I hate water



  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Take a page from Nike and "just do it." After a few days you'll be ok with it - not craving it, just ok.

    I'm not a big fan of water either, but that is what I did to get over the initial distaste of drinking water.

    I would not suggest drinking sodas, juices, tea, coffee, etc., as your water intake as the added sugars can have a negative effect on your health in several ways.

    As for the illogical ongoing debate about whether or not lemonade is water - good grief. It's rather easy to see that lemonade could be taken to hydrate the body, but to call it water is a fallacy. It is a drink which contains sugar, lemon juice and water.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You are all crazy!!! LOL How can you not like water??? I don't get it...it's like not liking bread or air...I never even thought about whether water is tasty, cuz it's not...it's flavorless!! However, when I am thirsty or hot it's the only thing that quenches my thirst, and it's so good for you!!! I just don't get it. :tongue:

    Personally, I don't drink anything. I never get thirsty it seems (I've had soup for lunch, & 2 cups of water today & I had to force myself to drink them...). It's not that I don't like water, I just need to find more ways to encourage myself to drink it.

    But water does have a flavour - my fiance thought I was crazy, until I made him try different waters. (also, try eating something, than drinking water - it has a taste that most people don't notice because they were brought up to think of water as flavourless - it's not really anything I can explain though, it just tastes like water)

    Also, I'm pretty sure that there's people who don't like bread. Just like I'm sure there's things you don't like that people would think you were 'crazy' for not liking.

    Of course water has a flavor. We never actually see "pure" water. We ultra-purify and deionize water (so it won't hold charged contaminants) in our labs, and even then it isn't "pure." To get our "almost pure" water it costs us about $200/gallon... (Funny aside: The owner of the company came in and old milk jug filled with water next to the coffee maker. Our shipping clerk had been bringing water from home because the water at work was so awful it made undrinkable coffee. the owner asked what the milk jug was for, and someone said it was for Bonnie's "special" water for coffee. He was a little pale when he came into my office to ask if Bonnie's "special" water came from the lab. He was terrified that the whole plant was drinking $200/gal water in our coffee! LOL) Tap and bottled water is easily 0.1% "not water." Minerals, metals, you name it, are in there. The contaminants give it a flavor, and since they all have different "contaminants" they all taste different. Some mineral waters even ADD contaminants to "enhance" the flavor. I've been to water tastings. Like wine tastings, but with waters.

    My "You are all crazy" comment was meant to be facetious, not insulting. It has just been recently that I have ever even heard someone say they don't like water. I just assumed that water was something everyone's body tolerated because it is so essential for keeping us alive! Thousands of years ago there wasn't Mio, or coke, or whatever...water was the main liquid staple for survival. Sure there are things I don't like, such as liver and lima beans...but water???? It's just odd to me. :huh:

    And if all people naturally liked water they wouldn't have invented Mio and other flavorings for water, would they? I don't understand why it should surprise you somebody doesn't like water. There are a hundred different flavors for water, all invented to change how water tastes, so clearly a lot of people don't like water plain. It's not that their "bodies dont' tolerate it" it's that they don't like it. And since water is water no matter what it's mixed with, there's no reason they have to drink something they don't like. As it happens, I LOVE lima beans. Absolutely LOVE them. I like liver in braunschweiger. Should I be surprised that you don't? Does your body tolerate them well?

    It's just a a very insular world view, to have 100 ways to make water not taste like water on the supermarket shelves and not to notice that many people don't like water, because you DO like it. I'm autistic (I have Asperger's Syndrome) and I noticed!

    Also, everyone always points to "thousands of years ago" like people were so healthy then. Thousands of years ago people generally died before the age of 35. They were NOT healthier than people today--even morbidly obese people of today.
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    An other vote for MIO, love it.
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    its ok to hate to water, find something you do like to drink, like others have said try mio or some other thing to flavor water. Also if your not thirsty and your pee is clear you have nothing to worry about
  • caitlingirl1997
    You can't really opt out of water completely. Stay away from sodas and artificially flavoured drinks. I would suggest adding lemon, or orange slices to your water, or you can try the crystal light packages. Just make sure that you continue to log everything you add in the water, because it adds sodium, sugar, calories, etc. Hope this helps!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Take a page from Nike and "just do it." After a few days you'll be ok with it - not craving it, just ok.

