mistakes I made... But I truly believe that I am the best me ever right now and I wouldn't want to be anyone else... And some of those mistakes got me to where I am now. So I guess I would say:

    Dear me,

    You are going to do some stupid ****. But I think you're going places, kid! Keep up the good work.

    Love always,
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    You're an *kitten* with terrible taste in guys. Hug your mother, she deserves better from you! Stop screwing off in school, you're too smart to be THAT lazy! Quit smoking now, I'm begging. If you think he's hot/cool/whatever, walk away. Your taste doesn't improve until you're in your mid-20's.
    Should you chose to ignore that last one, you really don't have to marry him. JUST BECAUSE YOU SPILLED JUICE ON THE CARPET DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!
  • snugglebunny65
    snugglebunny65 Posts: 17 Member
    Don't try to please others so much. Have fun you are 16 only once. You are a smart beautiful loving person. Anyone who makes fun of you is doing so to make themselves feel better at your expense. Don't marry the first man that paid attention because you are afraid no one else would ever want you. Take chances to overcome your fears so you don't spend the next 48 years lonely,overweight,and depressed.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Dear 16 year old me....

    Carbs are what's making you fat and your period all messed up and causing your migraines... you will solve almost every health problem in one fowl swoop if you just cut them out. You'll thank me for it... Also you only have a year of HS left dont stress about being perfect, you'll finish 2 years worth of coursework in 2 months at the adult school and graduate with a 4.0!

    Oh and one last thing... either join the military or go ahead and be a vagabond! It'll be one of your biggest regrets that you didn't.

    Hang tough, life is a twisted road.