    I'm not a big fan of water either, but that is what I did to get over the initial distaste of drinking water.

    I would not suggest drinking sodas, juices, tea, coffee, etc., as your water intake as the added sugars can have a negative effect on your health in several ways.

    As for the illogical ongoing debate about whether or not lemonade is water - good grief. It's rather easy to see that lemonade could be taken to hydrate the body, but to call it water is a fallacy. It is a drink which contains sugar, lemon juice and water.

    WHY should people "Just do it" as regards drinking plain water? There's no evidence presented here to suggest it's necessary. WHY should people "just do" things they don't like, even when there is no demonstrated benefit over something they do like? Instead of lemonade (which can contain sugar), how about you address why the additive to water most mentioned here, which is Mio, isn't as healthy as water as a choice for hydrating the body?
  • caitlingirl1997
    You are all crazy!!! LOL How can you not like water??? I don't get it...it's like not liking bread or air...I never even thought about whether water is tasty, cuz it's not...it's flavorless!! However, when I am thirsty or hot it's the only thing that quenches my thirst, and it's so good for you!!! I just don't get it. :tongue:

    Personally, I don't drink anything. I never get thirsty it seems (I've had soup for lunch, & 2 cups of water today & I had to force myself to drink them...). It's not that I don't like water, I just need to find more ways to encourage myself to drink it.

    But water does have a flavour - my fiance thought I was crazy, until I made him try different waters. (also, try eating something, than drinking water - it has a taste that most people don't notice because they were brought up to think of water as flavourless - it's not really anything I can explain though, it just tastes like water)

    Also, I'm pretty sure that there's people who don't like bread. Just like I'm sure there's things you don't like that people would think you were 'crazy' for not liking.

    Of course water has a flavor. We never actually see "pure" water. We ultra-purify and deionize water (so it won't hold charged contaminants) in our labs, and even then it isn't "pure." To get our "almost pure" water it costs us about $200/gallon... (Funny aside: The owner of the company came in and old milk jug filled with water next to the coffee maker. Our shipping clerk had been bringing water from home because the water at work was so awful it made undrinkable coffee. the owner asked what the milk jug was for, and someone said it was for Bonnie's "special" water for coffee. He was a little pale when he came into my office to ask if Bonnie's "special" water came from the lab. He was terrified that the whole plant was drinking $200/gal water in our coffee! LOL) Tap and bottled water is easily 0.1% "not water." Minerals, metals, you name it, are in there. The contaminants give it a flavor, and since they all have different "contaminants" they all taste different. Some mineral waters even ADD contaminants to "enhance" the flavor. I've been to water tastings. Like wine tastings, but with waters.

    My "You are all crazy" comment was meant to be facetious, not insulting. It has just been recently that I have ever even heard someone say they don't like water. I just assumed that water was something everyone's body tolerated because it is so essential for keeping us alive! Thousands of years ago there wasn't Mio, or coke, or whatever...water was the main liquid staple for survival. Sure there are things I don't like, such as liver and lima beans...but water???? It's just odd to me. :huh:

    And if all people naturally liked water they wouldn't have invented Mio and other flavorings for water, would they? I don't understand why it should surprise you somebody doesn't like water. There are a hundred different flavors for water, all invented to change how water tastes, so clearly a lot of people don't like water plain. It's not that their "bodies dont' tolerate it" it's that they don't like it. And since water is water no matter what it's mixed with, there's no reason they have to drink something they don't like. As it happens, I LOVE lima beans. Absolutely LOVE them. I like liver in braunschweiger. Should I be surprised that you don't? Does your body tolerate them well?

    It's just a a very insular world view, to have 100 ways to make water not taste like water on the supermarket shelves and not to notice that many people don't like water, because you DO like it. I'm autistic (I have Asperger's Syndrome) and I noticed!

    Also, everyone always points to "thousands of years ago" like people were so healthy then. Thousands of years ago people generally died before the age of 35. They were NOT healthier than people today--even morbidly obese people of today.

    I love your very first quote! Why would somebody not like something that is really there to keep us all alive. It doesn't have a flavour, so I don't know why people think it "tastes bad"...we're living on a planet with a bunch of crazy people!
  • Taras32
    Taras32 Posts: 25 Member
    Mio is good and it has 0 Calories!!!
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    This is a ridiculous answer.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You can't really opt out of water completely. Stay away from sodas and artificially flavoured drinks. I would suggest adding lemon, or orange slices to your water, or you can try the crystal light packages. Just make sure that you continue to log everything you add in the water, because it adds sodium, sugar, calories, etc. Hope this helps!

    But the reason you can't "opt out" of water completely is because it is in everything you consume, NOT because you can't be perfectly healthy and never drink a plain glass of water ever. You absolutely do not ever have to drink a glass of plain water to be healthy. At all. Ever. WHY stay away from soda? What are you going to "log" in an additive like Mio? What about Diet Coke? What about Crystal Light? How about coffee? What about tea? None of these has ANY calories or sugar. None are above 20mg sodium and one is absolutely sodium free. Why on earth would I bother logging these?
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    This is the most ridiculous and stupid answer I have ever read in my whole life.

    Care to provide sources, or you just figure your word is enough? Because many people have provided many, many credentialed, peer reviewed sources on this thread proving this is absolutely true.
  • allysunhart
    I add lemon or lime juice to my water to add a little flavor. I have also found that I drink more water if I am using a straw.
  • BaseballGrrl
    I also hate water - but recently I was introduced to something called Kangen water. It's tap water that is run thru a fairly spendy machine and it's really really healthy, better than tap or bottled. I think it's much easier to drink and the physical benefits are great! Look it up and see if you can find a rep. in your area. I had to go to a free informational class, but I get the water for free twice a week from them. Not sure how easy it is to find though.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.

    Have you read this thread and the references given here? Lemonade is WATER. And the body's water? Isn't pure either. It's full of electrolytes. All liquids count as water. Anything else is pseudoscience.

    Uhm. Yeah, and I also studied biology for four years. Is that a pseudoscience, too?
    I don't think there's pure water anywhere in the body. Blood plasma, sweat, lymph, urine, cytoplasm, mucous, saliva and other digestive fluids - all bodily fluids comprised primarily of water with other things dissolved or suspended. And I studied biology for TWELVE years.

    "Lots of people go to college for twelve years!"

    "Yeah, they're called 'doctors'"
    "I am a doctor, just not the kind that helps people." :smile:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You are all crazy!!! LOL How can you not like water??? I don't get it...it's like not liking bread or air...I never even thought about whether water is tasty, cuz it's not...it's flavorless!! However, when I am thirsty or hot it's the only thing that quenches my thirst, and it's so good for you!!! I just don't get it. :tongue:

    Personally, I don't drink anything. I never get thirsty it seems (I've had soup for lunch, & 2 cups of water today & I had to force myself to drink them...). It's not that I don't like water, I just need to find more ways to encourage myself to drink it.

    But water does have a flavour - my fiance thought I was crazy, until I made him try different waters. (also, try eating something, than drinking water - it has a taste that most people don't notice because they were brought up to think of water as flavourless - it's not really anything I can explain though, it just tastes like water)

    Also, I'm pretty sure that there's people who don't like bread. Just like I'm sure there's things you don't like that people would think you were 'crazy' for not liking.

    Of course water has a flavor. We never actually see "pure" water. We ultra-purify and deionize water (so it won't hold charged contaminants) in our labs, and even then it isn't "pure." To get our "almost pure" water it costs us about $200/gallon... (Funny aside: The owner of the company came in and old milk jug filled with water next to the coffee maker. Our shipping clerk had been bringing water from home because the water at work was so awful it made undrinkable coffee. the owner asked what the milk jug was for, and someone said it was for Bonnie's "special" water for coffee. He was a little pale when he came into my office to ask if Bonnie's "special" water came from the lab. He was terrified that the whole plant was drinking $200/gal water in our coffee! LOL) Tap and bottled water is easily 0.1% "not water." Minerals, metals, you name it, are in there. The contaminants give it a flavor, and since they all have different "contaminants" they all taste different. Some mineral waters even ADD contaminants to "enhance" the flavor. I've been to water tastings. Like wine tastings, but with waters.

    My "You are all crazy" comment was meant to be facetious, not insulting. It has just been recently that I have ever even heard someone say they don't like water. I just assumed that water was something everyone's body tolerated because it is so essential for keeping us alive! Thousands of years ago there wasn't Mio, or coke, or whatever...water was the main liquid staple for survival. Sure there are things I don't like, such as liver and lima beans...but water???? It's just odd to me. :huh:

    And if all people naturally liked water they wouldn't have invented Mio and other flavorings for water, would they? I don't understand why it should surprise you somebody doesn't like water. There are a hundred different flavors for water, all invented to change how water tastes, so clearly a lot of people don't like water plain. It's not that their "bodies dont' tolerate it" it's that they don't like it. And since water is water no matter what it's mixed with, there's no reason they have to drink something they don't like. As it happens, I LOVE lima beans. Absolutely LOVE them. I like liver in braunschweiger. Should I be surprised that you don't? Does your body tolerate them well?

    It's just a a very insular world view, to have 100 ways to make water not taste like water on the supermarket shelves and not to notice that many people don't like water, because you DO like it. I'm autistic (I have Asperger's Syndrome) and I noticed!

    Also, everyone always points to "thousands of years ago" like people were so healthy then. Thousands of years ago people generally died before the age of 35. They were NOT healthier than people today--even morbidly obese people of today.

    I love your very first quote! Why would somebody not like something that is really there to keep us all alive. It doesn't have a flavour, so I don't know why people think it "tastes bad"...we're living on a planet with a bunch of crazy people!

    MY very first quote? I said water does have a flavor, because it does. It all tastes different depending on what impurities it has, and it ALL has impurities. It's all but impossible to make "pure" water. Not all water "tastes bad." Some is really good. Some is awful, like what we have here. Dasani doesn't taste like Evian, which doesn't taste like Aquafina. Some, like Evian and Fiji, are bottled at a source because that source has impurities that produce a taste that people seem to really like. Others, like Desani and Aquafina, are made by adding impurities that people seem to like. But all water has impurities and they all taste different. Not liking the taste of some, or even all, is perfectly understandable and not at all crazy.

    What do you mean "water is here to keep us alive?" It doesn't work that way. We evolved the way we did because our planet has a lot of water; it's not that there is a lot of water because it is somehow here to keep us alive. If water becomes scarce in the future, life forms wil evolve that are less dependent on water. Water is crucial, but how you get it isn't.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.

    Have you read this thread and the references given here? Lemonade is WATER. And the body's water? Isn't pure either. It's full of electrolytes. All liquids count as water. Anything else is pseudoscience.

    Uhm. Yeah, and I also studied biology for four years. Is that a pseudoscience, too?
    I don't think there's pure water anywhere in the body. Blood plasma, sweat, lymph, urine, cytoplasm, mucous, saliva and other digestive fluids - all bodily fluids comprised primarily of water with other things dissolved or suspended. And I studied biology for TWELVE years.

    "Lots of people go to college for twelve years!"

    "Yeah, they're called 'doctors'"
    "I am a doctor, just not the kind that helps people." :smile:

    I think you help people, don't undersell yourself. :wink: :happy:

    I get that you mean your doctorate isn't in medicine, though.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I use MIO. It is so good and no calories! Plus you can carry it around in your purse!
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    I drink sparkling flavoured water most of the time, it's a good stepping stone into drinking more flat water.
  • Lovelyhal
    Lovelyhal Posts: 15 Member
    Trying adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to your water. It livens up the taste. Drinking sparkling or cabonated drinks does not rehydrate your body as they act as a diutetic - you lose more fluid than you take in.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Sometimes I'll add a little lime cordial